Auto of mind

64 2 5

Kyoromatsu: Hello today they will be going in a mind of 2K

Karamatsu: *laying on the couch* hello...and i'm scare....

Kyoromatsu: Don't be now here are my other automatic people

Osomatsu: O2! O1! I'm dress in something more slutty!

Choromatsu: Kids look away from this one

Todomatsu: That's right C210

Choromatsu: T210....

Jyushimatsu: J0 here

Shishimatsu: Oh don't hurt 2K

Karamatsu: 9S

Osomatsu: Literally

 Kyoromatsu: Now 2K is hooked up to a screen so we can see and hear what's inside of his mind

Osomatsu: Okay

Choromatsu: I still think it's impossible

Todomatsu: Oh you will be surprised

Kyoromatsu: Well let's get started

Karamatsu: 2B or not 2B that is my question i going to be okay....

Kyoromatsu: Yes

Osomatsu: Oh yeah now you will be on a machine here

Todomatsu: Yeah

Karamatsu: Well i don't want to be hurt cause *hold his leg up* my legs bring my darling to the yard fast

Todomatsu: Ugh

Choromatsu: Oh my god

Jyushimatsu: *looks away*

Shishimatsu: Kill it....

Osomatsu: Oh god... *sits down* my god... *laughs really hard* dear god! His milkshake brings her to the yard!

Kyoromatsu: That's it *inject a needle in him*

Karamatsu: Gah! *falls asleep*

*the screen turn on*

Choromatsu: *stares at it* what is that chic place?

Osomatsu: Karamatsu's mind

Choromatsu: Huh?

Todomatsu: Kyoromatsu use the needle

Kyoromatsu: Okay

Shishimatsu: Nope i'm not going in there

Kyoromatsu: Okay *inject the orhers*

Osomatsu: Uh...  *falls asleep*

Choromatsu: Ugh... *falls asleep*

Jyushimatsu: Sleepmode *falls asleep*

Todomatsu: Oh here we go... *falls asleep*

Shishimatsu: Whoa

Kyoromatsu: Now we can see them on the screen

Shishimatsu: *points* right there

Osomatsu: *on the screen* here we are!

Choromatsu: How....what...

Jyushimatsu: I told you we can go in people's mind

Todomatsu: Yeah now let's get out of this painful chic place *opens the door*

Choromatsu: Whoa

Osomatsu: It's sunny and cloudy but it's not bad like the last time we were here

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