Chapter 15

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(Y/n) wasn't ready to go back inside so it took her a while to reach the mansion. But she was surprised when she saw a drunk BEN and LJ with Jeff rolling his eyes. She quietly walked towards the kitchen by an arm wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Oh hey (Y/n)~" BEN drunkly said. 'No wonder she didn't want to be here...' "Hi..." She meekly said. BEN then turned her around and pulled her into his chest. (Y/n) squeaked as her face became red. BEN wrapped his arms around her and snuggled into her neck. "You know~ I've always liked you and I think you're really cute~" He slurred as (Y/n)'s blush deepened. BEN then leaned in and kissed her as her eyes went wide. 'Im not ready for this kind of stuff yet!!!' She thought and tried to pull away. But BEN only held her tighter. He pushed his tongue passed her lips as she gasped. But then he suddenly dropped to the floor unconscious as Jeff stood behind him holding the handle of his knife he used to hit BEN with. He looked over to (Y/n), who just looked away. He sighed and walked over BEN and grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the kitchen. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I found out about Alice and all so yeah..." He said as (Y/n) then smiled. "It's okay, I'm just to it." She said and walked passed him. Jeff caught her wrist. "Do you really care for all of us?" He asked seriously and looked her straight in the eye and she shrank and nodded. He released his grip as she reached into cabinet. She stood in her tippy toes as she tried to reach. She puffed out her pink cheeks with crossed arms. Jeff noticed this and chuckled as he went over her and grabbed a (f/c) box. "Here you go shortie." He said as (Y/n) puffed out her cheeks. "Hey! I'm not that short!" She exclaimed and quietly muttered a thanks as she was about to grab the box by Jeff pulled it away. He smirked as he held it above her. (Y/n) jumped up but it only made it higher. "Jeff, you meanie!!" She exclaimed and tried to reach. Jeff raised a brow. "Really?" (Y/n) puffs out her cheeks. "Don't judge!" She reached her arm as Jeff leaned against the counter and held it above his head. (Y/n) leaned over as tried to reach. "Jeff!! Give it back!" She failed to grab the box. Jeff chuckled but then realized how her chest pressed his as her pouting face was adorned in her face. She whined again as she desperately tried to reached. Her face was very close to his face and noticed every detail. But he didn't notice it at first but she was... "Cute..." He muttered as (Y/n) then tilted her head in confusion. "What did you say?" Jeff blushed and averted his eyes and shoved the box in her hands as her eyes sparkled. 'For a moment there I thought I would have to use my powers...' She sighed in relief. Jeff looked away and grumbled something under his breath and walked away. (Y/n) stared after him in confusion as she then looked at the box. She sighed again and store it into her storage. She peeked her head out the door and looked around. Seeing that the cost was clear she walked out. "(Y/n)? What're you doing here?" She immediately froze at the sound of a familiar voice. "I-i was just about to leave..." She quietly muttered and hurried to the door. But Andrew stopped her by pinning her to the wall. "Where have you been?!" He shouted as (Y/n) averted her eyes. "I was just outside..." She muttered. Andrew then narrowed his eyes and slightly loosen his grip. "You know... I used to think that you'll always stay by my side and that I could always love you... but now I know who you truly are... Alice came back with bruises all over her body and I recognized how they were caused, don't think I know what you did to her." He glared as (Y/n) just let out a weak laugh. "If you love her that much why bother with me?" She replied as Andrew's eyes widen. "Why you?!" He said and was about to throw a punch at her until a he stepped and grabbed his fist and pinned him to the floor. He struggled against her grip as he then went to glare at her but his face immediately turned pink. (Y/n) looked down at him with her eyes wide open as you can see how calm she was but if you looked closer she looked dead and emotionless. Her hair fell to her side as the light behind her added a glow to her. 'It was just like how it was in high school...' Andrew felt his cheeks hot. 'Why are I blushing?' Her eyes seemed to ask multiple questions as he could see the hurt and betrayal in her eyes. For some reason he felt his heart strings pull. 'Her eyes looked just how they did during those 7 years...' (Y/n) then sighed, seeing no use for holding him down. She quickly released him and ran out the door with her bangs shadowing her eyes. She can feel those same emotions again when she remembered the way looked at her. 'He was glaring at me... He must really hate me huh? I guess bullies do stay bullies and that he still easily falls for lies...' She looked down as she summoned a knife. She sat down against a tree and held out her wrist. She then cut in some words as she can feel tears falling down her face. Blood dripped down painting new blood onto her dress. She cried as she was about to cut her other wrist as someone stopped her. "What are you doing?!" She looked up in shock to see Hoodie. She looked down. "I-i..." Hoodie frowned as he took her knife and threw it aside. He noticed bruises and many cuts covering her body and saw how much blood covered her dress. Heck, it was almost red! He clenched his fist. "When..." He asked. (Y/n) stayed quiet. "When did you start?!" He suddenly yelled. (Y/n) felt tears roll down her face. "I always had done this but the always go away whenever I kill myself!! Why can't I just die?!" She shouted as Hoodie pulled her up and hugged her. He sighed. "Let's get you to EJ, you have to rest and stop all of this, okay?" (Y/n) would have normally fight back and become more stress but she calmed down and weakly nodded her head. She felt her eyes close. Hoodie picked her up bridal style as she automatically wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest. Hoodie looked at her and quickly ran to the mansion. He slam the door open. He mentally sighed in relief seeing no one there. He quickly climbed up the stairs and ran to EJ's room. He kicked the door opened as EJ fell off his bed. "Ow! What the f- Hoodie?! What do you want?" EJ quickly stood up. "It's (Y/n)!! She needs help!!" Hoodie exclaimed. EJ scoffed. "Why should I help her?! She's practically evil!" He exclaimed and sat down on his chair and looked the other way. Hoodie looked down and grit his teeth. "EJ!! (Y/n)'s right here!! She's going to die!!" He said. EJ then looked at (Y/n) in Hoodie's arms. "Not my problem." He replied as started working on something. Hoodie glared at him behind his mask. (Y/n) then opened her mouth. "It's alright... This is normal for me..." She muttered and weakly set her head on his chest. Hoodie gripped onto her arms he quickly set her on the bed and pushed EJ aside. "Hey what are you-" Hoodie tied EJ to his chair and put him in the corner. He rapidly tried to find the first aid kit. "Hoodie why do you care so much for her?! She might be using you!!" EJ exclaimed and struggled in his seat. Hoodie clenched his fist and glared at him. "Shut up!! What do you know about (Y/n)?!" He shouted which EJ. "Well I know that she's doesn't care about anyone of us!! And she hurt Alice today!!" He retorted. Hoodie ignored him and found the First-Aid Kit. But (Y/n) stretched out her hand weakly as blue mist surrounded it. EJ looked alerted as he struggled more. 'She's going to hurt Hoodie!! He should have listened to me!!' He looked around and found his scalpel. "(Y/n)?! What are you doing?!" Hoodie exclaimed as the kit in his hands flew in a high self. "Brian stop it. I can easily heal back if... I kill myself." (Y/n) said and fell back. Hoodie hurried to her side. "But do you even know how many time you have done it without a valid reason?! Look at your arms!! Don't think I didn't take your knife away so I can just let you cut yourself!!" He screamed. EJ's ears suddenly perked up. "(Y/n) just stop it's not-!" A bright light blinded the two as a white haired girl stood in front of him. "Brian stop it, you're making it worse for her." She said and stood protectively in front of (Y/n). "But (Y/n)-!!" "Don't think I'm her inner self for nothing, I know when my inner self needs help and not. Right now if you help her you'll end up hurting her more, do you want that?" She said as Hoodie stayed  quiet. "The only thing you have to focus on is Alice. Today she encountered (Y/n) and you must already know what happened." She said. EJ then spoke up. "Who are you?! And has Alice ever done to you?!" He shouted as she glared. "Can you not hear? I'm (Y/n)'s inner so how dare you speak to me in such!!" EJ glared. "Lies!!" She narrowed her eyes. "Then I guess I don't have to tell you anymore." She turned towards Hoodie. "Just watch over (Y/n). Don't ever leave her alone. Don't keep her near the door and keep the window locked. Make sure there's nothing in the room for her to kill herself or cut herself with. Let her rest in your room since someone doesn't want her here." She gave EJ a knowing look. "If she asks for something obey but know when not to. You know we both trust so you better not leave her side. You can easily transport the items you need for her through here." She handed him a device. "Just press the button while thinking of the item you want now I'll take my leave." She said and disappeared. Hoodie put the item in his pocket and carefully carried (Y/n) in his arms and started walking away ignoring EJ. "Oh Brian I was wondering where you-" Masky stopped mid-sentence when he saw (Y/n). His eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Why are you carrying (Y/n)? And why is she even here?!" Hoodie stayed quiet and walked into his room. He gently placed her in the bed. (Y/n) stirred a bit and fluttered her eyes open. She sat up and started coughing. She looked towards Hoodie. "Brian...." She quietly said as Hoodie listened carefully. "Can I just reset myself so I don't have to go through the pain and I won't have these bruise?" She asked. Hoodie hesitated. 'Let her.' A voice said. He nodded slowly as she weakly smiled. "Then I'll drown myself so there won't be any blood. But I'll take a shower after." Hoodie nodded and helped her up and led her to his bathroom. He heard the water running. Then his door slammed open as Masky and EJ burst in. "Hoodie what are you doing?! And you just left me tied up!!" EJ exclaimed. "Where's (Y/n)?" Masky asked. Hoodie stayed quiet and only looked towards the bathroom. The shower head the turned on. The two noticed this and went towards the door. Hoodie then stood up and blocked the door. "You can't go in there!" He exclaimed and heard the shower head turn off. "Why not?!" Masky exclaimed EJ the pushed him aside as they burst open the door. But red quickly rises up in their cheeks. Hoodie's felt ready to explode. "Huh?" (Y/n) turned her head and noticed the three staring. She blinked her eyes. "What are you guys doing?" She asked and walked out in a towel, her wet hair dripping. The three stayed quiet. She sighed and spread out her arms. "Requip!" She said as a bright light surrounded her body as she wore a now clean dress. She was about to walk out the door until Hoodie stopped her. "She said to take care of you and that's what I'm doing, if you need something you're going to have to ask me." He sat her down on the bed. (Y/n) crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks. "Aww but whhyyy??" She pouted. "She also told me to make sure you don't kill yourself also." He said as the two boys' eyes widen. (Y/n) pouted. "Fiinneee.... I won't kill myself nor jump out the window nor escape and nor go near Alice. I just wanted a cup of tea with waffles and and a cheesecake." Hoodie nodded and turned towards the two. "Make sure she doesn't do anything." He said and rushed out the door. The two then turned to (Y/n) with a glare. She didn't notice and crossed her legs as she floated around the room. She took out a key and summoned a little white creature. "Pun~ Pun~" It raised its paw. "Plue!!" (Y/n) hugged him to her chest and giggled as she floated around. Then one though came into their heads. 'Is she really the bad guy here?'

~End Of Chapter 15~

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