Drake POV, Chapter 17: I spoke too soon

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(True Undertale fans would know why this is the 17th chapter.)
Never give your Souldier a conscience. Or give it a chance of a conscience. Yes, I spelled it like that because it's a species I made. I tweak the soul so much, it changes into a mindless creature. I thought C-2 would be the first one to not suffer a side-effect, or go rouge. Many have. C-2 was the closest to being successful. But, to sum it up... Screw you, Frisk.
"C-2, hurry! That mage sphere needs to be completed by tomorrow night, the New Moon!" I ordered.
"...No..." It struggled. "Never..."
"What do you mean?! You follow my orders!" I yelled.
"I tried that same experiment," Gaster spoke through C-2's body. "It didn't work. So much pain, torment, CALAMITY."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'There's consequences, this is wrong, you're insane' I'VE HEARD IT!" I yelled.
"Then we will hear C-2's thoughts on this. They do deserve the right to have an opinion, after all." Gaster said.
They left C-2's body, but, unfortunately, C-2 got a conscience.
"Good luck trying to stop me." I threatened. C-2 took two crescent-bladed knives, its signature weapon.
"Goodbye, 'lord.'" It said.
It slashed its two blades at me, but I dodged. I blasted a beam of black magic from my palm at C-2. It made an X with its two blades and slashed the air, leaving a magenta slash mark coming towards me at a high velocity of 95%. I quickly used one of my Calamity powers-- converting C-2's attack into my own. I launched the slash mark faster at C-2 than C-2 launched it at me. It hit C-2, really powerful. C-2 was slammed into a wall. I spoke a spell that most people would die trying to summon, but I managed.
"Isfet." (Hieroglyph for Chaos.) I spoke. Suddenly, the hieroglyph for the word burned on C-2's soul. Chaos burned in their soul. The ancient Egyptians believed in the evil snake, Apophis. Well, they were correct. Apophis is my secret name, which would've given you power over me, but I am smart. When written, it has no affect. And, remember the true form of a demon is a sacred animal? Mine is a red snake. I am Apophis, which means the spell Isfet is my spell. Now that I used my spell on C-2, I had absolute control over it again.
"Good," I said. "Now, the mage sphere?"
"Yes, my lord." C-2 said.

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