Moonwalk hunting

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Osomatsu: *sitting in a chair*  so what we do we have today?

Choromatsu: Truths and dares

Ichimatsu: *laying on his side* yeah nya

Osomatsu: Oh yeah

Karamatsu: So who will be first for the questions?

Jyushimatsu: We going in order

Todomatsu: Yeah

Osomatsu: Me and what would happen if i win 1 million dollars in a lottery? Have you all seen what would Yato would do in the Noragami show?

Karamatsu: .....

Choromatsu: ....

Ichimatsu: ....

Jyushimatsu: ....

Todomatsu: ....

Osomatsu: *grins and chuckles*

Todomatsu: *takes out his phone* everyone this is what he thinking right now *plays a video*

Choromatsu: Ugh

Osomatsu: My lady will be right next to me or on my lap while i will keep winning and earning money! I will be the richest man alive!

Choromatsu: *punches him* one reason i hate about you is that you a money addict

Osomatsu: Hey don't hurt me

Ichimatsu: Four more nya

Choromatsu: You lazy, stupid, and a pervert

Osomatsu: That's it?

Choromatsu: You always steal our money or use up all your money at panchinko or horse races

Osomatsu: ....

Choromatsu: Stop acting like that and be more mature you stupid

Osomatsu: I have you know you know that you don't like me being mature

Choromatsu: ...

Karamatsu: Okay now for the fear truth

Osomatsu: I hate being alone!

Karamatsu: I'm that the people i love and care even my Karamatsu girl will hate me for the rest of my life also try to kill me that i won't have anyone with me that i will be all alone forever

Choromatsu: ....i won't be able to be successful and have a happy life....

Ichimatsu: .....shots and needles....are hell.... *hisses*

Jyushimatsu: I would lose nii-san and the person i love

Todomatsu: I will embarrassed by them and be laughing stock in town and city also don't want my friends to see them

Jyushimatsu: Dare! Now Osomatsu is funny and know how to get money

Osomatsu: Oh thanks!

Jyushimatsu: Karamatsu is cool and great to sing with

Karamatsu: *smiles and tears up* oh my little Jyushimatsu

Jyushimatsu: Choromatsu is so responsible and funny to his cherry side

Choromatsu: Um...thanks i think...

Jyushimatsu: *drop to his knees and pet Ichimatsu on his head* nii-san is the best brother ever and a cool cat also plays baseball with me! Also smart and great to be around!

Ichimatsu: *pat his head* meow thanks Jyushimatsu

Jyushimatsu: And Totty hm...

Todomatsu: ....i'm the cute youngest

Jyushimatsu: No you good and evil

Todomatsu: ....

Karamatsu: Oh for me can we sing for our lovely girls we love

Osomatsu: *hold up a bowl of cherries* you mean the hunting for these?

Karamatsu: Yes i do they were on the cherry hunt

Todomatsu: I already got my phone out

Ichimatsu: Do it nya

Choromatsu: Yeah

Todomatsu: Okay *plays it*

Todomatsu: *starts recording* and go!

Karamatsu: *spins and starts moonwalking* woo! Oh- *falls down screaming*

Choromatsu: Karamatsu! *runs down the stairs*

Jyushimatsu: Karamatsunii-san! *follows*

Todomatsu: *stops recording* ....

Osomatsu: ....

Ichimatsu: ....

Karumamatsu: Ow! What the fuck happen out there?!

Ichimatsu: Your prey fell down

Osomatsu: Hey Karamatsu are you okay?

Karamatsu: Yes..but my leg and ankle...are in a horrible pain...having problems standing up...

Osomatsu: Let's help Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu *walks down the stairs*

Ichimatsu: *follows* we coming Idiot

Todomatsu: Bye everyone *runs down the stairs*

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