Chapter 8

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"A tea party?!" (Y/n) exclaimed with sparkling eyes. 'This is definitely (Y/n).' Andrew nodded. "Yeah, with Sally and the-" Andrew stopped himself as a sad aura surrounded (Y/n). "Oh.. That one..." She said. "Come on. I already agreed to Sally." Andrew said impatiently. "Fine, I'll go instead." (Y/n) said as her Rosario glowed, her hair turned white at the ends. 'Yep, and (Y/n)'s gone.' Andrew sighed. "Try not to hurt anyone." (Y/n) put her hands in her hips. "When have I ever?~" She said. Andrew groaned as pulled her towards Sally's room. "Remember to-" "Yes I know." (Y/n) cut him off. Andrew then walked in. "Andrew you made it!!" Sally exclaimed. Andrew just smiled as he sat next to LJ. (Y/n) walked in as everyone went silent. Andrew laughed nervously and cleared his throat. "Hope you don't mind if (Y/n) can join." He laughed nervously. "The more the merrier!!" Sally smiled and tried to stay positive. (Y/n) sat next to Andrew, across form Jane. Jane averted her eyes and her cheeks turned a slight pink. The memory of her holding onto (Y/n) embarrassed her to no end. "Does anyone want a cupcake?" Sally asked and held a tray full of cupcakes. "Me!! I do!!" LJ exclaimed with a laugh as Sally walked over to him. "I-I'd l-like o-one t-too!" Toby said. Everyone then received a cupcake as Sally nervously went over to (Y/n). "D-do you want a cupcake (Y/n)?" She asked. (Y/n) shook her head. "I don't like sweets." She plainly said as LJ spit out his tea. "What??!" He yelled. "How can you not like sweets??!" "I hate sweets and candy." (Y/n) replied without emotion. LJ sat back down, pondering over what she said. Andrew just put a hand onto her shoulder, with force. "Haha, come on (Y/n). Let's not get to hasty." Andrew said through grit teeth at the end. (Y/n) gave him a death stare as he quickly pulled back his hand. She sighed. "What kind of tea do you have?" She asked. Sally light up, happy that she asked. "Do you want some?? I can give you-" (Y/n) stood up. "I asked what kind of tea you have, not if I can have tea." She sternly said as Sally shrank. She nodded her head and quickly left. Sally brought out multiple tea bags. "Thank you." (Y/n) said and snatched them out her hands and went out. Sally shook as her eyes became teary. BEN went over to her with a sigh. "Don't worry Sally, she's gone now." He said. Toby nodded. "D-don't m-mind h-her, t-that's j-just h-how s-she i-is." He said. Jane just stayed silent. "How cruel..." Clockwork whispered to her. But Jane stayed silent. The door suddenly opened as (Y/n) with a tray with a tea set. "Here." She blankly said and set the tray down. "The sugar cubes are there and the creamer is over there is you want some. There's also honey if you want and down herbs to add. Also the milk is in there. That's the Jasmine Tea, Earl Grey Tea, and Green Tea in the teapots." She pointed out. She sat down, while drinking a cup of Earl Grey Tea. "What are these?" LJ asked pointed towards a small circular desert. (Y/n) took a sip and closed her eyes. She pulled away with a sense of respect. Her foot crossed over her other put as her legs pressed together, slanted. Andrew sighed at her formality. "That's mochi, it's a Japanese rice cake. There are many different flavors and also there's mochi ice cream. You can see what the flavors are by the labels in front of them." She said. LJ's eyes sparkled. "Where did you get them?" He asked and took a handfuls of mochi. "Andrew and I always had 'tea parties' at our house. We even made set up a time for 'Tea Time'. I just simply went home to get some that were leftover from the ones I made." She spoke. They didn't want to admit their surprise. "Who taught you how to cook?" Sally asked as she chewed on a mochi. "No one, I just simply learned myself." (Y/n) took another sip of tea. "No way, you couldn't have learned to cook so good without at least having someone teaching you." BEN said. "T-the t-tea i-is a-also g-good a-as w-well!!" Toby said. Clockwork took a sip and nodded her head. "You're a natural!!" She exclaimed. Jane quietly ate and drank her tea. "Jane." She looked up at (Y/n) who called her. "Do you like it?" She asked. Jane's face turned pink as she nodded. "I-it's good..." She muttered quietly and avoided eye contact. Andrew put an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Trust me, no one cooks better than (Y/n)." He smiled. (Y/n)'s cheeks tinted pink. "I wouldn't say so..." She muttered and averted her eyes. Andrew just laughed. "You were always so modest." He said. (Y/n)'s looked down, her cheeks becoming red. "You always know what to make for others. I mean you easily know what they like and immediately make it for them. Haha, and don't think I know you made that curry Slenderman served me. And of course you brewed some Green Tea, and you already know that's my favorite kind of tea." He said. "Andrew..." (Y/n) muttered, shyly. The boys' cheeks tinted red as they heard her pleading voice. Clockwork and Sally cooed. "I been meaning to ask but, what's your guys' relationship?" Clockwork asked. Andrew's smile widen. "She's my twin, not biological of course." He hugged her side. He then stood up and puffed out his chest. "And I will swear to protect her at all cost and to stay by her side all times, thick and thin!!" He laughed as the others laughed with him. (Y/n) just sighed and sipped her tea. "You sound like her lover." (Y/n) spit out her tea as their eyes widen. "What??!!" They both shouted with red cheeks. Sally and Clockwork giggled. "Just pointing out." Then an idea came to Andrew's head as he kneeled down. He held (Y/n)'s hand. He looked up at her with a dazed looked. "Will you-" (Y/n) just laughed as she pushed Andrew's face away. "Shut up." She laughed. The two girls just continued laughing as the boys' felt a slight pang in their chest. They shrugged it off. (Y/n)'s hair then fully turned (h/c). "Finally!! Your back!!" Andrew exclaimed, earring few confused looks. Realization crossed Sally's face. "Oh so you were your Inner Self before!!" She said. (Y/n) just laughed as she sat down. "Haha, sorry if she scared ya!!" She winked. She tossed a mochi into her mouth. "So good~" She sighed. "W-what's g-going