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*Trigger: Homophobic slurs*

On my way out of the school gates I walked passed the group of guys. I watched my feet, avoiding their eye contact. They sneered "Hey queer!" One yelled out, "After school, locker rooms, be there." I looked over to him only for my gaze to be swept to the bright cerulean eyes behind him. They looked sad but with a guarded edge. The sadness in his eyes was whisked away replaced with a piercing darkness that scared me to my core as the invitation to the locker room fell from the shorter bloke in front, and the blue eyed boy snickered.

I shook my head. My interest in the boy lost. 'How can people be such twats all the time?' I thought on my short walk home. Where have I gone wrong?

Where Did I Go Wrong? //Phan//Where stories live. Discover now