Chapter 14

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Alice had a look of disgust on her face as she looked at the bouquet of roses. She opened up her window and threw the roses out as she dusted off her hands. "Now that's taken care of~" She said as she jumped onto the bed. "Time to plan~"

Toby walked with (Y/n) as they reached the mansion. His eyes widen when he notice the bouquet of roses on the floor. He frowned as he picked it up and sighed. The girl besides him only raised a brow. "What's that for?" She asked as Toby sighed. "It was for Alice until I found out..." He trailed off. She just smiled. "I can take them~" Toby blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course! They were supposed to be for you..." He exclaimed and handed her the roses. "Thank you, roses were always something precious to us..." She then looked down. "Our mother loved them..." She then looked up. "But thank you~" Toby just looked away with a blush. "No problem..." "But anyways, if you're going to love me, you would have to love the both of us. Don't try to be someone you're not and just be yourself with her. I have to go now so good luck!" She said and disappeared as Toby looked to where she once was. He then felt his stomach growl. "I want waffles...." He muttered and ran to the mansion.

Jeff gripped the knife his hands as he killed off the last person in the room. He grinned as he laughed and jumped out. He reached the forest. 'I guess I should head back to the mansion' He grinned. But as he ran he came to a stop a noticed (Y/n). He eyes narrowed as he glared. 'Or maybe I can kill off this bi-' His eyes widen as he hide behind a tree as she looked up. (Y/n) slowly arise as she held a grip on her knife as blood dripped down her arms. She didn't pay much attention to it but only stared blankly ahead as her eyes were shadowed. Alice suddenly appeared before her with a smirk. Jeff's growled as he watched. 'What the hell is she doing? Is she going to torture her again?!' Alice's clothes changed as she held her wand. She giggled. "How are you doing, (Y/n)?~ I see that you're getting better~" She mocked as (Y/n) said nothing. Alice stopped smiling as she frowned. Her eyes narrowed as she went around her. She stopped as leaned into her face. "What?~ Are you ignoring me?~" She scowled. He grabbed into her hair and threw her down. "That's not how you treat your fellow companion~" She smirked as blood dripped down (Y/n)'s head. Jeff just watched with widen eyes. Alice walked around with a closed eye smile. "Poor poor (Y/n)~ Always have to go through the same thing over and over again~" She smirked and waved her wand. She surrounded (Y/n) in vines as she choked her. "Can't help but feel pity~" She tighten the grip. "Go back to hell..." (Y/n) finally said as Alice stopped and send her a glare. "Oh~ Now you talk!!" She screamed and threw her against the tree. (Y/n) then stood up and gripped her knife as she wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve. She held out her hands as blue mist surrounded her hand. Alice just smirked. "Go ahead~ Hit me!! What do you think the others will say and do if they found out what you did?!! Hahaha!! I can see it now!!" She laughed as (Y/n) grit her teeth. "Oh no!! Please help me!! (Y/n) has gone crazy and attacked me!" Alice faked cried. "I just wanted to see how she was doing and all of a sudden she beat me up!! I cried for mercy but she wouldn't just stop!!" Alice cried as she then smirked. She waved her wand again. As she tied (Y/n) up and brought her close to her. "You see (Y/n), no one would ever believe you~ They all think you're a lying back stabbing son of a bi-" (Y/n) spit in her face. Alice wiped the spit of her face and glared. She shocked (Y/n). "Don't get your germs on me you disgusting filth!!" She brought her up and forcefully brought her down. Jeff just clenched his fist. (Y/n) shakily stood up. Alice laughed. "Look at you!! Can't even stand up right!! Hahaha if only your father can see what a disgrace you are!!" (Y/n)'s shot up as she clenched her fist. Alice noticed this and smirked widely. "Oh, I'm sorry~" She laughed. "I didn't mean to say that~" (Y/n) just looked up. "Don't tell me..." She muttered and looked up with rage. Alice then spun around as she held a finger to her lips. "What?~" She smirked and jumped and landed in front of her. "How do you know him?!?!" (Y/n) shouted as she raised her hand. Her eyes glowed as she raised a hand. Blue mist surrounded her hand as she summoned bones and pointed them at Alice. "Oh did I make someone angry~" She teased and dodged. "Well guess what sweetie~ I work for him~" The bones stopped in mid-air as (Y/n) fell to her knees. She looked down. Alice smirked. "Someone's got daddy issues~" Alice walked up to her. "Shut up!!" (Y/n) shouted as her hand glowed blue as so did Alice as she flew into a tree. Alice coughed up blood. "He's the reason why everyone keeps on dying!! I want you to stay away from them!!" (Y/n) shouted. Alice shakily stood up. "Oh yeah?~ And who's going to stop me?~" (Y/n) growled as she summoned blue spears around her. Alice's eyes widen as she quickly rolled to the side. She frantically looked for her wand. "I don't care if I die!! Just don't hurt them!!" (Y/n) shouted a Gasters Blasters appeared behind her. Alice jumped up. "Why do you care for them anyways?!! Do you know that they hate you?!! They're completely don't even care about you!! They don't trust you!!" She shouted. "Because even if they hurt me they're still my family!!"  She shouted as bones were shot. Alice eyes widen as she dodged. "Are you trying to kill me?!!" She screeched. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "I don't understand why you keep using them!!! They care and love you!! They adore you!!" She shouted as Alice's eyes widen as she stayed quiet. "I'm nothing but piece of garbage!! I'm a heartless emotionless freak!! I don't even give a crap!!!" (Y/n) shouted as she was breathing heavily. Alice looked down until she spotted her wand. She inwardly smirked. "(Y-y/n), I'm sorry I didn't know..." She muttered as (Y/n) stopped. Everything disappeared as (Y/n) stayed quiet. Alice hide her wand behind her. She then smirked and waved her wand. "Just kidding!~" She threw (Y/n). "Do you really think I care?! Well guess what?!! I hope to see you in hell with me!!" She was about to wave her wand until (Y/n) spoke up. "Go ahead kill me. I want a slow and painful death!! You better not give me a quick one!!" She shouted which Alice was a taken back. She looked at her eyes. 'S-she's really serious about this!!' Alice seemed to hesitate. Jeff was about to interfere until she was kicked in a tree. (Y/n) stood with her white hair and red eyes glaring. "What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled at (Y/n) who buried her head in her knees. Jeff's eyes widen. 'That's Inner (Y/n)!' (Y/n) dodged Alice as she kicked her once again. "Just because she's a part of your keys doesn't mean you have to care for her! Look at what she's done to you!" She angrily said. (Y/n)'s voice was muffled. "But she's still a part of my family..." (Y/n) just sighed and looked towards Alice. "How dare you make things worse for her!! She's already killed herself many times already because of all of you!! I don't even understand why does she care and love you guys!!" Alice looked at her in shock. "She what?!" (Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "You're a part of her keys, idiot!" Alice only stayed quiet for she was truly shock. "This is a warning, if I find you any near her I'll personally deal with you!!! Now force gate closure!" (Y/n) shouted and waved a key in the air as Alice disappeared. (Y/n) only stood up. "Why did you do that?!! I could have handled it myself!!" She yelled and clenched a fist. "I am you, you Baka! I knew you wouldn't have done it yourself cause you were so hesitent!" (Y/n) clenched her knife and started walking away. "Where do you think you're going?!" "What does it look like I'm doing?!! I'm going to kill myself!!" (Y/n) angrily shouted as (Y/n) just sighed. She massaged her temples and turned to where Jeff was. "Okay Jeffery you can come out now." She said unamused. Jeff hesitantly walked out. "Let me guess... You were going to kill her, correct?" She said with no expression as Jeff flinched and pointed his knife at her. "What do you know?!" She sighed and pinned him to a tree holding his wrist behind his back. "Listen here Jeffery Woods, my other self may care about you but that doesn't stop from from doing anything. The only reason why I'm not beating you up right now is because of her, now, you better not cause trouble because you'll only make things worse." She said and pushed Jeff. "Okay, okay, geez, but let me go already!!" She quickly released him. "But what do you mean by she keeps killing herself and who exactly is Alice and what happen in her past to make her like this?!" He shouted as she glared at him. "Why do you care?" Jeff stayed quiet. She sighed and put a hand on her hip as turned towards him. "(Y/n) someone who you shouldn't bother with. She's going through depression and there's nothing you can do to fix it. She'll keep killing herself no matter what, if you stop her, it'll make it worse. But if you let her, it'll make it worse." Jeff narrowed his eyes. "Then what the hell are you supposed to do?!!?" She glared at him. "There's nothing you can do to fix it! What can't you understand?! If you stop her it'll make her stress because she knows that, that person will die like everyone else she gets close to. If you let her kill herself, it'll make her stress knowing that she'll end up coming back again and that she'll forever live in this hell hole." She scoffed. "In her past, she had many families-" "What happened to them?" She growled and glared harder. "Let me finish!! They always end passing away. And if you didn't know, she's being hunted down by the government. She's not wanted but she's an expirement. Because of her abilities and how she can't die, they don't have to fear about her passing away. But her first father, her biological one, is making sure she live like hell, he killed and caused the deaths of the families she had. So she traumatized and tries not to get close to others. Alice is witch from hell and she plans and taking everyone's souls and making (Y/n)'s life miserable since she works with her father." (Y/n) finished as Jeff stayed quiet. She tched and started walking away. "Oi!! Where do you think you're going?!?" Jeff ran after her. "I'm going back to the mansion to get something." She replied. "They're stupid enough to not know the difference between me and Alice." Jeff glared at her and quietly followed. They reached the mansion as she entered. Then held her nose. "Didn't know you guys drink." She said as walked away. But she stopped with a stumbling BEN going up to her. "Hey there beautiful~ Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?~" He slurred and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She glared at him and shook his arm off. "Sorry but I'm already taken and no it didn't hurt when I fell cause my lover caught me." She said and quickly disappeared. 'Looks like you have to get it yourself.' She said to (Y/n) who leaned against a tree. She sighed and slowly walked towards the mansion. 'Get ready for the beating...'

~End Of Chapter 14~

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