o-on?" Toby asked. "Hi!!" (Y/n) exclaimed with a wave. Andrew just laughed at her actions. "You see that Rosario? That seals away her Inner Self, but sometimes she can let her Inner Self take over when she's thinking. They're two different people. You can tell when it's her Inner Self when the tips of her hair are white and her Rosario is glowing or when her Rosario is off her hair is completely white." Andrew explained. Jane's eyes widen as she remembered how (Y/n)'s hair was different. "So wazzzzuuuupp!!" (Y/n) exclaimed with a huge grin. "I never had had a tea party with so many people before!! Usually it's just me and Andrew!!" She said. "You don't even know how crazy she is about tea parties." Andrew pointed out. (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled. "Maybe I can invite you all to my tea party!! It's going to be at Tea Time so be prepared!!" She said. Andrew just chuckled. "Her parties seems crazy but they're tons of fun." He said. "Coming from a guy." BEN muttered. "So anyone want more?" (Y/n) smiled as she held out a teapot. "D-did y-you r-really l-learnt e-everything b-by y-yourself?" Toby asked. (Y/n) hummed and nodded. "I mean who else was going to teach me?" She smiled which Toby blushed to. "Didn't you, you know, have your family taught you how?" BEN asked. (Y/n) shook her head. "They all died a long time ago, except Andrew, that is." Andrew laughed nervously, not liking where this was going. "Come on now let's not-" "What about Sally?" Sally asked and clenched onto Charlie. "Andrew told me you his both had a little sister like me... That's why you and your Inner Self were acting funny, cause you were thinking of her." She said. Everyone's eyes widen. (Y/n) smiled sadly. "Yeah, we did have a little like you. And her name was Sally also..." (Y/n) then laughed but it held sadness. "She passed away not so long ago." She stood up and left. As soon the door closed everyone was silent. The atmosphere felt heavy. "W-what d-did m-mean y-you g-guys w-weren't b-biologically t-twins?" Toby asked. Andrew sighed, knowing he had no choice. "We aren't actually twins, we just somehow had the same birthdate." He said. "My mother decided that we were like 'lost twins'." "What happened to her?" Clockwork asked. "She passed away with Sally." He replied. "Can you tell us more?" Jane suddenly asked, catching the attention of everyone. Andrew hesitantly nodded. "Me and (Y/n) used to go to the same school... and I used to bully her a lot." He said. Everyone had wide eyes. "You did?" LJ asked. Andrew nodded. "To be honest know one knew that she was a girl and everyone thought she was a boy. And all the girls, even our teachers, fawned over him. Of course many boys were jealous and bullied him. At first I didn't care until I was told lies about her. They told me that he didn't care for anyone at all and only used people around him. I was also told that he would do other stuff and other rumors. I of course believed it and started to hate him because of how cruel he can be. Until one day I followed (Y/n) to the roof and I decided to push her off. But then instead she dodged it and I almost fell off. But (Y/n) caught my hand and cursed her and dared her to let go and show what she really is inside but instead she pulled me up and brought me to the roof. I got mad and was going to hit her until she dodged me and pinned me down. I got even more angry until I looked up and realized that she was a girl. And her eyes showed worry in them. But then she quickly ran away. I kept thinking about what happened until after school. I was looking for Sally, my little sister. I heard her yell and saw that she was crying. She told me that she wanted to get her doll from the road until someone pushed her out of the way and they got hit by a car. I then saw it was (Y/n) and she was losing a lot of blood. And instead she only smiled at told Sally that she wanted her to live her life. Then she passed out. But she still somehow survived. It was the next day and Sally wanted to go over to (Y/n)'s house and I couldn't say no. I was able to find her house by the address she had on her keychain I picked up. I guess you can say it wasn't taken lightly but we eventually got close. So I decided that she can live with us for a while since she lives alone. Then she met my mother and she immediately accepted her. Then we found out that our birthdays were on the same date and that's when's he decided we were lost twins. So a few days later it was our birthday as she met my dad. Then we were sitting in a tree after everything as she told me that this was the first time she celebrated her birthday with anyone. She then told me her past. But I think she should tell you guys herself. Then we made a promise to stay by each other's side. But then we heard a loud boom and the house was on fire and we saw my dad being taken by the amubulamce. But they didn't find my mom nor Sally. I didn't want to accept it and was about to run in. I guess without (Y/n) I would have jumped in killing myself by the falling debris. She held onto me and she was yelling that she didn't want to lose me. So of course, I gave up and listened to her. Then after a few years, today my father finally woke up because the hospital called us but..." Andrew took a deep breath in. "What happened?" Sally asked. "We were got there he was killed by (Y/n)'s biological father and we found out that he was one causing everything." Andrew finished with a sigh. "Damn.... That's-" "So sad!!!" Sally cut BEN off and tightly held Charlie. Andrew just nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah but (Y/n) had it worse but I shouldn't share her past without her knowing." "I think we should all go." Jane said as everyone nodded. "Make sure to come to (Y/n)'s Tea Party tomorrow!!" Andrew shouted before running out.

(Y/n) sighed as she laid down. She turned to the side and pulled the covers over her body. 'Here's day one of being a Creepypasta...' She felt herself close her eyes as she fell asleep. But her Rosario glowed brightly as the aura carried a mirror next to it. The mirror let out a bright light as another figure appeared. "It's great to be back~"

~End Of Chapter 8~

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