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"Parting is all we know of heaven and all we need to know of hell." Emily Dickinson

His chest rattled as he awoke, sitting up fast as he choked on the thin stale air. His green eyes widening with shock as confusing crumbled across his face as he stared at the green eye brunette that stood next to him. Her fingers grabbing ahold of his left arm. As if she was trying to steady him. Her breathes became sharper as they stared one another right in the eyes. Multiple questions hanging between the two siblings.

"Elias?" It wasn't really a question, he's not sure what it was. But her voice was low and full of concern.

He blinked a few times. Steadying his heart and his rapid breathes. This couldn't be possible? This isn't real? Elise isn't alive. She was dead?

Is dead. Very dead. It's been two centuries. Surely if she be alive they would have found one another during those centuries. This has to be a sick nightmare. He needs to wake up.

Hayley needs him. Hope needs him. Rebekah and the rest of the Mikaelson's . He can't even recall how he got put in this coffin to begin with. But that would all have to wait, he needed to shake Elise from his mind and get going towards Hayley and Hope.

"Elias?" It was louder this time. Her small hand was laid flat against his cheek, her forest green eyes searched his. This has to be a bad dream. But is sure doesn't feel like it. And for a slight moment he feels almost human again, like they were an actual family again. That the rest of their family wasn't dead.

But only for a sliver of a second and all the memories come rushing back to the surface. He exhale a deep breath as he leaned more into her warm soft hands. If this was a nightmare somehow he felt it wasn't going to get any worse. Tears threaten to escape but they both held them back. They were both always so good at keeping their feelings in check.

It was a weakness both their father despised, it let people see through them and that was a great threat. But what their father forgot was that they were both human, and even though they were assassins they still felt emotions like any other human. But he was dead and somehow that didn't matter any more.

They were both alive. Sorta. Elias was a vampire after all and if Elise is really alive then she must be some sort of supernatural creature. A vampire would be his first guess. Other then that he wasn't quite sure.

"Elise?" It felt weird to say her name. Feeling the letters roll of his tongue as he glanced up at her. The confusion never really leaving his expression. "You're dead."

She raised her eyebrows at his answer. Well technically so was he. "Technically so are you."

And he smiled. A real one. And it felt good. "How?" He gulped, glancing down at his hands. "How are you alive?"

"That's a story for another time my dearest brother. Right now we need to head to Texas. That is your destination still right?" They locked eyes again, and it was her turn to smile. "To help Hayley Marshall get the Original siblings back into the real world?"


She was walking away from him now. Her boots echoed across the floor as she turned her head back in his direction. "You know you still ask a lot of questions right?"


They were only a few minutes away from the address Hayley had given Elias a few months ago. The Perro siblings had given up talking a few miles ago as they continue to keep their thoughts to themselves. Both wondering of what would become of them now that they had found one another again. But another question hung in the back of Elias mind as they pulled up to the large white farm house that was only a few feet away from the sport car Elise was sporting as her ride. What would happen when they brought the Mikaelson's back to life?

There was know way that Elise had to know that it wasn't Klaus that had killed their family. That is was the group of assassins that they considered as family. A brotherhood. The car came to a stop as Elise eyed the front of the house. The silence in the car was still thick, a lot of question still on the siblings minds.

The door to the front of the house slammed open. A tall brunette women stepped onto the porch as she crossed her hands over her chest watching the strange car. A young girl with ginger hair and bright blue eyes following after her. Elias and Elise glanced at one another before turning their attention back to the young hybrid and her daughter.


She was quick to cut him off. "You don't need to say anything. I get it. Go rescue your new family."

She smiled but it was a sad one. She didn't have to say anything for him to sense it. He reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before stepping out of the car and making his way towards the farm house.

"Uncle Elias." Hope yelled as she ran towards him with her arms stretched out. Without any hesitation he scooped the youngest Mikaelson's into his arm and pulled her closer to his chest. Placing a gentle kiss upon her head as they both made their way towards the house.

"Sorry I'm late." Elias replied when he made it up the last step. Setting Hope down as he glanced at Hayley. "I got caught in a trap. I'll explain everything later but right now we need to get the Mikaelsons back."

Hayley wrapped her arms around Elias neck as she pulled him closer to him. The sound of a car door closing off in the distance was enough for them to both pull out of the hug. Both their green eyes landed on the other brunette a few steps away from them. Hayley and Elias exchange a quick look before turning their attention back to the other vampire.

"Hi," the other girl states, sticking out her hand. "I'm Elise. Elias younger sister. It's so good to finally meet you."


A/N- Again sorry for the lack of Originals I promise their coming into the story soon. Chapter 1 is finally done and ready to be read. Please let me know what you guys think and constructive criticism is appreciatedThank you for all the support guys it truly means the world to me!!! I'll try to get chapter 2 up today or tomorrow just depends on how everything goes. Again thanks for waiting, I know it's taking me a million years to update on any of my books and I'm truly sorry about that.

Also sorry if there's any grammar mistakes. I wrote this chapter really late.

Gif is of my smol bean Alycia she's such a little angel and must be protected at all cost. Which she plays Elise by the way if you didn't already know that lol. Dedicated to ArlanHanson

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