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"This is our happily ever after."

There was a slight bitterness to the New Orleans air, brushing across the back of his neck as he stepped onto the main street of the French Quarter. A certain familiarity filling the air around the tall dark haired man. It had been five years since he had last stepped foot in this town, his mind aching from the darkness that was left behind from what he had helped created many years ago. He pressed his lips together in a thin line as he took a step onto the main street, knowing the consequences of Marcel's threats in the back of his mind. But Marcel was the least of his problems at this very moment.

Elias begins to walk across the narrow sidewalk, walking in and out of crowds as he begins his search of putting behind his own demons. After his talk with Rebekah not ending very will last night, Elias knew what needed to be done. The Mikaelsons along with Hayley had their own family to protect and Elias wasn't going to ruin what they had finally just got back. Klaus and Hayley finally had Hope together again with the Mikaelsons. He couldn't ruin that.

As much power as the Original family held and no matter how much they thought they could help Elias. He needed to slay his demons himself. Amelia and Eliza were the darkest parts of his past, a monster he had thought he had slayed centuries ago when he had thought he had killed Amelia. He should have known better that demons from the past seemed to never stay buried for long. Once this is all said and done, maybe then the past will stay the past.

Elias stopped half way up the street. A slight chill ran down his spine as he glanced quickly over his shoulder. Studying his surroundings, trying to let his mind think of where his past demons may be.

"When I made a deal with the Mikaelsons to stay away, that meant you as well." A voice came from the front of him. Elias turned his attention back towards the familiar voice. Marcel coming into view.                      

"Marcellus." His voice was stern and cold. Elias understood what Marcel must have been feeling. Elijah had ripped his heart out and left him for dead. Klaus didn't do anything to stop it. None of them did.

Marcel was different now. Stronger then all of them put together. A different type of vampire. One that put him on the higher food chain. Or so Freya had said.

"Do not call me that Elias!" Marcel shouted, taking a step towards the older vampire. "We aren't friends! And we sure as hell ain't family. Which means you have nothing to do with my town anymore. You're not welcome here anymore, Elias! You've longed over stayed your dues!"

"I may not be welcome here anymore but trust me when I tell you that you have bigger things to worry about than not wanting me in your stupid town!" Elias seethed, growing irritated by each passing moment.

"Is that so?" Marcel shot back, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared at the taller vampire.

"That is so, Marcel!" Elias knew why he was here. Marcel on the other hand did not. Maybe it was better off that way. This wasn't his fight to begin with. This was all on Elias.

The two monsters he sought after were from his past. His very demons. His own sins he helped created centuries ago. He knew it wouldn't be long before Rebekah or Elise followed him out to New Orleans to either help him or try to convince him to come back home. But what was home if demons from the past tried to destroy what Hayley and the Originals had built for Hope. For their family.

"My business in this very town has nothing to do with you." Elias replied, his voice laced with sarcasm. "So excuse me my king. I must be on my way."

And with the last of his words , Elias stalked off leaving behind a pissed off Marcel. His footsteps echoing off the concrete, disappearing into a crowd of tourists. Who have come from all over the world to hear and see the history and legends of this very town they were walking down. Coming to hear of the tale of the fallen kingdoms. Marcel may think he's in control of New Orleans but it was the other way. New Orleans would always be in control of him.


She couldn't help but watch the way the sun lite up his green eyes as he made his way in the crowd of people. His jet black hair clinging to his forehead, the same stoic look plastered across his face. The same look she had fell for centuries ago. When she had found him on that cold night, she could sense the hopelessness that was behind those forest green eyes. A never ending void.

A void she thought she had filled the night she had decided to turn him into the monster that walked the very earth he was on now. She had taught him to channel his anger and bitterness to killing and searching for revenge against the Mikaelsons. And for a brief moment they had an understanding with one another. Besides who could they have been without one another? She was a demon from the past, a shadow Elias Perro though he had crushed long ago.

But he should know better than anyone that the past always had a way of playing catch up. It was only a matter of time before their kingdom came crashing down. And Amelia and Eliza would be the very cause of all the pain and suffering that was going to be heading in Elias Perro's direction.


A/N- Here's another chapter for my favorite readers in the world. It's a small chapter that's a filler but does somewhat kick in the plot.Thank you for not giving up on my writing and bearing with me on the over due chapters that are life. Lots of love- Tori

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