Chapter 23 : Caught Up

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Caught Up...

Going to grab Marcus's face wanting his lips connected to hers again, Valentine felt a coal steel touch the side of her head as the sound of a gun being cocked back went off

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Going to grab Marcus's face wanting his lips connected to hers again, Valentine felt a coal steel touch the side of her head as the sound of a gun being cocked back went off. Furrowing her brows, Valentine looked over in that direction and just stared at the female in the ski mask. It was evident that was a female by the way her shape poked out in the all black and her false lashes were spilling out of the two holes in the mask. "What the fuck?" Marcus asked making the girl cock the gun back before hitting Valentine in the head and making her drop to the floor. "Yeah bitch! You thought I was about to let you run my city with the money I put you on to?! Bitch get up!" She yelled kicking at Valentine. Going to kick Valentine again, the female ended up getting pushed by Marcus. "Damn bitch! I told you to at least let me fuck first!" He shouted. Looking up as she held her now throbbing head, Valentine looked over at Marcus. "Marcus?" Valentine frowned before shaking her head and constantly repeating to herself out loud. "No no no no no, this can't be happening. This can't be happening." With Marcus mentioning that this was planned, Valentine already had an idea who was under that mask. "Take it off bitch and come face me Chachi." Valentine said standing up before tying up her hair. If today was going to be her last day on this earth, she was most definitely going out with a fight. Always been a fighter. She fought the group home, she fought her best friend and boyfriend, she fought her mother and she most definitely fought these grimy ass Miami bitches. "Let me put on my shit." Valentine huffed bumping pass Marcus and Chachi while they began to argue. Getting dressed, Valentine wore her red pajama pants and her old Vans, the first pair of sneakers she ever stepped foot in Miami with. "I already know what's up, so come get this ass whooping!" Valentine yelled making both Marcus and Chachi look at Valentine as if she done lost her mind. But they haven't seen anything yet. "You too Marcus, you like setting people up right?" Valentine asked grabbing her bat, but that's when shots went ringing in the air. "Tie that bitch up! You're not doing nothing to nobody and we're not going anywhere until we get that check!" Chachi snapped snatching off the ski mask and tossing it to the floor. As soon as Marcus came her way, Valentine started fighting him as if he was some stranger in the street. She wasn't crying now, but she sure would be later. Not only did he lie and say he would protect her, he was apart of the plan all along !! Not being able to control, well acting as if he couldn't, Marcus just let Valentine get as much hits as she could. He was low key feeling bad for her, but this been their plan since she moved here. Chachi actually wanted to rob Valentine her first night in Miami, but she felt bad about Valentine being so clueless and she also had to pick up her child. So she let Valentine get comfortable and acted as if she had shit all under control then attacked her when she least expected it. "Yo, grab that bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Chachi yelled grabbing Valentine by the hair as she pointed the still heated gun to Valentine's head. "Bitch have a seat!" Chachi spat before kicking Valentine in the back. "Why can't you put the gun down though Chachi?! Its me!! We can fight and get this shit over with!! You win, you get the money and the house! I win you bitches get the fuck away from me and never return! I promise I'll keep my promise!" Valentine yelled as tears rolled down her cheeks. She just didn't like the feeling of being pushed around and not being able to do shit about it. Valentine knew good and well that she could beat up Chachi and any other girl that was willing to fight right now. "Just because you beat those weak ass bitches up doesn't mean you could beat me. Okay little bitch? Do you know what these hands could do to you?" Chachi asked as she squatted in front of Valentine while twirling the gun. "Fuck you bitch!" Valentine spat before charging at Chachi knocking her and the gun over. Grabbing a fist full of her hair, Valentine began to punch Chachi in the face. "I told you bitch I could beat you!! I told you so!" Valentine yelled before slamming Chachi's head into the ground and continued banging until Chachi flipped them over and tried choking Valentine, but Valentine started to swinging wildly. "Pass me my fucking gun Marcus!" Chachi yelled tired of getting punched in the face as if she was some rag doll. Hearing the gun slide across the floor, Chachi hopped up and quickly grabbed it. "Swing again bitch! I dare you!! Killed a bitch just like you and I'm not afraid to do it again! Swing bitch!" Chachi yelled as she felt her eye swelling up already. Valentine just laid there trying to catch her breath as she mean mugged Chachi. "So do it then! Do that shit! I don't have anything to live for anyways! Do it!!" Valentine yelled as her tears began to soak her face. Valentine sat up before crying uncontrollably. "Please kill me! Do me the fucking honors!" Valentine shouted making Chachi roll her eyes and looked over at Marcus. "Tie this bitch up! I have to see where the fuck these bitches at." Chachi scoffed making Marcus walk over to Valentine. "Don't you fucking touch me! Don't touch me Marcus!!" Valentine yelled but calmed down seeing that Chachi had pointed the gun in her direction. "Calm the fuck down and shut up! Nobody wants to hear all of that shit!" Chachi spat before walking out of the bedroom.

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