Chapter 10: The Fallen

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Sky had a gray shirt, blue eyes, and long brown hair. She wore jeans, and she had a wolf tail and wolf ears. On the surface, before the, uh, incident, most people in her high school wanted to date her. I had ti literally be her body guard. No one touches my sister.
"Brendan?! What are you doing here?! Why are you wearing Sans' hoodie?! Why is Frisks dead body on the ground?!" Asked Sky.
"Answer to question 1: I was looking for Frisk. Bad idea. Answer 2: Sans died, and I'm wearing it to honor him. Answer 3: I avenged Sans." I answered.
"You KILLED our BROTHER?! What the heck!" Yelled Sky.
"Frisk is a psychopath. It killed every monster in existence because it thinks it's above consequences. It got bored, so it killed an entire civilization. Now do you understand?" I explained.
"You could've tried to make Frisk stop." Sky said, like it was obvious.
"What are we, 4? We go into the time out corner and hug and say sorry? This is a murderer we're talking about, Sky. A murderer." I explained.
"Well--" Sky started, before looking past me. She looked scared and fascinated at the same time.
I looked behind me.
"Oh gosh." I complained.
The six human souls went towards Frisks body and surrounded it. The souls went into its body.
They rose off the ground and levitated into the air. They looked up at me and Sky. The whites of their eyes were rainbows. Their irises were rainbows. Their pupils were-- you guessed it-- rainbows. They spoke.
"Greetings. We speak with one voice. Thank you. With this body, we can live on and gain vengeance on monster kind. The soul that once inhabited this body has helped us. There are two more monsters standing in our way. We will eliminate the first one: we will eliminate SKY KOUTAROU." They said. "We are patience. Bravery. Integrity. Perseverance. Kindness. Justice. DETERMINATION.
We are: THE FALLEN."
"No! No one hurts my sister!" I yelled. "I will protect her. Even if it means fighting YOU."
"Bring it on." Threatened The Fallen.

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