Running In Circles

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Alice's p.o.v

"Is it me, or does that waitress have a serious hatred towards us?" I asked Ryan as we stepped into our lovely home. "I thought I was the only one that notices!" Ryan exclaimed.

We just got home from dinner with Ryan's parents. Ryan walked toward the lamp as I closed the door.  He turned the lamp on to shed some light in our dark living room.

We went our favorite sushi restaurant but everytime we go there is this waitress that is throwing daggers at me and Ryan, you know, not literally but still.

Shit, I know Ryan is a stud muffin and I look like I should on the set of The Walking Dead but still, there is no more for a sloppily attitude.

"I think she's a spy that is mistaking me for an another secret agent," I explained.

"Babe, I hope you know that that made no sense," Ryan said.

He kicked off his shoes and plopped down onto the couch. I did the same, and curled up next to him.

"What are you talking about?  That totally made sense," I said. He looked at me and wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he said with a smirk. "What we did in the morning helps me sleep at night" I mumbled under my breath.

I was startled when Ryan bursted into laughter. "Did you hear me?" I said, laughing as well. I felt my cheeks quickly heat up as I laughed.

"Ya I did!" Ryan said, trying his hardest to contain his laugh.

We had a good laugh, then I laid my head onto to his chest. His heart beat was calm and soothing.

I took in his scent, which was a mixed of smoke and vanilla. My eye lids started to feel as if they weigh tons. Before I knew it, sleep had taken over me.

*next morning*

There was a soft pounding, I heard as I drifted back into reality. I knew that it wasn't in my head because it wasn't  hurting.

I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded my the dim light coming from the living room window.

See that is why I bought black curtains so they could prevent sunlight from coming in. Come on curtains get with the program. 

I realized that the soft and steady pounding was the sound of Ryan's heart beat.

Sadly it was interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

Ryan moved slightly and opened his eyes. I groaned that I reached for my phone I left on the coffee table last night.

The light of the screen blurred my version,  but once it settled I looked at the number.

I didn't recognized it but I new that it was the Tennessee area code. I slid the call button and pressed the phone against my ear that wasn't on Ryan's chest.

"Hello?" I said. I heard a male's voice clear his throat before he spoke. "Alice?" he said. "Yes, who is this?"

"Don't you remember?" he said softly. The fuck, of course I don't that's why I asked. Dude, people with their stupid questions.

"No I do not, " I replied a bit annoyed. "It's your dad," I could hear the hurt and pain in his voice.

As well as hearing my own heart just stop beating. I sat up, feeling like I wasn't able to breathe.

"Alice, what's wrong? " Ryan said, worried. "Surprise, sweetheart, I know-"

"Don't, don't you dare try to apologize for all the shit you've done. I don't care what you have to say, I'm done trying to mend the relationship we had-"

"Alice, please let me speak. I just wanted to tell you that I want you to come down here to Memphis so I can speak to you. That was what your mother was trying to do but you wouldn't let her speak."

"Are you serious? You're just asking me out of the blue to go and see you? Why should I?"

"I know that I havent been so understanding in the past. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been listening about you. Please Alice, come down here for a couple of days so I can see you. I'll pay for you flight here, please," his voice seemed sincere.

My eyes were now watery and I couldn't stop my trembling hand. I saw Ryan's look of worry. He still had his arm around me trying his hardest to comfort me even though he doesn't know that's going on.

What should I say? I don't want to go but if this is the only chance to regain my family, would it be foolish of me not to go.

I don't want to go. I don't want to go alone. "I can't make a decision right now, but I will tell you."

I removed the phone from my ear and hung up. I threw the phone of the other side of the couch.

I hands covered my face as tears poured from my eyes. "Babe, what's wrong?" Ryan asked.

He took me in his embrace with my trembling body. "Hey, Alice calm down okay. Now tell me what's wrong."

I took in a deep breath before I was able to figure out the right words. "My dad, he said he wants to see me," I sobbed.

"Alice, that's a good thing. You can get the chance to patch things up with your dad," he said being optimistic.

"I don't know if I can." "Yes you can. You're Alice Rive, my beautiful, strong and amazinh girlfriend. You're not going to do this alone. I'll go with you."

I stopped crying and looked up at Ryan's face. "You will? My parents are very judgemental, and don't you have to help Chris," I said.

It's not like I didn't want him to go if I went but I rather protect him from my shitty family.

"Chris will be okay, I'm sure he can spare me a few days. You always come first okay," he said before he kissed the top of my head.

I do want to go but I don't know if I do go will things change or would they be worst. I don't want to put Ryan through all of that.

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