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"We're all in the same game. Just different levels. Dealing with the same hell but different devils."

The plan was simple, or so it seemed. Rebekah was going to distract Marcel long enough for Freya, Hayley, and Elijah to grab Klaus and bail out of this hellish town they once had called home. While Kol, Elise, and Elias kept a look out out for any suspicious activities that would interrupt their so called plan. Elias had his back against the cold stone, staying out of sight as Rebekah waited patiently for Marcel to come. Making sure he kept her insight just in case something went wrong and they could attack on sight. There was a slight bite to the air, but the warm sun soon soothed it.

Kol was in another part of the cemetery, Elias wasn't exactly sure but he knew that if anything went down he could count of the second youngest Mikaelson's  to have their backs. Kol could be an arrogant ass but he still cared about his family. And he held respect for him for that. Even after loosing Davina, a young witch Elias had grown close to as well died from the hands of his family he still work to fight for them. Maybe even die for them.

Even though the Mikaelson's siblings could fight like animals against one another, part of him also knew that even in the end of everything to come they would die to protect one another. The true meaning of what family really means. He had watch the Mikaelson's tear each other apart for years now. But they always managed to grow back together, always growing stronger. He could feel a pair of eyes land on him, watching him, studying him even.

He turned his head to see his other half watching him with a teasing smile. He furrowed his eyebrows together as he leaned more into the stone, putting most of his weight onto the heavy building. She slowly made her way over to him, making sure not to make a sound as she did. Her hands were stuffed into her black leather jacket, her brunette hair hanging over her shoulders as her green eyes shined with amusement. Almost like he had just told her a bad joke.

"So," she whispered, leaning her shoulder into the stone taking a place next to him. "You and Rebekah are still a thing?"

Elias grinned at her, nodding his head at her comment. "Yeah, as crazy as it seems. We've been through hell and back but somehow we've manage to make it through."

She was quiet, listing to her eldest brother as he talked about the love of his life. At least the way he talked about her made it seem like she was. Which she wouldn't put it passed the two of them because she's been alive for centuries and she knows what true love looks like. And they definitely had that. She was glad that her brother had found love again in this crazy world.

"What about you little sister, anybody you have your eyes on?" He teased, watching her blush slightly at his question.

She hasn't been in a relationship for years, she was always to busy with trying to find Elias. But she did have a few casual hook ups here and there over the centuries but she did have her eyes on a certain someone. Somebody she has gotten close to in the last two days. And she was certain the person she was lusting over was feeling the same things. At least she hope they did.

"Maybe," she replied, causing him to let out a low chuckle. And she playfully pushed him. Like the good old days when he would tease her on one of the neighborhood boys.

"I wasn't sure you show?" They both looked in the direction of Rebekah's voice. Letting them know Marcel had arrived.

"I wasn't sure you still be you." Elias clenched his jaw at Marcel's snide comment. "I kept wondering if that hex had eaten you alive."

Elise must have notice because her arm wrapped around his elbow. Tugging him towards her, his green eyes glancing down at her. Her expression telling him not to do anything stupid.

"I would have. But I was-"

"Linked to Klaus. I know." Elias rolled his eyes, balling his hands into fist as they listened in on the conversation.

He knew that Rebekah would be holding onto Marcel. And he hated that part of the plan but they had to get Klaus out. And if getting a little handsy with Marcel was what it took then he'd have to bite back the jealousy that was burning within him. He trusted Rebekah.

"If some part of you still cares about me then help me." Rebekah pleaded. "For all the sake we've been to one another. For all that we have been through. I'm begging you please let Klaus go."

They continued to listen in on the conversation between the two ex lovers. And Elias began to wonder where Kol was and before he knew it Kol was next to them ready to take Marcel down if he hurt Rebekah in anyway. The conversation died and the sound of another voice stepped in. A voice that neither of the three knew. Something was wrong. Rebekah.

"Nobody lays a finger on her." Marcel cuts in. "I'll be back soon. I just have to kill her brother first."

"I'll go first." Elias mouthed, since Kol could be extra strength if needed. Which Elias was pretty sure he would need both of their help from the sound of it.

Elias watched the tall short haired brunette women repetitively stabbed Rebekah over with arrows. He growled, letting his presence be known to the group of vampires. His eyes cast down upon Rebekah watching her body move slightly as she starts to wake up. But the women stabs another arrow into her back as two of her minions go after Elias. His hands pushed through their chest, pulling their hearts from their chest cavity and letting their bodies hit the floor before dropping the organ next to the bodies. Kol got the next vampire, blood staining the tip of his shirt as he holds the mans heart in his hand.

Inches away from the women as she glances at the three vampires that now had her cornered. Before Kol could spew threats towards the older women she sped away. Kol bent down to tear the arrows out of Rebekah's back, laying the bundle of broken arrows onto the concrete floor next to them.

"Welcome back sister."


The four of them stood near the bus. Waiting for Elijah, Hayley, and Freya to return with Klaus. Thy should be back any minute. Or so they had hoped. Elias wrapped his arms around Rebekah's hips, pulling her closer to him as he gently the top of her hair. Trying to calm her nerves about Klaus's safe return back to their family.

He had know doubt that Klaus would be returned back to the Originals. There had to be blood shed somewhere in the mix which was certainly the case for the four of them and he's also pretty sure it was the same for Elijah and them. Rebekah smiled at the small gesture, glancing up at Elias.

"I love you." Elias whispered, smiling back.

"I love you too."

There was the sound of grass and leaves being crunched against the ground, tearing all eyes in the direction of the intruders. Elias and Kol were the first to take the first step. Pushing both Rebekah and Elise behind them to protect them from whatever the sound was. A breath of relieve when they see a tall man in a dark tailored suit, and a very weak Klaus with him and the rest of the family.

Rebekah and Kol made the first move towards Kol. Rebekah wrapping her arms around her brothers neck as they reunite for the first time in five years. Klaus smiles at her warm embrace, his blue eyes finding Elias as he nods. A silent thank you between the two men. An understanding between the two. Elias turns his head in Elise direction, her green eyes trained on the family that had finally been reunited.

"Everything's going to be okay now." Elias whispered, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a side huge.

"What if that's not the case?"


A/N- Another finished chapter for you guys. One I hope you enjoy. And can we talk about the cute sibling moments between the Perro siblings and the Mikaelson's. Can't believe we're almost at 300 reads you guys are truly amazing. I love every single one of you.

Dedicated to NicoleGar9

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