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There it was... In front of me. I looked around and saw myself in a room. Except this room was completely white. I turned towards the figure in front of me again. It stared at me and said nothing. I kept my mouth shut afraid of what it might do. The figure unfamiliar to me and I can't quite understand why it chose to go to me. This isn't like any other opponent I had faced. For the very first time... I was scared. The figure raised its arm up and pointed towards me. I stood still. The figure started coming closer and I shook. I shut my eyes. I felt something cold on my forehead. I peeked one eye opened and noticed that the figure was a female. She smiled at me but her expression seemed... Dead. My eyes widen in realization. "Mother...?" I shakily said. She just smiled and grabbed my hand. She placed something in my hand and closed it. I looked at my hand but I didn't opened it. I looked up and noticed her going back. "Wait!" I reached out and starting running towards her. Her body suddenly disappeared into flower petals. I went onto my knees with a shocked look. I noticed the change in scenery. The room was covered in blue with fluffy clouds floating around. The ground was replaced with grass. It was like I was suddenly thrown into the outside. A meadow of flowers were not far by. I looked into my hand and looked at what she had given me. It was a black choker attached to a small silver chains with two going into a loop and with a Rosario attached. I looked at the gem in the middle. I can see the imprint of a flower. "Mother..." I remember. This flower represented my mother and this was her's and my favorite kind of flower. I also noticed how the gem was my favorite color also. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, whispering thank you. I looked at it and felt the need to put it on. If only I had a mirror... But it seems I was heard and a mirror appeared. I was a taken back but got to work. I put on the Rosary and noticed my clothes. I was wearing a white dress with black floral designs. I looked down and noticed how much it matched. I was surprise to be found wearing a dress because I often dress in more boyish clothes but yet... It felt nice and comfortable. It wasn't too long nor too short. I looked in the mirror and fixed the Rosary. I gave a closed eyed smile towards the mirror. I laughed and noticed how much similar to the Rosary in and anime called Rosario + Vampire. Weird. While I was admiring myself in the mirror my reflection cracked. I took a step back but nearly fell into the never ending fall. I ran as the world behind me started to crumble and disappear. I stopped and realized this is the end. I reached out above me as I fell. My hair flying everywhere. I suddenly stopped and I was now somewhere else. It was like the room before except... It was dark and black. I felt a shiver go down my spine as I wrapped my arms around me. The color of my dress was now black and the designs were now white. I looked at my Rosario and noticed how more lifeless the flower seemed. My body started to glow as I panicky looked at my arms. The light emitting from my body filled the room as my body started to disappear. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I felt tears flow down as I shut my eyes as my body disappeared.

I shoot up from my bed as I clenched my chest. My breathing was heavily as my heart beat rapidly. It took a while until I was calm. I noticed that it was still early in the morning as I looked at the time. '4:23 am' it read. I fell back into my bed and looked at the ceiling. I felt something in my hand as I opened it up and noticed it was the Rosary from my dream. I blinked my eyes. "Wait!!!" I shot up, throwing the covers to the ground. I stood up and ran to the bath room. I turned on the faucet and splashed some water onto my face. I looked into the mirror. My hair was in every direction and it was a mess. Usually I would just pat it down and leave it but I felt the need to comb it down. I sighed, turning off the faucet. I grabbed a comb and started brushing down my hair. I felt the need to do more since I know I won't be going back to sleep. After I was finished I went out and noticed a dress folded on the desk next to my bed. I picked it up and noticed how it looked similar to the dress I wore in my dream. It was half black and white and there was the florals designs at the bottom. Strange how it was like both of the dresses I wore except it was put into one. Again, I would just throw it aside but I felt like putting it on. I sighed and changed into the dress. I looked into the full body mirror I somehow have in my room and noticed my appearance. I didn't recognize myself because of how girly I looked but... this was a whole different level. My hair was put into a high ponytail and the ends were curled. My face was covered in light makeup and my Rosario was on. I had my dress on and I had stockings with one side black and the other was white. I looked around the room and noticed some black high heels. "When did I get these.... Heck! Where did I get all the makeup supplies and curly iron and how did I know how to do all that stuff!!" I yelled. Knowing no will answer I put on the not so high, high heels. Hey but since I live hear and it's so early in the morning... I wonder if anyone else is here. I walked out my bedroom and decided to explore. I noticed the corridors were confusing and the place seemed kind of scary. Wait, is this where I live? I myself stopped at a door. Almost all the doors had slight blood on them but somehow this door stood out the most. I pushed the door opened. I walked inside what seemed to be an office. "Welcome (Y/n)." A voice said. I flinched and turned towards a tall figure in a tuxedo and has a white blank face.

~End Of Prologue~

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