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"If someone truly loves you, they won't make you feel like you need to constantly fight for their attention."

They were finally back home with Hope. But not before Marcel had caught up to them. Spewing warnings in their wake before letting them take Klaus away from New Orleans. Elias was happy that Klaus finally got to see Hope again, because every child needed their family and also because she was the key to Klaus and his redemption. Buy Elise words were crashing around in the back of his head, haunting his thoughts this very moment. He had wanted to ask Elise about what she had meant but Marcel had come and the very words he wanted to say were swallowed to the back of his throat.

Klaus was home. What other dangers could be lurking in the shadows? He knew there would be some dangers ahead for the Mikaelson's but it was ones they could manage with a few threats and a little blood ahead. But there was a hint of darkness behind her words and he couldn't help but wonder if that is the real reason why she is back? His green eyes glanced over to Klaus and Hope sitting in the grass talking about paintings and other father daughter talk. If there was a so called danger then where the hell was it?

"Elias?" His eyes snapped on the direction of Rebekah a smile tugged at his lips but disappeared when he saw the hint of sadness hiding in her blue eyes. "Can we talk?"

He nodded at her question. Removing his fingers from the cold metal railing and following Rebekah into a more private area so they could have a chat. A slight breeze nipped at their flesh but he just shrugged it off, sliding his hands into the front of his jean pockets instead. Somehow he knew deep down what she wanted to talk about but he didn't actually want it to happen. Rebekah turn to look at him, her blonde locks hanging over her shoulder as she looks down towards the deck, not wanting to make eye contact with Elias.

"Rebekah," Elias whispered, his fingers brushing underneath her chin. Tilting her head up to meet his warm gaze. "At least look at me."

He watched as she swallowed, her steel blue eyes never leaving his gaze. And with the look on his face his heart just sunk deep within his chest. And he sighed heavily, licking at his dry lips as he look back towards Klaus and Hope.

"I want to leave." Rebekah begins, her voice a little shaky with each word. "Hope is safe and secured. Surrounded by a family that loves her. I think it's finally time for me to take that freedom back. I have been trapped for far too long, and now I can leave and explore the world with Kol... with you."

He winces at her words. Sucking in a deep breath before glancing back over towards her. "Rebekah, all I have ever wanted is to fit in. To live a normal human life. But that was taking away from me. But I've grown accustom to living this life, staying in the shadows watching humans be humans. I wanna live a human life Rebekah I do. But it's not possible."

He wanted a normal life he truly did. He use to urn for it but that was once upon a time. A time that had been different. And he couldn't just leave behind Hayley, Hope, or Elise. Especially Elise. He had just gotten her back.

"I'm tired of hiding Rebekah. Tired of running. I want to build a home with you. You're the only one for me." Elias speaks again, letting it out all on the table. Rebekah needs to know where he stands as well. "But I need to know if I'm the one for you?"

That was a hard slap to the face. And Rebekah winced at his harsh words and he knows he shouldn't have said them but he doesn't want to candy coat the situation either.

"Elias," tears stung her eyes but she blinked back the tears. Her heart thumped against her rib cages as she study his sad expression. His words cut deeper then anything she has ever had inflicted on her. And she didn't know what to say. At least not anymore. "I love you. You're the only one for me. Why can't you see that?"

He chuckled at her words but there wasn't any meaning behind it. It was cold and distance and the air between them was thinning with each passing second. This wasn't the way she wanted things to end between the two of them. She could see the burning anger hidden behind the once warm green eyes that she loved.

"I'm sorry, Rebekah." His voice was rough then his usually softness that was hidden behind that tough looking appreciable. "But I can't really believe I'm the one for you if you're constantly wanting to leave me behind."

"Elias," he was beyond pissed. His whole body was heated with angers. It was pulsing through his veins as they stared at one another. "I want you to come with me. Let's start the family that we wanted so long ago. The one we had long before it was taken from us."

He looked away from her. Teeth gritted tightly as his fingertips dug into the thin material of his blue jeans. Enough pressure to leave bruises if it wasn't for the supernatural healing that comes with being a vampire. They had that life five years ago, but they needed to come back to fight to protect her family. Marcel had took that away when he took control of Klaus and New Orleans. Leaving Hayley and him to pick up the pieces they had left behind.

"I just go Elise back." He took along pause, swallowing hard before finishing his sentence. "If you truly loved me, you wouldn't be having me choose between you or my sister."

The sound of footsteps echoed across the porch. Disappearing into the breeze as Hope and Klaus walked towards them. Klaus was eyeing them closely, the look in his eyes knew what was going on but he didn't question it.

"Uncle Elias," Hope spoke, completely severing the conversation. They both knew they had nothing else to say. She held up a drawing of a blonde stick figure and a dark haired figure holding the hand of a little girl who he assumed was Rebekah, him, and Hope. He kneeled down to look at her, wiping the anger away as he smiled. "I made this for you."

"And what is it?"

"It's a picture of Auntie Bex's, you, and me. We're a family."

"Yeah," his green eyes shifted back to Rebekah. His gaze turning back cold and distant. "A family."


A/N- Such a sad turning point. Sorry for not updating since Thursday. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it. I hope you guys enjoy it and please let me know what you guys think. Love you guys.

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