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{2 Months Later}

I've been in jail for 2 months while the judges decide what my punishment is. There's not a day that passes that I don't remember griffin. I wonder how she's doing, how astro are taking care of her and how she reacted when she woke up and I wasn't there in the morning. I'll accept whatever punishment they give me as long as it doesn't hurt griffin.

"Wake up sleepy head your punishment has been chosen."

I got up from the cold and hard metal bed and rubbed my eyes. I got up and walked over to the metal gate holding me back from all my beloved ones. Three guards grabbed me by the arms and dragged me to a room. As we walked down the hall I heard the quiet and deep echoes of our feet walking down the sad and cold halls. The chains hanging from my feet and arms made my walk heavy. They rustled and made noise as I dragged my feet along the cement floor.

After what seemed an eternity, we reached a wooden door. The door was a dark brown wood with a golden doorknob the size of my palm. It had an intricate design shining brightly throughout the dark palace. Light seeped from under the door into the dark hallway. One of the guards reached for the door and knocked three times.

"Come in."

I heard a muffled female voice coming from inside. With those words, the other guard opened the creaky ancient door and let me in.

The room was very bright and my eyes hurt as I slowly walked in. There were dark wooden seats and marble tiles all the way down the room with a red carpet leading through the middle of the room to a podium. The room didn't seem to fit in with everything else in the dark place. Standing at the podium in the front of the room, stood a judge holding an envelope.

They got me slightly closer to the podium. Just enough so the judge could hand me the envelope. She handed me the envelope and gave the guards the order to put me back in my cell.

{Back At My Cell}

I paced back and forth around the small cubicle I had called home for 2 months holding the envelope in my hands. That envelope had my future, my punishment, and was the smudge to my perfectly white and clean wings.

I decided it was time to open the envelope. As I opened it my hands were sweating and I was shaking. I could feel my heart about to beat out of my chest.

To prisoner #457

You have broken law #12 "Privacy and respect towards others wings." You broke that law twice as you broke both of the victim's wings so your punishment will double in time.
Your punishment is to live on earth for 2 months. In those two months, you must complete certain tasks if you would like to come back to Quartz.

The tasks are:
~Make someone feel sympathy for you
~Have someone offer to let you live with them
~Have someone fall in love with you
~Live with the person that loves you
~Kiss the person that loves you
~Break their heart.

Now there are also rules you cannot break or else the punishment will be greater.

The rules are:
~You may not fight anyone
~You may not refuse anything your lover asks for
~You must not tell anyone about your punishment nor why you're on earth

If you fail to obey these tasks and rules, your most beloved family member will receive the punishment for your foolishness. We hope you decide to go on with these tasks. If you do so, you must ask the guards to take you to the gates. They will take you to where you will be sent off.

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