Chapter 14 : She's Back

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She's Back....

Rolling to the other side of the bed, Valentine eyes fluttered opened

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Rolling to the other side of the bed, Valentine eyes fluttered opened. Sitting up in the California king bed Valentine just remembered that she had crashed at Marcus's for the night. Tossing the covers to the side, Valentine stretched before climbing out of the bed. She walked over to the mirror and mentally smiled seeing that she didn't have any sleep in her eyes or any drool or her face. Though, her hair was all over the place, so she quickly brushed it up into a high ponytail. Slipping her sneakers back on, Valentine made sure to grab her phone and keys before making her way downstairs. Hearing constant giggles as she reached the bottom of the stairs, Valentine started smiling. There sat Chachi and Marcus all hugged up in the couch. "Check you two out. Why wasn't I invited to the giggle treat though?" She teased making Chachi look her way and raise a brow. Valentine had totally forgotten that she had ignored everybody yesterday, so it seemed funny to Chachi. Looking back over to Marcus, Chachi smirked. "So why couldn't we go in your room again Marcus?" Marcus let out a soft sigh before looking over at Valentine side ways. It wasn't her fault though and he knew that. "Don't even do that, I'll leave though. I'm out." Valentine said before walking out of the living room then the house. Who the fuck he think he is trying to put the blame on me ?! I didn't know that he was hiding me ! Why is the fuck he's hiding me in the first place ?! Shaking her head as she made her way over to her house. A huge frown grew on her face seeing her mother trying to peak through her windows, but the black curtains was blocking Christine's view. "What are you looking for?" Valentine asked with the same annoyed look on her face. Jumping at the sound of someone's voice, Christine ended up facing Valentine. "You scared me." Christine said as she tugged on her peach halter sundress. "But I was looking for you, I've been ringing this bell since twelve o'clock, its going to on two. I thought you were ducking me." She continued making Valentine nod her head. "I was at my friend's, but what's up? Why are you even  here?" Valentine asked with a raised brow. After their fight, she expected to never see her mother again, but here she was. Dressed in a peach halter sundress, gold Michael Kors sandals and a pair of shades that sat on top of her head blocking her neatly did bun. Valentine's day was already starting out bad. Not only did Marcus tried hiding her as if she was his side bitch, but Chachi treated her as if she was one. And now that her mother was standing in front of her door only made it ho from bad to worst. Christine laughed before shaking her head. On her way over here, she prepped herself to not expect to be treated as if she was Valentine's mother, but damn ! She didn't want to be treated as if she was her enemy either. That's the last thing she wanted to be now. But Valentine's attitude only bothered Christine as much because she knew exactly where Valentine had gotten her attitude from. Her. "Why am I here? Hm... Maybe because I need to mend things between my child who hates me so much that she'll even put her hands on me. That's why I'm here." Christine smiled while ignoring the fact that Valentine rolled her eyes at every word that came out of her mouth. But Valentine needed this. This talk would give her all the answers to her problems. Maybe Christine will be able to sleep at night because after seeing Valentine for the first time again, Christine had restless nights. It was so bad she that decided to come down for the family reunion and stay an extra week. But if this won't help, the next step would most definitely be the doctor's office. "Why? Why now? Why not before your mother passed away? So I could've been able to meet the lady who answered all of my prayers? Why now Christine?! Why?!" Valentine shouted as the tears rolled down her face. All she wanted to know was why ?! "I - I - I - can't sleep! Ever since I seen you at the office! I've been having sleepless nights! Like I couldn't even close my eyes as long as I wanted to, it bad. Do you see these bags? I need to get these things off of my chest! So can we please go grab something to eat and talk this over?!" Christine cried as well. Valentine began to wipe her tears as she wanted to say no so bad. "At least I know that you won't attack me in public." Christine joked making Valentine laugh and nod her head. "Sure. We can go. Let me just go get ready." Valentine said before opening her house door and walked inside.

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