Chapter 10: They are back

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Today is another day of studying. It was time for their lunch they spent 4 hours of studying for the exams. Since they ate 2 hours ago they dont want to eat yet. There is 2 hours of lunch wow! This school is great. 2 hours of lunch thats nice.

Jaymie, Roxy, Salve and Vince are at room 453 for studying. Its kinda sad for them because they are separated to the others. While Alexa, Victoria, Jayden and Jack are on room 344. Its about 4 to 5 hallways till they get to room 453. Actually sometime they get lost but thats fine.

Alexa and Salve already heard the bell rang while listening to the music and while studying. They both hear well. Salve told Jaymie, Roxy and Vince that the bell rang then suddenly Jaymie looked to the schedule.....

Jaymie's POV
I opened my schedule book of the school. And I found out it was lunch time.

"Guys its already lunch time." I said

"Are you serious but I'm hungry yet" Roxy said

"Well me and Vince are going to meet up with the boys" Salve said

"Yeah, so we will be back in 30 minutes" Vince said

"Okay!" Roxy said

"Oh and be careful there's a lot of boy bullies around" Roxy added

"Yeah, and be sure to check on my Jayden and Roxy's Honey boo boo." I said

We all burst into laughter. And then the boys went to see the boys.

"Haaay... Well Roxy. Its just you and wanna study about what's the difference of a baby's bone than an adult bone?" I asked

"Yeah, and I want more about medicine too" roxy said

I'm interested about the bones and the organs and the medicines. Same as Roxy. We both are interested at this stuff. You know want to be a doctor. We both wanna help children. Just like Salve and Vince. Thats why we are in the same room.

Not like Victoria, Jack, Alexa, and Jayden who likes surgery and stuff. You know operations. Just like that. So better focus on studying. Than thinking of other things...

Author:  what other things are you talking about Jaymie?

Oh nothing. Haha author just keep writing. Please dont make me embarrassed. Hehe😊.

Author: ok fine! But I'm still curious....

Jack's POV
I told Alexa and Victoria that we are meeting with the boys they said they were going to go to room 453, to see jaymie and roxy. So we agreed. But we said to them that be careful. And I'm worried to my Roxy.  Haaay....

Better see the girls later I guess and my Roxy. *imagining kissing Roxy*

Author:  Jack! Dont kiss the wall!! Your gross!

Oops sorry author. AAAah.... Gotta 'run'😉.

Author:  hay... This Jack is weird sometimes, I think he's weirder than Vince... Aish!

Victoria's POV
Now we crossed 5 hallways. And finally we reached the room 453. Thats exhausting. When we went inside, We were surprised because Roxy and Jaymie normally just have fun while waiting for us. But no they are so serious in studying. Wow they've change a lot!

"Oh! Hey Alexa, and Victoria!" Roxy said as she saw us

"Hey!" Me and Alexa said.

"How was studying. In human organs?" Jaymie asked

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