Chapter 15: New Bae-- I mean friends

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So how was last chapter? Yeah, I know it was weird. Me, a pharaoh? That's a bad combination of words.
"Brendan, I have to leave. See you later." Nephthys said. She may or may not have winked.
"Bye." I said.
Nephthys disappeared. Just like that.
"Wanna buy a house in America?" I asked Sky.
"Yeah, I don't wanna be a nomad again." Sky said.
"Me neither."
We opened a portal and went to just the place we needed to go: a house for sale. We bought the house with the gold I got from Snowdin. I used magic to set up all the rooms, and there were still rooms empty. I laid down and went to sleep. Bad idea.
"Hello?" Said a girls voice. "Anyone? I know your here. The void senses energies."
"Hi." I said. "Who are you?"
A girl randomly appeared. "My name is Aldwyn."
The girl was a monster. A boss monster, I should add. She had long, yellow hair, she was about my age, and she wore a green and yellow hoodie.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"I'm in the void, but you're still in your house. Your soul just came to me, for reasons I don't understand." She answered. "I would appreciate help."
"I'd love to help, but I don't know how." I said.
"Neither do I." She replied.
"I'll figure out how, I promise." I said.
As soon as I said that, I woke up.
"Brendan, what the heck! I thought you would never wake up!" Sky shouted.
"How long was I out?" I asked.
"It's 2:05 in the afternoon!" She replied.
"The void. I need to go to the void." I said. "But first, I'm gonna change clothes. Not feeling these robes."
And magically my clothes changed to what I wanted. A black shirt with a gold shen symbol on it, the symbol of Ra. I wore gray sweat pants and a rose gold leather jacket.
"Quick change." Sky said.
"I know." I said.
I imagined myself in the same place I was in my dream. In front of the nice, pretty monster, who was begging for help. When I opened my eyes, I was in that exact spot.
Jackpot. I said.
"Have you come to help?" Aldwyn asked.
"Yep." I said.
I looked her in the eyes, put my hand on hers, and spoke a spell.
"Waqie." The Egyptian word for reality.
Suddenly we were back in my house, in real life.
"Thank you." Said Aldwyn.
She was so much cuter in real life, I couldn't stand it.
"Welcome to your new home. Would you like to help us beat up Drake?" I asked.
"Drake? Heck yeah! Lets beat him up so bad, he'll regret banishing me to the void." She answered.

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