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"At the end of the day, you can either focus on what's tearing you apart or what's holding you together."

Elise hadn't muttered a single word to Elias on the drive back to the farm house. Doing everything in her power to ignore her eldest brother. It had hurt. The fact that he would even for a second think that she would stab him in the back had only made the anger rise. She had spent a century in a half searching for him, doing everything in her power to make sure that they would find each other again. And she had found him.

The moment Olivia had given her the coordinates of her brothers whereabouts thanks to a witch in Mystic Falls. She had felt a certain peace. A peace that had been ripped from them the night they had found their parents torn apart by the brotherhood who at the time they had believed were the Mikaelsons. But Elias had never learned the truth, not until he had made it to New Orleans in the late twenty first century.

She had learned the truth about her parents death, the night that Tiberius had helped her escaped. The brotherhood their father had helped created had found out the truth of his allegiance with the Mikaelsons and Elias's romance with the blonde Original vampire and they had came for revenge. A revenge that had succeeded. That had torn their family apart. Yet all these years later Elias was still blindly in love with the blonde vampire.

And Elise wasn't so sure that when the time came what side would her eldest brother choose. She wanted to believe that he would choose her. That the blood between them still ran strong but she couldn't. There was too much broken between them. They had spent centuries apart. Only finding each other now.

They were almost strangers. It might be better if they were better off not knowing one another at all. Apart of her wondered if she should have never shown her face at all. Maybe she should have let Elias go. Like Elias had her.

The car pulled up to the large white farm house, the engine coming to a halt as Elias turned the car off. His green eyes looking up in the mirror, his eyes catching his sisters. He wanted to apologize for his words earlier, but he couldn't. And the both of them could see that.

He didn't have to say anything. His eyes gave it all away. And he had answered her question from earlier in the day. He would always choose Rebekah. She was his life now.

She's the first to tear her eyes away from her brother. Opening the car door before slamming it closed shut. Like a teenager throwing a temper tantrum. Stalking off towards the house leaving Elias and Rebekah alone.

Elias and Rebekah make their way into the house, Elijah and Freya making their way towards the two vampires as the look on their face explains all that they were thinking in that very moment. What had happened with Elise?

Elias sighed, sucking in a deep breath before replying. Teenagers is what he wanted to say but it wouldn't be fair for him to pin it all on his youngest sibling. It was his fault as well. Telling her why she had come back here was a mistake. He was happy she had found him. She was the start of his life so long ago and apart of him had wanted her to be with him till the very end.

But the Mikaelsons were apart of it now too. And the love he held for Rebekah was something he could never turn off like a switch. Even in the darkest part of his life as a vampire, he had never completely gotten over the blonde haired Original. And when the time had come for his revenge on the Mikaelsons she had helped stopped him. Along with Aden who had finally revealed the truth about the death of his parents.

It had been the brotherhood not the Mikaelsons. "Elise and I got in a little spat about backstabbing."

Freya looked almost surprised at Elias reply. Usually she was cold and stoic but there was something playful hiding behind her green eyes. "I had once thought the same of my family. People change Elias and so do our intentions. Give her a chance. Like the one my family had given me. Listen to what she has to say. It might just surprise you."

Without another moment to spare the eldest Mikealson disappeared leaving Elias alone to think about her very words. He didn't need to think a lot about those words she had just spoken he had already decide that she was right. He needed to let Elise explain her story just like she had listen to him explain his.


The sun was warm against her tan skin, her green eyes shining brightly as she watched Klaus Mikealson interact with his daughter a few yards away from where she was standing. A small smile tugged at the corner of her pink lips. Never imagining the image that stood before her. Klaus Mikealson actually showing  some kind of human emotions. She never imagined she would see this day. Klaus eyes darted in the youngest Perro's direction for a split second, giving her a slight nod before his attention turned back to Hope's. The nod was a small understanding, a agreement almost.

"Weird isn't it." Elias finally replied, his voice soft. "To think, after all this time, this is where we ended up. Together. Centuries of us being apart. That we have finally found one another."

"I had imagined it once. So long ago after mother and father were dead." He could hear the distance in her voice. Still hurt from the argument they had shared a few hours ago. "I had almost given up on finding you. But Olivia had helped me push past that. Giving me a sliver of hope that one day we would be reunited as brother and sister."

 He watched his sister pause, taking a moment to gather her thoughts and the correct words before she could finish. He had never meant for this to become their future. For them to become what they are now.

"But this is your family now. And I, a distant stranger to you. I had hoped for a long time that we could still be the family we once had been..." This time she looks at him. Her green eyes glazed over with tears threatening to spill. Emotions she had been holding onto that were long over due.

"Elise, I-" He was lost for words.

"My dear brother, I will help you take down Eliza and Amelia if that is what you need..."

"And after we defeat them?" Elias questioned, his tone strained at the thought of this being the last moments they would ever see of one another. If he thought he knows his sister well enough then he knows what she plans on doing after the downfall of Amelia and Eliza.

"Then after that. I will leave you to your new family. And your past will just be your past. A distant memory that shall too fade once I'm gone."

"Elise," Elias sighed, hands on his hips as he turns to face his sister. And for a split second when his own green eyes lay upon her face he remembers when they were younger. He may have been a few years older the her at the time she had been born but they had always been close. Where did it all go wrong?

"I know that this is what you want Elias. I have no place in your future and you in mine. So lets get this over with and make it less painful then it has to be." Her words were heated with a spark of fire within her soul. Her emotions running all over the place.

If Elias was still the brother she knew from so long ago then she needed to make a plan of her own. As much as she still loved her brother she's known from past experience how much he can freeze when coming face to face with their very past. He had came to New Orleans with hopes of destroying the Mikealsons for the death of their parents and had failed the first time when he began to fall in love with Rebekah all over again. And even though the blood of their parents had fallen on the brotherhood their father had once been apart of she wasn't going to make the same mistake as he has done.

Amelia and Eliza would fall. And so would anybody that would dare stand in her way.


A/N- Okay guys I'm not dead I promise. Life has just been really hectic and chaotic. But I've finally have found some time to sit down and write. Sorry for the long over due chapter. I hope all of you enjoy and thank you so much for sticking with me. Lots of love- Tori

Renegade- Rebekah MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora