Chapter 7

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Slenderman stayed silent as the room went back to normal. He was lost for words. They just sat down with grief. He cleared his throat. "W-well..." He cursed himself for shuttering. "At least just attend Sally's Tea Party for today." He said. (Y/n)'s eyes narrowed. "Just for today?" He nodded. "But how does your Rosario work?" Andrew stood up. "Let me answer that for you, the Rosario kind of works like in the anime
Rosario + Vampire. It seals her inner self and power. So she'll act different when it comes off but I suggest not removing it." Andrew shivered as a flashback of (Y/n)'s inner self. Slenderman nodded. "You two should come down, dinner's ready." He said. The two nodded. Slenderman disappeared without a trace. "So... Should we..." "Go? Yes, let's..." (Y/n) said. "Are you (Y/n) or Alice-...." Andrew was cut off with a glare. 'I guess both...' He thought and looked at (Y/n)'s glowing gem on her Rosario. 'Or mostly her considering that (Y/n) maybe might need to think...' The two quietly went down and entered the dinning room. But Andrew felt a bump and looked down. "Sorry!!" The voice said as Sally looked up. She quickly went quiet and tried to run. Andrew sighed and immediately stopped her. "Sally..." He said as she stopped. She timidly faced him. She stood still in fear. Andrew kneeled down to her level and put a hand on her head. "We're sorry about what happened. It's just that we had a little sister like you." Andrew said. Sally looked at him in curiosity. "Little sister?" She tilted her head. "She passed away and we just got over her but you remind us of her." Andrew sadly said. He stood up and picked her up. "She wore a dress like you and she had the same personality as you. She also carried a doll with her like how you carry Charlie around." He said. "So can you forgive us and give us a second chance? Sorry about (Y/n), she may not look like it but she's just like that towards others except if she close to them." Andrew whispered at the end. Sally giggled and nodded. "Okay!!" She exclaimed. "And please just don't take it too harshly by her words when she acts that way, that's her inner self. You can tell when her hair is white or if part of her is her when her hair is slightly white." Andrew smiled and set her down, he ruffled her head. Sally returned the smile and could see in the cover of her eye, (Y/n) slightly smile. The chatter of everyone went silent as they entered. Andrew tried to ignore their glaring eyes. The two sat down as Slenderman appeared in an apron. He was about to speak up until (Y/n) cut him off telepathy. 'Andrew's okay with anything as long as it looks appetizing. But we both prefer souls. I'll just go with you to make it. Don't worry about me, I'll just go back to my room after. I'm not fawn of human food.' She said while Slenderman nodded. As he left everyone's glares harden. Jeff stabbed his knife to the table. "Y-" Jane cut him off. "You think you guys can just come in and do whatever you want." She said. Then she pointed a knife towards (Y/n). "Especially you, you think you have the guts to become one of us, Creepypastas?! Don't think Slenderman chose you doesn't mean we'll follow your be close to you or listen to your orders!! Besides, what can some kid do anyways??!!" Jane yelled. Andrew stood up. "Just because you're jealous that you couldn't be worthy enough to have been chosen sooner doesn't mean you have do have the guts to even try!!" He yelled as Jeff laughed. Jane glared at Andrew then at Jeff. "You're supposed to be on our side not his!!" She yelled. Andrew just scoffed. "That only proves that you think that you can do whatever you want and boss others around. That doesn't make you any better than to think we'll follow your orders." Andrew smirked as Jeff laughed louder along with others. "Burn!!" BEN said as he laughed. Jane's face turned red. "Fu-" "There's a kid here~" Andrew cut her off. Jane only screamed and slammed the door behind her as she stomped upstairs. LJ throw his arm over Andrew's shoulder and laughed. "You got her!!" He exclaimed. Andrew nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess..." He turned back towards (Y/n) only to see she's gone. "Wait, where's-" Slenderman came in holding a plate. "Everyone sit back down!!" He yelled as everyone hurried to their seats. "Andrew this is for you." He said and placed it on the table. Andrew's eyes widen. "This is..." He said. Slenderman just nodded and left. "(Y/n) made this..." He muttered. Everyone then ate as he quickly scarfed down his food. He sighed in content. "So Andrew right?" Andrew turned and saw BEN. "I'm BEN." BEN said with a smirk. "Have you forgotten what he did?" Masky asked. "It's okay, we made up!!" Sally smiled. "Good enough for me, I'm Clockwork. No one has ever done that to Jane before." She said. "You mean the one that left?" Andrew asked. "Yeah, you should've have seen her face!! Good to know someone can put her back into her place!!" Jeff said. "Oh I'm Jeff The Killer but you can just call me Jeff." He said. Andrew just nodded. "Can you come to my tea party?" Sally asked with pleading eyes. Andrew thought for a while. "I see why not?" He smiled. The girls blushed. Sally just smiled and nodded. She was about to get off her seat as Charlie dropped out of her hands. "Charlie!!" She shouted. Andrew's eyes widen. Everything went in slow motion. The table cloth was coming off as everything started to fall to the ground. He quickly ran as he gathered everything. Everything went back to normal as Sally fell. But she landed into Andrew's chest. "Are you okay?" He asked as she opened her eyes. Everyone's eyes widen as they stared in shock. Andrew held stacked plates on his head as his hand held balanced cups. His other hand held a handful of utensils. The table cloth was folded besides him. Sally nodded her head with a blush. Andrew then smiled as he flicked the table cloth with his foot up. He then threw the utensils up along with the glasses. As soon as they started to fall he jumped up and threw the plates like a frisbee as they set themselves in an orderly fasion. It shock them to no end seeing how they didn't break. Andrew then turned around. His face turned a slight pink as he nervously smiled. "H-how d-did y-you d-do t-that?!" Toby exclaimed. Andrew just nervously laughed. "Training...?" He nervously replied.

