How Can I Forget?

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Ryan p.o.v

Mother? I have no idea on what I should do. Do I tell Alice, or should I not.  After all the pain and agony that she caused Alice, should I even let her speak to her.

It pained me to see Alice go through all of that. I remember how she broke when she spoke of her parents for the first time, will I let Alice feel that pain?

"Umm who is this," I heard the woman say over the phone. "Ryan, her boyfriend. " I sternly relied.

"Ohh well, I wish to speak with my daughter."

"Okay." I removed the phone from my ear and walked out of the room and down the steps.

Alice was in the kitchen placing the teakettle on the stove. "Who was it?" she asked when she noticed that I downstairs.

"Your mom." Her face went blank and she stood still.

Alice's p.o.v

My heart sank into my stomach and I lost all sense of world. The last time I spoke to my mom was before Ryan and I met.

"If you want I can tell her your busy," Ryan said, trying to reassure me. "No its okay," I said.

I walked over to Ryan with my hand out. He placed my phone onto my hand. I held it there as I went toward the couch.

I seat at the edge, placing my arm on the armrest and held the phone to my ear.

Ryan came and sat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. "Hello?" I said.

"Alice, sweetheart who was that boy that answered the phone?"

"Tha boy is Ryan, he is my boyfriend if you weren't obeying my dad  by not speaking to me then you probably would have known that, " I said trying  control the ball of angry from getting the best of me.

"Alice please I did not call you  to start and argument,"

"Then why did you call? You haven't spoken to me for about a whole year now. You abandoned me because my dad has a stick up his ass."

"Your father is the serious why I called you." I didn't reply, I just wanted to know why, after so long she is calling me and speaking about my father.

"He has finally come to his senses and he wasn't to speak with you in person."

"And he couldn't tell me that himself. For evil's sake mom, he is an ex-military sergeant yet he can't call him own daughter and apologize for his mistakes. Look mom I'm done with this and this fucked up family. If he wishes to speak with me then he can do it not you."

Without thinking I removed the phone from  my ear and ended the call. I didn't noticed that my legs and hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Ryan moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I clenched my jaw as a tear fell from my eye.

"Hey, don't cry. You know that it's not worth your time. If they don't understand then fuck them, okay. Dont let it get to you. I don't want to see you cry."

Ryan rubbed his thumb against my cheek were the tear was. A small and weak smile crept onto my face when I saw the happy and comforting smile that Ryan's lips curved into.

My body stopped shaking but my heart jumped when the whistle of the teakettle popped through the silent room.

Ryan sighed as he took his arm from around me anf walked to the kitchen to remove the kettle from the stove.

I saw Ryan grab my black tea cup from the cabinet as well was getting a tea bag from the pantry.

He walked back into the living room and set the tea cup down on the coffee table before resuming his seat.

"We don't have to go out if you don't want to," he said placing his arm around me once again.

"No, I want to go. Only thing that would make me forget how messed up and broken my family is, is by being around your nice and comforting family."

He laughed and placed his tender lips on mine with a passion.

I really didn't want to think about my parents right now. I shouldn't feel this way.

I have Ryan, and my loving band members, as well as the whole Motionless family.  I am grateful for all there love.

But why did my dad want to talk to me after all these years. I wonder.

I Won't Let Her Go (Ryan Sitkowski)Where stories live. Discover now