Jyushi got that Oso mouth

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Todomatsu: *sitting on the couch crying* ow my face

Angel: It was you fault Totty

Todomatsu: I regret saying that

Choromatsu: Now you know what you say was bad

Todomatsu: Yea i'm sorry

Choromatsu: Me to sorry for hurting you

Angel: We got another truth guys

Choromatsu: Oh no it better not be embarrassing or anything

Angel: It's not that person want to know if you guys can go back in time and change one thing what would it be and why?

Osomatsu: *whistle* a simple easy question

Karamatsu: I want to go back when everyone have their back turn to me when i got really injured and scream out "Hey guys why are you leaving me behind like this?! Do you guys really care about me or Ichimatsu!"so if they don't look at me i would have go to Totoko's home or just go home myself

Choromatsu: Whoa...

Osomatsu: That's deep man

Karamatsu: I know....

Todomatsu: Well for me i would tell everyone about some verman creatures coming to the cafe so that i can keep my freaking job

Osomatsu: Gomen ne Totty

Osomatsu Karamatsu and Choromatsu: Gomen ne Totty

Todomatsu: UGH....SHUT UP

Jyushimatsu: Totty

Ichimatsu: *snickers*

Osomatsu: I would go back and tell myself to write down all the winning horse i bet on

Choromatsu: That's cheating!

Osomatsu: Not if your future self tells you fappymatsu

Choromatsu: Grr i want to go back and stop myself so you won't call me that anymore!

Osomatsu: Yea that would never happen i will catch you doing that on any day if you try that

Choromatsu: Wait i will go back and stop you from ever talking to Nyaa-chan about sex

Osomatsu: That still won't work

Choromatsu: Damn it!

Ichimatsu: I would go back to change that stupid incident and have Osomatsunii-san out of the room fast without losing my best friend

Karamatsu: Than i won't become a kittymatsu meow

Ichimatsu: *punch his arm really hard*


Ichimatsu: I saw a bug on your arm

Osomatsu: *stares at them* hmm....

Angel: Jyushimatsu what about you

Jyushimatsu: Um sorry but talking in a wattpad mature language

Osomatsu: Pfft what?!

Karamatsu: Oh my god!

Ichimatsu: He probably think of something dirty

Choromatsu: Should we stop right here

Angel: No we keep going now, what is it Jyushimatsu?

Jyushimatsu: Well its not really bad but in a smut way cause i want to go back time to change one thing but instead of confessing to Homura i would just tongue kiss her than touch her breast and ass

*everyone except for Osomatsu falls down laughing*

Osomatsu: You think that she have that *move his arms up and down waving* woo boo

Jyushimatsu: Yea after that i would just confess to her

Todomatsu: Jyushimatsunii-san i thought you was a cinnamon roll!

Jyushimatsu: I still am Totty! Just have some stuff in my mind

Choromatsu: You thinking like Osomatsunii-san

Karamatsu: Also talking like him

Ichimatsu: Stop hanging around him Jyushimatsu

Jyushimatsu: Huh? Ok!

Osomatsu: .....sent in more truths or dares guys.....

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