Men and Women switch bodies

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Osomatsu: Hitsumi Tsuguru!

Karamatsu: Ishiko Panku!

Choromatsu: Gemuri Chudo!

Ichimatsu: Henshira Kushuro

Jyushimatsu: Shiroko Hibiki!

Todomatsu: Akira Yumo!

Matsus: We have switched bodies with our girls!

Jyushimatsu: I'm in my sister in law's body

Otsumatsu: *holding his tablet* this is them

Osomatsu: Hitsumi is the one with the flower

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Osomatsu: Hitsumi is the one with the flower

Karamatsu: My darling is the lovely blonde

Jyushimatsu: Shiroko is the white hair

Todomatsu: Aki is the lonf wavy hair

Ichimatsu: Henshi is in purple

Choromatsu: Gemuri is next to the purple one

Karumamatsu: Ichimatsu and Choromatsu had changed outfit

Shishimatsu: Yeah

Toramatsu: Show us

Kuchimatsu: Ichimatsu

Ichimatsu: *steps forward* i think that i messed up here with fashion

Ichimatsu: *steps forward* i think that i messed up here with fashion

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Osomatsu: Wow alot of purple

Karamatsu: Whoa

Kyoromatsu: Yeah wow

Ichimatsu: Hmph

Jyushimatsu: Choromatsu

Kuchimatsu: Show us

Choromatsu: Okay... *steps forward*

Ichimatsu: Bones

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Ichimatsu: Bones

Osomatsu: The bones

Choromatsu: I try here guys....

Jyushimatsu: *laughs* yeah!

Todomatsu: You in Shiro's body Jyushimatsu....but that smile is not her smile....

Jyushimatsu: *giggles*

Karamatsu: *put on sunglasses* i feel so cool and confident

Osomatsu: I am keeping my eyes up from my wife's chest

 Ichimatsu: I am looking up

Karamatsu: Me to

Choromatsu: *looking up*

Todomatsu: *does to*

Jyushimatsu: Huh?

Otsumatsu: Whoa

Kyoromatsu: They really don't want to look down

Karumamatsu: Yeah

Shishimatsu: Well the girls are looking

Kuchimatsu: Mhm

Toramatsu: Yep over there

Hitsumi: ....

Ishiko: .....

Gemuri: .....

Henshira: ....

Akira: ....

Shiroko: ....

Osomatsu: We are behaving our selves!

Karamatsu: Yeah!

Ichimatsu: Mhm

Choromatsu: We are no doing nothing

Todomatsu: Yeah

Jyushimatsu: They are being good

Otsumatsu: We are watching them

Karumamatsu: Yeah

Kyoromatsu: Yep

Shishimatsu: Well what about a song

Kuchimatsu: Do it

Osomatsu: Okay since our voices sounds like them

Karamatsu: Yeah

Ichimatsu: Mhm *plays a song*

Hitsumi: *claps*

Ishiko: *claps*

Gemuri: *claps*

Henshira: *claps*

Akira: *claps*

Shiroko: *claps*

Osomatsu: Oh thank you

Ichimatsu: Wait *points* womanmatsu confirmed

Jyushimatsu: *plays his drums*

Osomatsu: Hey! Stop with that nickname!

Karamatsu: *laughs*

Choromatsu: *laughs*

Jyushimatsu: *laughs*

Todomatsu: *laughs*

Osomatsu: *growls*

Otsumatsu: Oh relax you in the body that was my first

Osomatsu: ......

Ichimatsu: Badabing badaboom

Jyushimatsu: Blast! Boom!

Todomatsu: Stop! Bye! Bye!

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