Fear and Cold Blood

90 12 41

Date 4-29-17

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is sort of late, but it's ready now.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Word Count: 2709


Chapter 11: Fear and Cold Blood

After Adrian reads the coded emails, he sits and thinks about the time that Mr. Woltz informed him of their secret communication ways.

Mr. Woltz had Adrian memorize the email addresses of all the others of their kind a very, very long time ago.

Adrian makes whole new emails for each person he sends it to with the same message on it instead of forwarding it to lessen the chance that someone would be able to connect the emails.

Then Adrian sits in wait. That's all there is left to do for now. The plan Mr. Woltz came up with was that no one was to respond to the emails in case someone was hacking into their accounts. Hunters can get creative.

If Mr. Woltz is still alive, for all intents and purposes, then he will email Adrian again in one day. Mr. Woltz will send the same email every day until the danger is gone. If an email doesn't come, that means Mr. Woltz is dead. For real this time. If the message in the email changes, that means the danger is gone for the person who sent it. Everyone else could still be in danger.

These emails weren't concocted so that Adrian could come to Mr. Woltz's aid if he was in trouble, or vice versa. These secret emails were created for the Kitsune Vampires to warn each other of the danger.

Mr. Woltz basically told all the other Kitsunes to save themselves.

Adrian is definitely worried about Mr. Woltz, but there isn't anything he can do to help. If it really is hunters, Adrian could get killed in the process of trying to help, which wouldn't contribute to anything in the end.

Adrian is supposed to go back to the city of Cain today, but he can't imagine going to school tomorrow, only to worry about Mr. Woltz the whole time.

Adrian goes back to sleep for awhile to feel better and to waste some time. Adrian figures he can deal with everything later.


Meanwhile at the Sterling household...

"I'm worried about Ivie, that's all." Lena answers Lucas from her lazy position on the couch.

Lucas is currently in the kitchen making them lunch. Lucas isn't much of a cook, so he's making bologna and cheese sandwiches.

"But you should be sleeping at night. Let me and Mason deal with her." Lucas calls back to Lena, speaking louder than usual because she can't hear as well as Lucas can.

Lena speaks normally because she knows Lucas' werewolf hearing will pick up what she's saying, even if she's whispering.

"But I can help! She should've told us what was going on." Lena grumbles that last part to herself, but of course Lucas hears.

Lucas walks in with their food and sets it on the coffee table in front of the couch. Lucas turns to Lena to comfort her. It's not like Lena looks haggard or anything, but Lucas can tell she didn't sleep well last night.

Lena's voice seems strained like she's on the edge of breaking down. But Lucas knows Lena. She's strong and she will make it through this.

"I don't think any of us can help. The only one who could is Adrian. And he's not here." Lucas says what Lena already knows.

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