Familiar Faces

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Many antagonizing hours later, we were finally in Memphis.  We were off the plane and we already had our luggage.

We just brought one suitcase and a duffle bag with a Rockstar logo on it. Surprisingly, it was a gloomy day here.

Usually, Memphis weather during spring was sunny, slightly windy, but still beautiful. This day wasn’t one of those days. Storm clouds filled the sky, but I love stormy weather so it was no problem for me.

We were heading toward the crowd of people that were waiting for the people that were getting off the plane. Passing a few people, I came upon some familiar faces. 

Four guys. One, on the far left, wore a black shirt that was cut off at the side which exposed his ribs, which were tattooed.

His arms were tattooed as well. He had bleach blonde hair, with black roots. Next to him, a guy with black hair that was slicked back wore a shirt that said ‘Normal People Scare Me’. He has two rings on his bottom lip, on the right side.

The guy beside him had a shirt that said ‘I Hate The Sun’ and tattoos peeked out of the shirt’s sleeves. His hair was ebony black, and a septum piercing.

The last guy had a similar haircut to Captain America, expect his hair was brown.  Tattoos appeared to be coming out of his Motionless In White shirt.

Yup, those are my idiots. Trace, Mason, Elliott, and Vincent in that order. They all had a small poster that read ‘Ryan & Alice?’.

Their faces lit up when they saw us. We maneuvered through passing people until we finally reached them.

They dropped the posters, and Mas and Trace came over to me.

“Alice!” they cried as they smothered me with their love.

Vin and Elli ran and hugged Ryan.

“Ryan we missed you!” they whined.

“Hey, hands off my boyfriend,” I exclaimed once Mas and Trace let go of me.

“Aw, don’t worry we missed you too,” Elli said as he came over by me, followed by Vin.

“How was the flight?” Mas asked.

“Pure hell,” I stated.

“Good way to keep the optimism up Al,” Vin said.

“Anyways, where are you guys staying?” I asked.

“At my parents’ cabin,” Elli replied.

“They still have that?”

I was actually surprise. This will be a bit of a history lesson on my friendship with Elliott and Vincent. I met Vin freshman year of high school.

We met Elliott the next year; he was born and raised in St. Louis and grew up there until his dad was transferred to Memphis.

His dad was transferred back to St. Louis but since he wanted to graduate with us, he stayed with his uncle.

After we left school, and after all that stuff with Frank, Elli took me and Vin to St.Louis.

During that time we were there, my dad had a bitch fit so I stayed there for a couple of weeks, which then turned into months, and before I knew it, all my stuff was in St.Louis and I wasn’t going to look back.

Anyways, during the time Elli’s parents were here they had a cabin, which they surprisingly still had.

“Apparently they still do,” Elli replied, as surprised as I was.

“So what are you guys doing today?” Trace asked.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well, if you guys weren’t doing anything, we thought you guys would want to swing by the cabin,” Mas responded.

“Yea, we really missed you guys.” Trace added.

“Plus, Riley is at the cabin,” Vin said.

“Who’s Riley?” Ryan asked.

“Riley is Mas’ golden retriever,” I answered.

“She’s madly in love with Alice,” Mas said.

“She gets big tear stains under her eyes when she sees Alice,” Trace added.

“It’s not my fault I get all the bitches,” I laughed at my own joke.

Ryan looked at me, but his straight face broke and he joined my laughter.

“I’m so funny,” I stated proudly.

“So was that a yes?” Elli asked.

“Ryan, do you want to go?” I asked, and turned to face him.

“Hell ya.”

“Then it’s a yes, but we’re going to go check first,” I said.

“Oh, where are you guys staying?” Vin asked.

“At the Madison,” Ryan said.

“Oh nice, it has a great view of the Mississippi river,” Trace said.

“Yea well you guys have a long drive to get there,” Vin said.

“Yea, I’ll call you when we’re on our way,” I said.

“Okay,” they all said.

We said our goodbyes and Ryan and I picked up our suitcases that we set down on the floor.

“Shall we go?” Ryan said, holding his hand  out.

“Delighted, love.”

Author's Note: This is for ifyouanthang24 thank you for voting for my story, I'm glad you enjoy it. ^.^-houseofterror

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