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"Are monsters born or created?-"

He couldn't help but watch all of the siblings interact with one another. Making a plan to not only protect Hope but to also create a master plan to take down a monster Elias had help created long ago. Maybe it was finally time for his demons to catch up with him, to lay him to rest once and for all. No more pain no more suffering. Maybe Eliza finding him here in New Orleans was his fate. As long as nobody else suffers at his hands for his past sins maybe it was truly his time to go.

And if so be it at least he could say he's had a hell of a run. Of course most of it was spent in the shadows hiding. Adapting to his new bound life as a soulless creature created for destruction and chaos. Elias had hated was he was. He always had. And he had wanted to take all the pain, all the guilt, all the violence his father had bestowed upon his family and himself and decided to inflict it towards the Mikaelson family. Using them as an anchor for all of his family's sin.

Along time ago he had wondered to himself how he could have fallen so hard and so fast for a girl he had barely known. But as he watches the tall blonde with dark blue eyes chatting away with her family he can see it all now. Once upon a time they had both been aching for something to make them feel normal. Rebekah a vampire. Elias human. Both of their families torn to a vow of always protecting one another from harms way.

This always and forever. And for centuries Elias had finally come to terms with who the real villain was. His father. And he had hated himself for only just figuring out who the real monsters were. It had always been them.

"Weird isn't it?" Elias was torn from his thoughts from the familiar voice coming from behind him. He turned to glance down at the youngest Perro. Her green eyes shining with hope that maybe one day that could be the two of them. He turns his attention back towards the Mikaelson family, smiling to himself before tearing his green eyes away and back towards his own sister.

"You'll get use to it. I promise." He whispered in the darkened hallway.

He watched her gaze turn into a deep concentration. Shaking her head as she was looking for the right words to speak. "What? The feeling of having a family? I don't think it's as easy as you make it sound."

It was his turn to look at her with curious but cautious eyes. He had seen that look centuries ago. He understood the words she was trying to speak. This was new to her. They had only just gotten each other back. She was worried. "Elise?"

"I know what Rebekah means to you. I know what that little girl means too you." Her voice drops low. And he realizes she doesn't want them to hear their conversation. "But when it's all said an done she'll always choose her family and herself over her love for you. And I need to know what will you choose Elias?"

And with that he watches as his sister takes a step past him. Her words echoing in his mind as he looks back towards the blonde. He catches Rebekah's eyes, a small smile shared between the two of them. Their conversation from earlier becoming a factor that began to invade his very thoughts. Elise had been wrong. As much as he knew the loyalty that Rebekah held for her family he had also known that she wanted to leave it all behind for the start of a fresh new life with him.

Elise wasn't testing Rebekah's alliance. She was testing his own. His voice caught in his throat as Rebekah began to approach him from the living room. Leaving the rest of the family behind. The sound of the wooden floors squeaking beneath her boots. Elias took the opportunity to sneak out the front door, holding it open for Rebekah as they went to the front porch to talk.

"Do you have your answer for me? Once this is all said and done?" Rebekah was the first to break the growing silence between the two of them. The moon glowing in the distance. Casting small shadows across the front porch, illuminating across both of their faces as she searched his face for his answer.

"Rebekah," Elias muttered seriously, deciding on his answer. "I love you so much. But I don't have the answer you need me to say." He needed to stay and fight. Clean up the mess he made so long ago. And he needed Rebekah to go as well. Eliza may be younger then the Originals but Elias knew the vengeance that warped her very mind.

Because it was the same vengeance that had warped his so long ago. Eliza was here for blood. His blood. And he wasn't going to let anything happen to the people he cared so much about. He could see the tears that were threatening to spill from her blue eyes. He took a small step towards her, brushing his thumb across her pale cheek. Wiping at the tear that slid down her face.

"Please Rebekah," his voice cracked slightly. "I need you to understand."

"I understand perfectly Elias." Rebekah replied harshly, taking a step back. "Vengeance has always been a trait of the Perro family. Like father like son."

And with that Rebekah went back into the house, slamming the screen door behind her. Leaving Elias alone in his thoughts.


Her steps were quiet like a cat haunting down it's prey. The moon lighting up the darkened path as a large white farm house came into view. Her brown eyes were cautious as she searched around the woods, making sure there was no vampire or wolf in sight. There was a slight bite to the air, a coldness. It crept up her skin, causing her red lips to turn into a smile as she caught sight of a familiar face she hasn't seen in ages.

Since the night that he had set fire to the very house he had stored her in. But Elias should have known that she was always going to be one step ahead of him. Time for the pain and suffering to began.


A/N- I'm alive and back from the writing grave. Hopefully this chapter isn't to bad of a mess. I wanted to throw one out for you guys since it's almost been a year since I've last updated this book. Hopefully you guys are still with me. I appreciate all the comments and reads it means the world to me that you guys still care about my books and my writing. The next chapter should be out shortly I just need to figure out where I'll be taking this storyline and where I'll be ending it.

Thanks again for all the support. It truly means the world to me! Lots of love guys.

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