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"By running from what we fear, we feed the inner darkness."- Tara Brach

"Eliza!" The voice broke through the cold air, sending shivers down the young girls back. "Come out come out where ever you are. We promise to behave ourselves."

Her heart was beating wildly against her chest as she did her best to press her back up against a tall black poplar tree. Doing the best she could to hide from the monsters that were after her. Tears threatening to escape as the horrible memories of her family being torn apart right in from of her began to flood her thoughts. She let out a quiet sob, sinking to the dirt below as a single tear slid down her cheek.

The bright white moon hung high in the dark sky, leaving enough light for her to look around the somewhat darkened graveyard. A place Eliza had seen many times as she past by with Sam. But she had never stepped foot into the large burial sight up until tonight. Her  breathing began to come out faster, she sucked at the air, her chest tight. She squeezed her eyes shut. Their voices echoed off in the distance.

"Come out, come out little girl. I promise I'll try to keep my hands to myself." It was Amelia's voice now, she sobbed softly. Trying to keep all her emotions in one piece but the memories of Sam and her family was making it all to much.

"I mean your boy toy was tasty but I bet you'd be much sweeter." Those words had made her veins run cold. The truth was settling in, Sam was dead and so was her family. And she might as well be dead too. She wished she was.

"Amelia," it was firm, distance, bored. "I'm bored. This isn't fun anymore."

"Elias," the older vampire whined, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and placing a small kiss on his tan skin. "The fun will start soon. I promise. I just want a taste."

He couldn't help but snicker at her words. Amelia didn't just want a bite. He knew her all too well. Eliza was a sweet girl, who had gotten everything Amelia had ever wanted. She wanted Eliza to suffer all the horrible and painful things the young vampire had suffered herself. And tonight was just the beginning of the torment. Little did Elias know that this night would come back to haunt him later.


The street was filled with people who lived in New Orleans all their lives, people who had only been here for a few years and tourist who wanted to see what New Orleans really held. Legends of witches, werewolves, and vampires ran all throughout the french quarter but this young lady was here for someone entirely different. She smiled to herself as she took a gently step onto the sidewalk, the warmth of the sun hit against her body as she took in the sight of the bustling life of the quarter. There was a light breeze that nipped against her skin as she studied the streets before her.

A group of tourist made their way past the brunette haired women, the sound of their voices filling the air around them. She glanced at them as they walked by. A family she assumed from the looks of it. A cold chill ran down her spine as she continued to watch them, a rush of sadness ran through her veins as she watched the happy family. Something she had craved so long ago. Something that was taken from her.

Centuries of being alone. Living without her parents, Sam. A happiness that had once consumed her was ripped away at the hands of a cold hearted monster. She had taken everything she had loved away from her and now she was finally going to get her revenge. Starting with Elias Perro.

Eliza knew how much Amelia had loved Elias for the short while they were with one another. And yet somehow Amelia was able to ruin that as well. Just like she ruined everything else in her path Eliza was now going to return the favor. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.

As the thoughts of her past faded so did her smile. Her pink lips turned into a thin line as she turned her cold gaze back onto her surroundings. She should have ended this centuries ago but she hadn't. Instead she ran away from her fear, only for them to find her again. She was done running. Done hiding.

A monster that had been afraid of her own shadow. It was time to step out of the darkness that Amelia and Elias had brought into her life so long ago. Instead of running from her demons she would have to become the demon. Become the darkness that the two older vampires had bestowed upon her.

Revenge was a powerful thing. Elias and Amelia would soon find this out.


A/N- And here enters Eliza who happens to be played by the amazing Eliza Dushku who played my favorite character in BTVS besides Angel of course!!! Sorry for the long wait on each chapter life has been pretty busy at the moment. So updates will be slower for now. I hope you all enjoy this short chapter and I'm sorry for the lack of Originals and Elias.

Renegade- Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now