Home Sweet Home

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Ryan's p.o.v

"Ryan," I heard a voice whisper in complete darkness. "Ryan," it said again. "Ryan!" it said loudly.

I quickly opened my eyes and was blinded by light. Ricky was standing there. "What?" "We're here," he said. "Alright."

I smiled and shut my eyes close and turned my head to side. I felt Alice's body next to mine. She was so warm.

"Alice, we're here." "Where?" she muttered. "Home. Where else would we be?"

I laughed at her silly question. She probably forgot that we were the first stop.

"I don't Sheetz maybe. I know you guys love Sheetz so I assume it would be the first place  we'd go," she said as she turned to her side.

I forcefully hopped out of my bunk. I was waiting for Alice to come out but she only buried herself in the covers.

"Alice, aren't you going to get up?" "I don't wanna," she said like a child. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

I, knowing Alice so well,is sure that she's not going to get out of my bunk so I crafted together a plan.

I walked to the living and saw Balz and Chris there. "Hi Balz can you go unlock the front door. Alice she is still asleep."

He nodded and I tossed him my keys. He walked out the door of the bus and I began to taken Alice's duffle bag as well as mine and walked off the bus, and into our apartment. Home sweet home.

Chris and Ricky were helping me bring in our suitcases inside. We were done pretty soon as I walked to the back of the bus where the bunks were.

To my surprise Alice was standing there, but she was still half asleep. "I have your phone and mine as well. So let's start unloading," she said.

"All done so let's just go," I replied before I walked to her and picked her up bridal style. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I made my way out of the bus. Ricky, Chris, Balz and Josh were in front of the bus just talking. But they began to laugh once the saw me and Alice.

"I'll see you guys later," I said. "Ohh say hey to Jessica and Ryan for, " Alice said to Ricky and Balz. They nodded before they alk walked back into the bus.

I walked into our apartment and shut the door with my foot. The whole apartment was only lit by the light of the kitchen. "It's so cold in here," Alice said .

"I know." I walked up the stairs and into our bedroom. Through the darkness I made my way to the bed and gently laid her on the bed.

I walked back out to the hallway to turn on the heat, it felt extremely cold in here. "It feels like Jotumhiem," I heard Alice said from the bedroom.

I broke out into the laughter, she's so silly.

I ran down the steps to turn off the light in the kitchen as well as getting a pumpkin spice scented candle from the living room.

Once I in the room again I grab a lighter from the dresser and lit the candle. I placed it on dresser near the door took off my shoes and pants. Leaving myself in my boxers. Then I walked to the bed saw that Alice was already under the black covers.

I quickly got under them as Alice moved to my side.  I pulled my arm around her and brought her closer to me.

She placed her hand on my chest just above my heart. I kissed the top of her head before I laid my head against here. It's amazing to be back home.

I Won't Let Her Go (Ryan Sitkowski)Where stories live. Discover now