The Future Is Motionless

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Alice's p.o.v

I never thought this would happen. My life was wonderful. I can finally say that I am truly happy. All the questions from my past have been answered. I no longer need to stay up late thinking about things that I can never change.

For once in my life, I am at peace with who I am and what I want to become.

Ryan is in my life. Vincent, Mason, Elliott and Trace are in my life. What more could I ask for? Well I do want a cat…umm…maybe I can convince Ryan to buy me a black cat with blue eyes.

Since we left Memphis, I could just feel everything was getting better. And they were because I was putting myself in that mindset that my life is worth living, so why should I be sad and depressed with things that have happened in the past.

My parents haven’t tried to contact me ever since I told them to fuck off, but I will admitted that there was a time that I was wondering if I made the right choice. Ryan said that we should be proud of the choices we make, so after a long time of thinking about it, and many headaches later, I was proud that I didn’t let my parents get to me.

I knew they were never change from their disappointment and smugness, and I am okay with that. I don’t know them to be here because I have friends that are my family.

It was a new day at Warped and I heading over to my bus because I was out with the Motionless girlfriends. They invited me to go to Denny’s with them. It was a little weird because all of them deiced to come to Warped Tour this day, but I didn’t think of it much.

I said that I would catch them up before Motionless In White’s set starts. We were all going to watch them perform today, which is a very exciting thing. The music and all the energy from the crowd just makes you want to throw yourself into the mosh pit without second thought.

I stepped onto the bus and saw all the guys sitting around in the bus living room with huge smiles on their faces and they were all staring at me. The guys were weird in general but never this weird to the point where I don’t know what’s going on.

“Why are you guys smiling?” I asked coming in deeper into the bus.

“Oh just because,” Elli said.

“Umm okay? But are you guys ready to go see Motionless’ set?”

They nodded enthusiast. I gave them a strange look, what’s going on with them?

“Okay will I’m going to go change my shirt,” I said walking away from their weirdness and into where our bunks were. While we were at Denny’s Kylie dropped some syrup on my shirt Dawn of Ashes so I was going to change.

When I reached my bunk, I noticed that my curtain wasn’t all the way pulled back, even though I made sure that it was before I left. Pulling the curtain back, I saw a black gift bag with white gift paper coming from inside.

Was this why all of the guys were acting weird?

I took the gift paper out and there was a white shirt with blood thrown on it. Then I realized what it was, it was a Motionless In White shirt that Ange made for them for Warped. I smiled at my gift and unfolded the shirt to be surprised by a note falling out.

I bent down to pick up the note. It was just a plain white card but it read:

“I babe hope you like the shirt. ^.^ See you later <3- RYAN”

My smile grew wider. Aww, it was so sweet. I put the note back in the bag and walked into the bathroom to change. Once my shirts were switched, I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My hair and makeup were just right. I was wearing my black shorts and black Vans. Oh I almost forgot; I took out my necklace from beneath my shirt. It was the necklace Ryan gave, I barely take it off.

And with that I walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. All the guys were still smiling.

“Do you like your shirt?” Mas asked.

“Yes I do.”

“You’re wearing the necklace he gave you…aww you guys are so cute together,” Mason said as he sat next to Vin.

Trace and Elliott were sitting on the floor.

“Ugh couples,” Elli said sounding ‘disgusted’.

“You’re just jealous because you’re single,” I said.

“It’s okay because I have Vin and Trace,” he proudly said, wrapping his arm around Trace.

“Yea um no, you only have Vin,” Trace stated, removing Elli’s arm.

We all looked at him surprised and shocked by what he said. Is he not single anymore? Who’s the girl? When did this happen?

“What? Who are you dating?” Elli asked.

“I finally asked Ash Costello.”

“Really?” I asked and he nodded with a smile on his face. I knew it, Trace and Ash do make a cute couple aww.

“Well that means you’re stuck with me,” Elliott sang.

Vin dropped his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Oh god, I need to find a girlfriend quickly,” he whined. Elli punched his leg, being hurt by his words. I’m sure no one wants to be stuck with Elliott, no offense Elli.

“Okay well come on let’s go. You don’t want to be late. This is going to be a performance one of the best so far,” Vin said getting up from the couch, followed by Mas. Trace and Elli stood up from the floor.

We all walked out of the bus and into the humid air. It was partly cloudy outside; the sun was still peeking through the clouds through. What a perfect and beautiful to watch Motionless In White perform.

Author’s Note: One more chapter left… Oh no! Oh my feels hurt, but anyways I was thinking about doing a short story with Trace and Ash, would any of you guys read it? If so tell me please. Yea one more to go…


In the Shadow of the Valley of Death by Marilyn Manson

Built for Blame by Get Scared

Fatal by Motionless In White

Billy in 4-C Never Saw It Coming by Motionless In White

Dig Up Her Bones by The Misfits

21 Gun by Green Day

I’m No Good by New Year’s Day

Such Small Hands by La Dispute

Red Flag by Billy Talent

Puppets (The First Snow) by Motionless In White

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