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"Don't you remember me? How we use to be? Don't you think we should be closer?" Pink Floyd - Possible Past

She knew what needed to be done. And so help anybody that would stand in getting in the way of her plan. There was no more waiting. She had waited to damn long for her revenge. And tonight that's exactly what Elias was going to get.

She has watched them for quite some time now, waiting for the perfect timing to bring pain and suffering into Elias life. And tonight was the night that the suffering would begin. She had once loved the dark haired man, would have given him the world if he had asked for it. She had showed him how to live in the darkness that Rebekah and the Mikealson had helped to confer upon him. Teaching him everything he needed about being a vampire.

Showed him the true meaning of what revenge could be. But Elias had turned on her one night. A night that was still burned into her very memory. A memory she would never let go of.

Had loved him like Rebekah could not, she had betrayed him and yet he still gave his heart to her. It makes Amelia's skin crawl at the thought of thinking about the two of them being together.


He had watched the house light up into a fury of hot flames. Knowing that there would be no way that Amelia would be able to escape the house given that a couple of hours prior to his plan he had paid a powerful witch to trap her into the very house he now watched as it burned to the ground. The moon hung high in the night sky, the chill of the wind whipped across his features as he took a few steps away from the burning house. Her loud cries were being carried out towards the street. But he knew the only he would be the only one able to hear them.

Hearing the screams of the women he had thought he had loved pierce the chilly night air. The hot flames danced across his hard features, his green eyes darkening at the relief that chilled him to the bone. It felt like a weight was being lifted off of his chest. Tonight was the night that Elias Perro was setting his own path. Amelia's screams disappearing from his thoughts as he turns his back from the roaring flames. His boots slapped across the pavement, stopping in his tracks as he turned his attention across the street.

Watching as the flames swallowed up the house. Riding him of one of the many demons that have helped shaped him in the man he was going to become. There was no more hiding in the shadows. She wanted him to become a monster, become one within the shadows of the darkness that Rebekah and the Mikealson's had helped started and tonight that was exactly what they were going to see.

His path was only beginning. A path of chaos and revenge was coming for the Mikealson family. And they were going to know exactly what it feels like to suffer at the hands of a monster.

End of Flashback

She couldn't help but chuckle at the foolishness of Elias pathetic plan. She could still feel the heat of the flames dancing across her pale skin. As if she was still trapped inside of the very house he had set the fire to. But of course she had escaped. Elias should have known better then to think he could outsmart her.

She always had a few tricks up her sleeve, including every possible moment Elias would make without her. Including the very witch he had paid to set the spell he had wanted. She would always be one step ahead of him. Including now. And she knew the exact person she would use to weaken him. If you really want somebody to suffer you don't go directly through them. You destroy them by hurting and tearing down the people closes to them.

But the first person Amelia didn't have to even lay a finger on. Elias was already screwing it up by trying to push Rebekah away. Given that the blonde Original wanted to leave behind her family to start a new life with the man she had ruined so long ago. Their relationship was doomed the moment the two of them had met. They should know by now that Romeo and Juliet would and always will die in the end.

Let the games begin.


A/N- Sorry it's taken so long to update this super short chapter but life has been a little bit hectic for me the past couple of months but I was able to jot this chapter down. And I know it's not the best chapter in the world but I'll try to do my best on the rest of the storyline.

Thank you so very much for all the amazing people who continue to read, vote, comment and add this story to your guys reading list or library it means the world to me that people still like my stories. Lots of love- Tori

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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