My Love and Support

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Alice's p.o.v

After Angelo and I left the apartment, we claimed into Angelo's car and drove off. Angelo told me that his friend lived an hour away from Scranton so we would be driving for awhile but I didn't mind. It would be a great opportunity to catch up with Angelo.

"So Ange how's the tattoo shop going?" I asked him. "It's great and I've learned a lot." "Well I'm gald you're happy."

Ange and I continued to talk about whatever was on our minds. I asked him how Kelly, his girlfriend, was. He asked me how the tour was.

Somehow our conversation switched onto Ryan and I going to have dinner with his parents.

"You know you and Ryan are really getting close if he introduced you to his parents," Angelo said.

I blushed a little knowing how much his parents asked about me. Whenever Ryan's parents called him while we were on tour they would always ask how I was doing.

They're extremely nice people, as well as Ryan's two little sisters. My heart melts a little when I see Ryan and his sisters together. He's such a sweet brother. Makes me wish that I had a little brother or sister.

"I know his parents are kind and accepted me which really means a lot to me. I only wish my parents were the same, "I told Angelo.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

My parents aren't the most understanding and a little bit overprotective. After the whole ordeal with Frank they didn't let anyone get near me, especially my dad.

My mom on the other hand felt bad for being overprotective but my dad would guilt trip her by saying things like if you really loved your daughter you wouldn't let her out of your sight.

They also weren't understanding when I told them that I wanted to my music for a living.

My dad flipped out saying how I was throwing away my dreams and all the hard work I've done. My mom was just paranoid with me being on the road a lot.

She thought something bad would happen to me. Aside from falling down out of my own stupidity,  everywhere I go, nothing bad has happened.

For the first year that I was in St. Louis with Vincent and Elliott trying to find two more band members,  I didn't speak to my dad. Only with my mom but it wasn't so frequent because we only spoke when my dad wasn't around.

When Haunted Horror Show was signed to Tragic Love Records, a year later, it was the first time I actually spoke to my dad.

But that conversation didn't last long. Instead of him telling me how proud he was of me, he basically told me that soon enough no one would listen to the type of music I was making, so I should have a better back up plan.

After that little incident I didn't speak to him at all. My mom would call me from time to time asking me how I was.

When we were signed onto Fearless Records, which was a huge accomplishment to us, we had a celebratory party and we invited everyone we knew.

Mas, Trace, Vincent,  and Elliott invited their parents and they all came. I as well invited mine,  but all I got was a phone call for my mom saying that she couldn't make it.

I was devastated for the whole month. What hurts me the most is knowing how most people we tour with, their parents support them and keep them grounded.

While mines are having a pity party because I followed my own dreams. It's a hard thing knowing how that you really don't have the support from your family even though how much they claim to love you.

That night when I met Ryan's parents, I told him about the situation with mine and I broke down in front of him because it still hurts me.

Ryan held onto me for that entire night telling me that I was an amazing person and just because my parents don't see it doesn't mean that it's not true.

I still get a little emotional when I think about my parents but I took to heart what Ryan said.

I don't need their support because I have my own family now. I have Ryan and Trace, Elliott, Vic, and Mas. As well as the whole Motionless In White family.

And all the love and support from the bands we tour with and our lovely and caring fans that I love and adore.

I told Angelo the whole ordeal with my parents and Angelo told me the same thing that Ryan said. If Ryan said it and Angelo said it as well then it must be true.

We changed the conversation to something else. We began to talk about Batman as we reached closer to our destination.

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