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"I don't hate you. I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be."

Rebekah was furious. Angry at the fact that Elias had left without saying a bloody word about where he may have been heading. All though Rebekah and Elise had already had an idea that it had something to do with New Orleans. Of course it was comfirmed when they had asked Freya to do a locator spell on the eldest Perro siblings whereabouts. Bringing the two women into the town both of them wish they could erase from their mind and their past.

Now it was only a matter of time before Marcel would catch word of them being back in the town they had sworn they would never step foot in again. There was a strange silence between the two vampires, both of them staying silent as they walk through the French Quarter. Besides their small adventure Rebekah and Elise had never held an actual conversation before now. It had felt weird. Foreign almost. It's not like one or the other could hold blame to one another for the awkward silence that was thick despite being out in the open.

Their families hadn't held the best track record with one another back in the late 1700's. A bitter reminder of why they were back in New Orleans in the first place. Rebekah could see the concrete wall the younger brunette had built up from a painful past that her family had helped build. Hiding behind her stone cold forest green eyes. The same stoic look Elias had held years ago.

She could see the shocking resemblance between the two Perro siblings. The piercing green eyes and sharp jaw line. The way they carried themselves was even the same. Elise pace had quickened, taking a few steps forward before turning around. Her green eyes meeting Rebekah's blue. Though it was only a Monday, the street of the French Quarter was buzzing with activity. The bars and restaurants booming with life as people fill the outside tables and chairs, enjoying their lunches as they talk about their ordinary lives.

Besides it was a gorgeous day outside. Not a single cloud in sight as the sun hung high in the sky. The beams of light brushing softly against their skin as they looked at one another. Elise could see the genuine concern written across Rebekah's soft features. And for the first time in centuries Elise could actually believe that The Mikaelson's weren't as bad as their father had made them out to be. She could easily see how her eldest brother could have fallen for the blonde Original sibling.

She was beautiful and under that hard demeanor that she had given off was somebody who was aching for a normal life and a chance at love. She was also strong and caring when she wanted to be. Needed to be.

"I don't see him?" Rebekah replied, arms crossed against her chest as she glanced around at the busy street. Her blue eyes soaking in normality of the humans that were among the two vampires.

"He's here somewhere." Was all Elise had muttered.

"I had offered him to run away with me after all of this was over." Rebekah had spoken, Elise back was turned against her. "Last night he had declined my offer. Five years ago he would have said yes. He did say yes. Now it's different."

Elise swallowed hard. Keeping her back turned from the older blonde vampire. Wondering if Elias had taken her words to heart. Of course he had. He had rejected Rebekah's offer to leave town. "Your point, Rebekah?"

Even with her back turned to the Original vampire she could hear the smirk that Rebekah was wearing. "I'm just wondering if it has something to do with you?"

"He may be my brother, Rebekah. But I don't own him. Nobody does. So it's his decision. His choice." Her words had come out stronger then she had meant for, a flash of pain crossed the older vampires face.

Elise may have come off slightly bitchy to the older women but her words were true. Her dearest brother was his own voice now. Something he had lacked during his years as being human, all thanks to daddy dearest. Who had suffered a gruesome death at the hands of the very deadly brotherhood he had created to hunt vampires. Elias has grown as a person over the centuries of hiding in the shadows, he's much more of a man then there father could or would have ever been. She had never seen the wrath of their father like Elias did though.

He was different when it came to her and their mom. Almost like he was a different person. He was softer, more gentle to them then Elias. The thought of the past has made Elise grow sick to her stomach. The past was the past. Their father a fading memory. So why couldn't they bury it?

"You're brother never mentioned Amelia or Eliza once." Rebekah spoke up, changing the subject. Her blue eyes casting down on the brunette. Her eyes saying all that Elise needed to know. Wondering if Elise knew about the two girls from her brothers past.

The younger vampire sighed, she had spent centuries looking for her brother after Tiberius had saved her from being apart of the slaughter of her mother and father. She had spent every waking moment trying to find any clue that could have led her to her brother but he had become a ghost. She had only gotten word of being alive by Olivia who she had met 7 years ago. When Elias had found the Mikaelson's in New Orleans casting revenge for the not so death of their once called family. Olivia had only mentioned Amelia and Eliza a few times, never realized how important the two immortals were until now.

Her thoughts were broken by the sound of a cellphone. Rebekah's cellphone. It must have been Freya calling with either information on Elias whereabouts or any other information in general. The Mikaelson's were the most powerful supernatural creatures in existence surely they could catch and destroy two merely immortals. She watched silently as Rebekah answered her phone, frowning slightly. Squeezing her eyes for a second before opening them.

"No, he has not."

"Why now?" His voice broke through the silence. His eyes were closed. The older vampire back was turned against her. "After all this time?"

He had known that eventually it was only a matter of time before one of them would have to show their face. Elias had never though it would have been her first.

"You took my life from me long ago. I'm here to return the favor that you had bestowed upon me. A monster that I had hid in the shadows years ago. Are you scared?" The last three words that the younger vampire had spoken is what decided to make Elias turned. Freezing at the sight of the brunette who was only standing a few feet away from him.

She was dressed in a black leather jacket and a pair of dark skinny jeans. Her brown eyes were full of anger and destruction. Elias couldn't have expected anything else. They had destroyed her life, took away the family that had loved her. The man that would have done anything for her. And warped a mind that had betrayed her.

Some may have said that Eliza Harlow may have had the perfect life living in the heart of London during the start of the 1800th century. Marrying a man that every young girl had dreamed about marrying. A banker that had been full of charm and compassion. A young man that had his eyes only set on the young brunette that he had gotten the chance to marry. It had only lasted a few months, thanks to Amelia's despite for the fairytale ending that had been Eliza's life. But there had been a curious side to the innocent beauty.

One that had led to the death of her husband and family members. Elias could remember the past perfectly. Watching as Sam and Eliza had made their way out of the church service they had just went to. Taking a stroll through the graveyard that had only been a few blocks away from their house. The way her innocence had been ripped from her hands on the night they had decided to kill Sam Walker in front of her.

"We're all monsters Eliza. Some of us just hide it better then others." For a brief moment, Elias mind had flashed back to his father. The man he had once held on a pedestal. He had given his father everything to make him proud. Even his love that he had held for Rebekah. The love he still has for the blonde Original sister. "But I've changed over the centuries. I'm not the same monster that you remember."

She laughed, it was cold and chilling. Causing a slight shiver to travel down his back. "Only time will till. Watch your back Elias, I've heard your family is good at stabbing at it."

Without another word the younger vampire had vanished like a ghost. Leaving Elias alone to think about her chilling words.


A/N- Aay! Another chapter done and along one at that. I hope you all enjoy. Thanks again for the reads, comments, and votes it means the world to me! Lots of love- Tori

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