Jane grumbled under her breath as she stomped her way towards her room. She then bumped into someone and fell to the ground. She then glared at (Y/n). "Watch where you're going!!" Jane yell. (Y/n) only stared blankly as her Rosario started to glow brightly. She was amused that Jane didn't even notice it glow. Jane grit her teeth and clench a fist. She readied her weapon and stood up. "I'll show you that you're not worthy of training us." She ran at (Y/n) and prepared to stab her. (Y/n) only watched with an emotionless expression. She closed her eyes as her body started to glow. She stretched her arms downwards as she was no longer herself. Jane immediately stopped as her mouth agape. "M-mom...?" She dropped her knife. Her mother smiled and opened her arms. Her voice was different. "Come here and give your mother a hug." She said. Tears were threatening to fall from Jane's eyes as she ran and hugged her mother. Memories suddenly clouded her mind as she cried into her mother's chest. "I missed you so much!!" Jane cried. She knew that this wasn't her real mother but she didn't care. The memories continued but she feared for the last one, but it never came. Her mother started to glow. "M-mom?" Jane question. "Goodbye... Please stay happy for me and your father..." She smiled. Jane cried as the light died down. (Y/n) then wrapped her arms around Jane as she rubbed circles on her back. "I know how it feels to lose your family..." Her voice was dead. Jane stiffed. "You only did that to make me weak, is that right?" She spoke. (Y/n) shook her head. "You just need someone to lean on. I lost my family a few years ago, Andrew is my only family left... And I still fear of getting close to some and losing them." (Y/n) said. Jane just stayed silent and held onto (Y/n). "I'm here for a reason just like everyone else." She said. "And we all need to move on. Moving on doesn't you forget about things, it means you have to accept what happens and continue living." Jane up with widen eyes. "You're not as bad as we thought..." She muttered and clenched in (Y/n)'s sweater. "You can't judge a book by its cover. And by the looks of it, you may be strong and independent, but there's a story laying behind that mask. Everyone has one. There's always a reason behind why people do what they do." Jane was about to speak up until (Y/n) disappeared. Jane fell to her knees and thought of what (Y/n) said. She picked up her knife, her thoughts occupied by the (h/c) girl. 'Just how much had she been through to make her like this?'

~End Of Chapter 7~

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