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Ryan's p.o.v

Airports are bitches. There are too many people. Most of them are confused. Plus I don't like being groped that people I don't. Like get your hands off me, peasant.

If your not Alice, I don't want you touching me. Point, blank, period.

After going through hell, I mean all that airport shit, we finally got on your flight.

We've actually been here for about a good twenty minutes. Everyone was still getting settled and what not.

Alice's parents bought the plane tickets, so they went all out with it and bought first class.

Well damn.

Alice felt embarrassed when they did. She said that they were showing off and they were trying to win her over with material things.

That shit doesn't work for her. She finds beauty in simple things, which does make a huge difference. We have this thing that when either us is on tour, we save the first and last can of Rockstar we drank.

However it started is still unknown to me, but it's things like that, that make me appreciate the wonderful girl I fell in love with.

We decided that we would take turns on who had the window seat, I was the first because she doesn't like being next to the window when it goes up.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Her leg was slightly shaking.

"Yea. I just don't like flying that much. Anyways there's too many people. We need a new plague."

"Did you just quote The Office?"

"Yes, yes I did," she replied proudly.

We both laughed, and I laid my hand upon hers, which was on the armrest.

"And that is why I love," I said as I reached I to kiss her cheek.

"Awww, now isn't that adorable," I heard a woman's voice say.

I looked and saw that it came from a middle-aged woman, with lightly tanned skin and black hair. Alice and I both looked at the woman, who sat on the set row beside ours.

"Oh I apologize. I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation," she said.

"It's alright," I said, she seemed friendly about it so I wasn't mad. And she called my relationship adorable so it's fine.

"Thank you dear, it's just seeing young couples makes my heart warm. It reminds me of my husband."

"Ohh how long have you two been married?" Alice asked.

"20 years in June the second," she replied with a huge smile.

"Wow that's a long time," I said.

"Yes it is, but it's been wonderful spending my life with him. He's my better half. Yes we had our rough times but those are the times you learn how to work through your problems and agree on your different views.

That's the downfall of most marriage. They think they have to agree on everything, which is not the case. You both are two different people with different qualities and characteristics.

Keep in mind of those things and you'll succeed."

"Thank you for your kind advice," Al said.

I took to heart what the woman said. I knew Alice and I had our similarities but we were also very different. Which is why I enjoy being with her because it's a new experience everyday I am blessed with her company.

We went back talking about anything that came to mind because I wanted to distract her from thinking about what would happen once we land in Memphis.

For the first and second day that we land, she's going to show me around the city she grew up in. Also Vincent, Elliott, Mason, and Trace are coming down from St Louis to  see and support Alice through this rough patch.

I believe that if she surround yourself with people that care  about her, whatever the outcome of her meeting her parents will show her that she's loved and cared for.

From what she's told me, she's not really scared of being in Memphis, only because she's been there many times beforehand, because Vincent's parents still live down there and they at times go visit them whenever they were off tour.

I know she is concerned about how they would think of me but I could care less as I said before. I just want her to have that closure to know that there's nothing wrong with her, and if her parents don't accept her for who she is then she shouldn't worry about it because I will always be there for her no matter what.

Anyways, everything was finally settled in the pilot came over the intercom and talked about whatever it is he said. I kind of block it out, and before we knew it we were finally in the air.

I held onto Alice's hand because I knew that she didn't like flying, which is kind of weird because you would imagine that someone that has to be on a lot of planes would be used to it, but I know Chris is still not used to the feeling of flying, but whatever.

Within a few hours we would land at Memphis, and we would rent a car then go to our hotel room, which was also paid by Alice's parents. Only a few more hours left to go

Author's Note: so I've been having writers block with this story, as well with A Wicked Game to Play, which is why I haven't updated it. I know the direction I want to go with with both stories but I've been having a hard time expressing and writing its so I'm sorry. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I will try to update Come Feed Desire as well as A Wicked Game to Play this weekend. Remember to vote and thanks for reading. -HouseOfTerror

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