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"It's painful to say goodbye to someone you don't want to let go. But it's more painful to ask someone to stay if you know they want to leave."

Elias was still dealing with the emotions of Rebekah wanting to leave New Orleans behind with Kol. He was being an selfish ass with wanting her to stay here with him and start a life of their own but he knew deep down she would never truly be happy. And that's all he wanted for her. Was for her to be happy. And if letting her go was the only way she would be happy then he would do just that.

No matter how much his heart ached at the thought of loosing the love of his life. It had taken them so long to get here, centuries of torment and dealing with different demons but they eventually found their way back to one another. But he would let her go, because he loved her that fucking much. And the first couple of months would be hard on him but he knows that when it's all said and done he would find away to move on. They both would. They always did.

"Elias?!" He heard the voice of Hayley down stairs, getting up from his bed as he made his way downstairs. "We have company."

Elias took his time down the stairs, his fingers grazing the smooth wooden railing as his eyes cast down on a raven haired women with dark blue eyes. Confusion ran across his face as Hayley faced him. Elijah and Kol right behind her, he couldn't help but watch a smirk spread across Kol's lip as they studied the stranger. Elias took a few steps towards the door, his hand brushing against Hayley thin black T-shirt as he steps in front of her.

"Do I know you?" Elias challenged, raising his eyebrows as he crossed his arms against his chest. Buffing out his chest, she smirk at his attempt to make himself seem so big and bad.

"No," she whispered simply, her blue eyes landing else where. "But she does."

All pair of eyes land on the younger Perro sibling as she takes a steps past Kol and Elijah. "O?" The younger girl asked, a small smile curled at the edge of her lips as she inched closer. Her slender arms wrapped around the other girls neck, pulling each other in for a hug.

"Why didn't you answer my calls? I thought you were dead." Elise questioned, pulling out of the hug as the friendliness got more serious.

"Nothing can kill me." The girl quipped, stepping inside the house and eyeing it. A low whistle escaped past her lips as she continued in amusement. Her eyes landing on Kol and Elijah giving them a wink "Hey, boys."

Oh how Kol just loved that. They could see that he was practically drooling over the mystery girl that had found her way to the farm house. Something Elias quite didn't understand since Freya had put a very powerful cloaking spell on the house and the area it surrounded. But she was here, gawking over the house that she was now standing in. Elias shot Elise a stern look, a quiet warning hung between the two siblings. And Elise shrugged mouthing a "don't worry."

Oh like hell he wasn't not going to worry over the fact that there was a stranger in the very house that Hope was sleeping in. He was so thankful that's Klaus was with her upstairs, because he wasn't sure what Klaus would do if he knew his little sister was inviting strangers into the home that housed his little girl.

Elias turned his cold gaze onto the younger raven haired girl. Not really caring if the words that slip out of his mouth were rude. "Who the hell are you? And what the hell are you doing at our house?"

She turned her attention back towards him, a sly smile curled at her thin lips. Her bright blue eyes scanned him up and down before she replied. "I'm Olivia. And you must be Elias, Elise eldest brother. The pleasures all yours I assume. She's told me so much about you and the Mikaelson's. It's like we're practically family."

The room was silent. It was almost uncomfortable painful as Elias listen to Olivia explain what she was doing here in Texas. How she and his sister went way back, during the time Elias had been absent. How they were more then just friends at one point. But she was part of the reason Elise had found him in the storage unit. He still didn't know how he ended up in the coffin, it was a complete blackout.

One that he wished he could break but no memories has resurfaced yet and he knew he may never find out. But Olivia gains his full attention when she mention a familiar name "Amelia". An old demon he had long forgotten about up until now. Her pale skin, blonde hair and striking blue eyes popped into his image as he thought back to his darkest time. He thought she had rescued him but it wasn't anything like that. He had become an obsession to her.

After the Mikaelson's fled France he had met a beautiful young women named Amelia. She was the one that had turned him into a vampire. She had taught him how to kill, how to make people suffer. She had ruined him. And he couldn't take any of the bad things he had done back.

"I'm here as a friend." Olivia replied as she glanced at Hayley and Elijah. "I mean no harm towards your daughter. Your family needs to know the dangers that are coming for you. Especially for you Elias. She's not going to stop."

He feels all eyes on him. And he can't help but feel naked. Her words pierce his soul as every bad thing he has ever done flashes through his skull and he can't help but to close his eyes. His heart thumps against his chest harshly as another familia face flashes across his eyes.

A young beautiful girl, who was so innocent and pure. She had a good life ahead of her but that was all taken away when Elias and Amelia had gotten ahold of her. Elias had hated Klaus for what he had thought he had done to his family. Hated what he was because of what he had done but Elias had become Klaus. Klaus may have a lot of sins but so does Elias.

And now everybody was going to find out about it. They had thought of him as the good guy but he wasn't. He was equally worst then all of them. Maybe even worst. He had found someone who's demon had played well with his. And history has now come to bite him back on the ass.

This was the darkness Elise had mentioned the other day. And he was glad that Rebekah and Kol were leaving town so they didn't have to see what's to come.

"Who's not going to stop?" Elijah questioned.

"Eliza Harlow." Elias muttered.


A/N- A little insight on Elias past after Rebekah and the Mikaelson's fled France. He wasn't such a saint during those times and now it's coming back to bite his ass. Sorry if the chapter is boring and is hard to follow. But thank you guys so much for all the support I truly appreciate it. I promise the next chapter will be a lot more interesting then this one. An Elias past will be more revealed about the two other girls that were in his life after Rebekah.

Gif is of Olivia.

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