Please Let Her Be Okay

644 33 5

Ryan’s p.o.v

(A/N pictures of Mason from Haunted Horror Show)

We were walking out of the restaurant, noticing that there was something wrong with Alice. She was shaking as we were walking toward the direction of the car.

“Babe, are you okay?” I asked her when I saw that she was stumbling a little. She nodded and I called her name out again. But I knew that there was something she wasn’t telling me, so I stayed close to her.

And it was a good thing I did because out of nowhere Alice was beginning to fall over. I quickly caught her before she hit the ground. I screamed out her name, trying to get her to focus on me but I knew that she was fainting.

There were some people coming out of the restaurant and a couple getting out of their car and they rushed over to us.

“Alice!?!?!” I screamed one last time before her eyes closed. “Someone please call 911,” I yelled out.

At this point, I was on the ground holding Alice in my arms, slowly rocking back and forth trying to wake Alice up. I moved her red hair from her face. She was still breathing so that was a good sign.

I overheard people beginning to dial 911 and telling them the situation. I needed to stay calm because freaking out in a moment like this would only make things worse. But I couldn’t help but think what caused Alice to just faint, maybe it was her anxiety. I knew that she didn’t have an allergies or asthma so it couldn’t be that.

People poured out from the restaurant everyone gossiping what was going on, and wondering if everything as okay, it was really starting to piss me off even more.

“Can everyone please stay back?!” I yelled. Some people actually did but others were still looking at what was happening, it only made me want to punch someone in the face.

From the corner of my eye I saw a young girl about early twenties coming over to be, and bending down next to me. “It’s okay, I’m a nurse,” she said.

“Well that’s good for you please stay back, she’s breathing,” I snapped at her.

This had nothing to do with any of them so I needed everyone to get away from her. I don’t trust people like that, that’s why I looked 911 not this chick. She did step back for a bit, just looking to see that everything was fine.

The ambulance pulled into the parking lot which made the small crowd back the fuck off. Finally!! The EMTs rushed out of the car and removed Alice from my grasp and put her on the stretcher.

I stood up from the ground and wiped my pants. I took off the jacket and undid the tie, as well as undoing the buttons on the arms. “Sir, what’s her name?” one of the EMTs asked me.

“Alice Rive,” answered.

“And you are?”

“Ryan, I’m her boyfriend,” I told the female EMT.

They asked me a few more questions and I saw they were using the oxygen mask on Alice, I was focused on her that I didn’t hear her question. They began to put Alice in the ambulance.

“Sir, I asked if you would like to go with her,” she asked me again.

“Oh sorry, of course I would,” I followed her into the back of the ambulance and we drove off. They were checking her vitals making sure she was okay. They were speaking in medical terms so I couldn’t tell what they were saying.

I reached to grab her hand and felt it cold beneath my touch. That’s when it hit me; I could actually lose Alice. The pure thought itself shook me to my core. For the first time in a love time, my eyes began to water.

I Won't Let Her Go (Ryan Sitkowski)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora