Like A Glass Balloon, I'm Fading

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Alice’s p.o.v

Title and chapter inspired by They Say that Hell’s Not Hot by Marilyn Manson

It’s never really shocked me or disturbed me when I get looks from people whenever I’m in public. I know that some people have never seen a girl as tattooed as I am. Or they haven’t seen a girl that displays her tattoos as much as I do.

I wear shorts and tank tops that expose my beautiful artwork. I’ve gotten many comments about my tattoo. Much of them are good, but there have been a few people that whisper to each other about me.

But like Chris stated in his song Devil’s Night “people fear what they don’t understand”.

I’m not a monster, I’m just a little decorated. Little kids have come up to me asking me to show my tattoos to them. I once had a little boy at Warped Tour saying that all my comic book tattoos were the coolest thing he’s ever seen.

Tattoos are becoming more accepted each day. But yet to my parents, they’re a disgrace to their family name. I could tell they were disappointed by their stares. They went from looking at me and over at Ryan.

When we were seated at a booth in the far back and some of the people that were seated around us kept glancing at me and Ryan. We didn’t care about them but what did hurt me is the reaction my parents were giving me.

It’s kind of hard to tell if they were disapproving of me and my tattoos or of Ryan, knowing them it might have been both. The waitress came back and handed us the menus and took our drink orders.

Every awkward silence fell over us. I held on tightly to Ryan’s hand. My father was staring down Ryan, disgust and disappointment easily readable on his face. My mother scan the menu, pretending everything was okay.

“How long has this been going on,” my father said, folding his arms together.

“Since late autumn of last year,” I said in the same cold voice he asked.

“Interesting. Ryan is it?” he asked removing his eyes from me and over to Ryan.

“Yup, Ryan Sitkowski,” he said nonchalantly.

“And what do you do for a living?”

“I play guitar for a band called Motionless In White,” he was quick to answer.

“I never heard of it. And is this ‘band’ successful?”

“Yea, we’re doing well. Just came back from tour about a week ago, working on a new album that comes out September 16 and we’re playing main stage this year at Warped Tour so we’re pretty successful.”

“I wonder how long that would last,” my mom said under her breath.

“Excuse me?” Ryan said.

My mom looked up from her menu and gave an innocent look as if she never said anything. I stared at her, my blood boiling in my veins. I’m done with this bullshit. I rolled my eyes at both of them, giving up on this.

My leg was shaking, my vision was sharp and I left a pain in my head beginning to grow.

“Anyways, so are you happy being with my daughter?” my father asked.

“Of course I am; why shouldn’t I be? Being with her has brought so much joy in my life. Waking up knowing that she’s mine and mine only makes me smile and appreciate Alice. She’s my love, and I am deeply in love with her. The way her laughter fills up our apartment it makes me smile. Its little things like that that I know I’m so lucky to have Alice as my girlfriend.”

I Won't Let Her Go (Ryan Sitkowski)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें