Pixelated in Reality

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Osomatsu: Angel....

Angel: Yes

Osomatsu: Are we really going to read it?

Angel: Yep

Osomatsu: Fucking finally!

Ichimatsu: Yeah even though its two chapters i still want to read it

Choromatsu: Me...to...

Jyushimatsu: Don't be sad Choromatsu it probably won't be that sad

Choromatsu: It's a sad story called Virtual or Reality!

Todomatsu: Let's hurry or he will start crying again

Karamatsu: Yeah so Angel hand us the laptop please

Angel: Ok *hand it to them*

Osomatsu: Now let see if this is really sad like how you and Choromatsu said *clicks on the story*

23 minutes later

Osomatsu: *crying a little*

Karamatsu: *crying* oh god....

Choromatsu: *turn around crying in his hands*

Ichimatsu: *tears up*

Jyushimatsu:  *wiping his face crying*

Todomatsu: *crying*

Angel: Guys don't cry

Osomatsu: That's a real problem....and it's really sad that she dealing with it.....

Choromatsu: Poor Gemuri!

Todomatsu: Tsuiru was trying to help her

Jyushimatsu: But Gemuri never stop playing....

Karamatsu: Yeah it's really sad but my head is hurting *grabs a cup and a pill then takes it and drinks it*


Karamatsu: Huh? *passed out*

Todomatsu: Oh my god he killed Karamatsu!

Ichimatsu: You bastard

Osomatsu: Um...i'm sure he not dead....

*a tick cloud of smoke appears around Karamatsu*

Osomatsu: Huh?!

Choromatsu: Oh no...

Todomatsu: It can't be good....

*two Karamatsu  appears in different outfits one wearing a mafia outfit and the other one is Hira* (but if anyone new to hearing about him here you go)

*two Karamatsu  appears in different outfits one wearing a mafia outfit and the other one is Hira* (but if anyone new to hearing about him here you go)

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*everyone glaring at them in a blank stare*

Osomatsu: .....

Choromatsu: .....

Ichimatsu: ....

Jyushimatsu: ....

Todomatsu: .....

Angel: ....

Karamatsu: Hello everyone the coolest man Karamatsu just walk in here!~

Hora: *sighs* my name is Karamatsu to but just called me Hira ok i don't want any confusion or any trouble because of it alright guys

Choromatsu: Oh my god....

Angel: Osomatsu!

Osomatsu: I was making some kind of pills and drink because i find some weird paper but i didn't know he will take it and drink it

Todomatsu: This is going to really bad to deal with....

Ichimatsu: *runs out of the room*

Jyushimatsu: Nii-san?

Osomatsu: Guys i didn't know it will cause that to happen

Karamatsu: Oh what did Osomatsu?

Hira: What the hell did you do this time?

Osomatsu: .....

Ichimatsu: *runs back in wearing his Don mafia outfit* both of you quiet down he will get a bad beating later

Karamatsu: Ok Don!

Hira: *sighs and check his phone* ok then....

Choromatsu: Ichimatsu....

Ichimatsu: Now Karamatsu and Hira going to be some changes here since you guys are here and in my damn house

Karamatsu: Alright i will follow the rules here

Hira: Now why would i act like a child here? There are other stuff to do then to act like a kid all the time

Jyushimatsu: Ow i think something just hit me

Osomatsu: Me to...i felt something hit me to....

Ichimatsu: First Karamatsu and Hira you guys are going to join in a dance with a song i wanted to do

Karamatsu: Sure!

Hira: *sighs* fine

Ichimatsu: Good now let the liar dance *starts playing the song*

Osomatsu: Wow

Choromatsu: That was good

Jyushimatsu: Amazing

Todomatsu: It was great

Karamatsu: Hehe that was wonderful and i still had some sweet moves

Hira: Are we done here?

Ichimatsu: Yep we are

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