Bad Zombies and Worse Parents

113 11 35

Date 6-28-17

Hey everyone! This is the last chapter of The Secrets of Cain! I hope you've enjoyed this book and hopefully you'll like this chapter.

This chapter is longer than it should be, because it's the last one. You're welcome XD

And yes, I was sad to end this book, but there will be another one in this series! It's called a trilogy for a reason :)

Word Count: 3639


Chapter 34: Bad Zombies and Worse Parents

"I'm glad you could make it." Selynn says as she opens the front door, allowing Adrian inside.

"Why didn't you invite Monique too?" Adrian asks, stepping past Selynn to go inside.

"What? No hello or any sort of greeting?" Selynn asks, receiving a glare from Adrian. Figures. Adrian doesn't like other people teasing or joking with him, but he's fine doing the same to others.

"Well, I didn't want too many people here for this. And Ivie would've insisted that you come. Besides, you're the closest thing we've got to a zombie expert." Selynn explains, leading Adrian to the living room on the main floor of their house, where everyone is going to meet up.

"That's accurate. There aren't that many zombie experts in the world, but I know a thing or two. I already told you what I know, so what else do you need me for?" Adrian questions, looking around for anything suspicious.

"Protection. You know how they fight. So if it comes to that, you're here to help. You said you can fight them." Selynn says. Vanessa is upstairs at the moment talking to Ivie on the phone, so it's just her and Adrian for now.

"Wait, we have to fight zombies?" Adrian asks, snapping his attention to Selynn and narrowing his eyes at her.

"Possibly." Selynn says quickly, sounding unsure.

"Why didn't you explain any of this to me before I came over?" Adrian demands to know, not liking that he's here and zombies could pop up at any moment. Besides Selynn, but she's not the kind of zombie that can intimidate Adrian.

"Why? Are you scared?" Selynn taunts, effectively avoiding Adrian's question.

"No." Adrian snaps, getting more worried by the second. Adrian sighs but concedes. "Fine, just tell me what we're going to do."

"I'm going to wait until everyone gets here." Selynn tells Adrian. "You can sit down. There aren't any zombies here now."

"Yes there are. You're here." Adrian says with a crooked smile, teasing Selynn, knowing it would anger her.

Selynn frowns at Adrian, calming herself so as not to get angry like she knows Adrian wants. It's Adrian. He's just looking for entertainment.

"I meant bad zombies." Selynn clarifies before leaving the room. Selynn has never had problems with anger, but she might if she has to spend anymore time alone with Adrian.


Adrian sits silently in the living room for almost ten minutes before everyone gets there. Lena and Ivie are the last to arrive.

"Sorry it took so long. Our mom just left, and she'll be back in a few hours, so we need to hurry." Lena says, moving to sit on the opposite couch from Adrian, next to Lucas. Mason sits on the other side of Lucas.

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