Words Finally Heard

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Ryan's p.o.v

Happiness and excitement pumped through my veins which made my heart rate increase. We grew closer to Alice’s room and every emotion that one can feel started to overcome.

I was happy but then I was upset with myself because I let this happen to Alice. But that changed when I thought that there was not much I could have been, but then I think of all I could have done and then I am upset without myself once more.

“Here we are,” the doctor said when we reached the room. She quietly opened the door enough to let me walk in. The white walls and the sound of hospital made my stomach to turn. The lights in the room were dim, and the blinds were almost closed but I could still see that it was beginning to rain yesterday again.

I turned and saw Alice in the bed with the white sheets pulled over her legs and part of her abdomen. Her makeup, or whatever was left of it was smeared. She had the IV in her arm; her face didn’t seem to be that pale anymore. Her lips were starting to get their color back.

Tears formed in my eyes when I saw her like that; flashbacks of what happened started to play out in my head, which is what broke the dam that was holding back the tears.

“Are you crying?” her soft voice asked.

I rushed over to her, sitting down in a chair next to the bed and held Alice’s hand, the same hand that I held before when we were in the back of the ambulance.

I nodded at her question. Her eyes burned holes at me as she gazed. I couldn’t hold the tears back anymore, it was impossible to.

“I thought that I would lose you,” I said.

I looker up at her with teary eyes and I notice her eyes were beginning to water too.

“Alice, I love you so much and I was sacred shitless thinking that I could have lost you. I never want to ever think about the possibility of not waking up with you by my side. If you died you would have taken my heart with you,” I blurted out all at once.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore. She needed to know all of this because if she were to die, I would want her to know how special she is to me. I want her to know that she is my heartbeat.  

“Alice, I love you so much,” I said before I started kissing her hand. I heard her sniff and looked up just in time to see that she was wiping her tears away.

“I love you too,” she said.

I stood up from the chair to hold her but it was kind of hard with all the machines and medical stuff around the bed. I kissed her lips, feeling the sweet sensation of her kissing her, knowing that she was alright stopped the tears from pouring down once more.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry,” she said but I pulled out of the kiss.

“I know. I know that I usually hide my emotions but you’re the only one that has ever made me feel all these feelings. I love you Alice.”

“I know you do,” she smiled.

“Oh, the guys are outside. Do you want me to bring them in?” I asked, wiping away the traces of tears. She nodded, doing the same thing, getting rid of the evidence that we were crying.

I walked back to the door and opened it, but I didn’t know that Elliott had his ear to the door so when I opened it, he was pushed back and fell on the floor.

“That’s what you get for being nosy,” Vin said, helping Elli up from the floor. I shook my head and rolled my eyes; took a few steps back to let the guys come inside the room so they could see Alice.

I Won't Let Her Go (Ryan Sitkowski)Where stories live. Discover now