Chapter 5

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"This is one of the best birthdays I've ever had." (Y/n) smiled as she leaned against Andrew's shoulder. Andrew have her a look. "You don't celebrate your birthday?" (Y/n) shook her head. "I never did. I never had anyone to celebrate it with..." (Y/n) smiled sadly. Andrew hesitated on his words. "I've been meaning to ask but what happened to your family?" He asked. (Y/n) slightly flinched. She avoided his eyes and looked down. "I-I well... To be honest, this is my third family I had... But then I stopped looking for one because I'm afraid of losing another one..." She quietly said. "My biological parents worked at a lab and they both wanted to create something powerful or to create the greatest weapon... So the only way to do that is if they had me.. But then something went wrong while I was born as an accident happened that should've have caused me to had died. But somehow I s-survived. My parents then figured it out and tested a lot of chemicals and machines on me. They didn't have to worry for my safety because if I die I just come back. I had been through so much pain and it made me emotionless, I didn't feel nothing, I ignored the pain and my emotions. But of course years passed by and they died. I was constantly sold and experimented on. Until then soon, I somehow was unconscious and reborn into another timeline. That's when I had my other set of parents. They both loved me and cared for me unlike the last ones... But at that time I had a very weak heart and I had some medicine with me that I would take if I'm pushed past my limits. I stored them in my stuffed animal I had but u was bullied for it. My parents still loved me until they discovered my abilities. They started to argue on what to do with me since I was also bullied and I'll get more hurt because of it. But my mother argued that I shouldn't be locked away from the people. So at school I'll always be pushed around because I carried a stuff you with me, and I had to deal with my parents fighting and arguing. I did make a friend who was with me for a long time because he got my stuff toy back from my bullies since I couldn't get it back because of my weak heart... So he helped me for a couple of years until he had to move. I was upset but then he told me that the only reason he helped me was to get good grades. So then I never trusted anyone and hated getting pity from others. I relied on myself. My father then suddenly left, leaving me and my mother. She still loved me and cared for me. But..." She took a deep breath and held her knees to her chest and Andrew's eyes soften as he rubbed circles on her back. "I was still bullied and most hated me because of how I'm always slow and emotionless. They thought I didn't care for anything for the world. They didn't want me slowing them down. But they didn't know my condition. My father came back with a document and we were brought to court. My parents argued on who would take care of me since they divorced. My mother won leaving my father angry. After a few years bullying got worse and I isolated myself in my room. But suddenly it was too quiet and I heard a crash so I went downstairs to see people in black. They broke down the door and wanted me since the government found out through my father. Our house was surround and helicopters were above. I saw my mother being pinned so I yelled for them to stop and they saw me. They started to chase me and I tried to run. I then run past them and went downstairs to my mother and released her. But then I was pulled away and I couldn't fight because of my heart. My heart was beating hard and I knew anymore would cause me to passed out for a while since I didn't have my medicine. They tore my stuff toy away from me and I tried to get it back. I felt my vision faded but I pushed my limits and forced myself to stay awake. I saw my mother crying and trying to pull me away until they forcefully pushed her away and she was bruised...." (Y/n)'s lip started to quiver. She clenched her sleeve. Andrew felt sorry for the (h/c) girl as he put a hand to her shoulder. "You don't have to continue if you don want to..." (Y/n) shook her head. "I yelled out towards we and I think they put me to sleep but the last thing I saw was that she was shot..." Tears pouted out of her eyes as she buried her head into her knees. "I was taken to be experimented on again but I escaped I went to my house but it was destroyed but I found a box that was addressed to me from my mother. I never got the chance to open it. But then I used my abilities to build myself a home from others and but I went out and I don't remember anything after that but I think it was dream and I know what was it the box... She gave me a Rosario and an outfit." (Y/n) showed him the Rosario. "But that was it. I woke up an I suddenly had it on. Also I think that I had forgotten my abilities when I was reborn so I guess I just need to discover them again." She closed her eyes. Andrew took a deep breath as he held (Y/n)'s hand. "You have us, you have me. You're a part of this family now." He looked into her teary eyes. She sniffed and embraced him tightly. Andrew hugged her back. "You're the first person I have ever told my past to and had ever become close to me." (Y/n) said and lightly smiled. "Come on, wipe those tears away... Don't worry-" Andrew wiped a few tears with his thumb. "I'll be there to protect you and be by your side. I'm your weapon and you're my meister, it's my job to protect you." Andrew smiled. (Y/n) giggled at his statement. "Promise?" She held out her pinky. Andrew rested his forehead on her's. "I promise." He wrapped his pinky around her's. They slowly released as they looked into each other's eyes. The sunset set a glow to them as they started to lean in. Their started to shut as they got closer. A loud boom was heard as the two quickly pulled away. "What was that?!" "I don't know!!" The quickly jumped down and ran towards their house. Their eyes widen as they can see smoke touching the sky. They both can smell the fresh scent of burnt wood. They ran faster as they stopped in front of their burning house. "No...." (Y/n) clasped to her knees as she helplessly watched as the firemen pulled out Luis who was wrapped in bandages. Andrew looked around to see any signs of his mother and little sister. He asked the police but all he received was pity. He felt a lump in his throughly as he refused to accepted it. (Y/n) cried into the palms of her hand as she felt guilt overcome her. Andrew clenched his fist as he slowly started to walked towards the building. "They still can be in there!!!" He yelled. The policemen and firemen shout to him as he ran. (Y/n) quickly noticed this as she stood up. 'I'm not going to lose you too!' She shouted in her mind as she ran after him. Before Andrew could go in (Y/n) grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out before falling debris could fall down on him. "(Y/n), let me go!!" Andrew struggled in her grip. But it only made her held on tighter as she hugged him. "No..." She quietly said. Andrew struggled. "Why not??!!" He shouted angrily. "Because I don't want to lose you too!!" (Y/n) cried. Andrew suddenly stopped as he relaxed at her embrace. He turned around and hugged her. (Y/n) cried into his chest and he held her. Guilt washed over his face. "No, (Y/n) don't cry... I know that it's hard considering we lost M-mom and S-sally, but don't worry, I won't leave you again." He patted her head. He felt her stiffen as she soon relaxed. He soon realized she had fallen asleep. He carried her bridal style as he walked towards the ambulance. "Take us with you, that's our dad." He said as they nodded. He went inside and sat down as (Y/n) was on his lap. Her head rested against his chest. He sighed as he looked over to his father.

A few years had passed ever since the accident. The police still couldn't find any evidence of the cause of the explosion that caused the fire. The two had also recovered from their depression. They were offered to live somewhere else while their house gets fixed by the police by they declined seeing that (Y/n) still had her's. But over the years (Y/n) had stopped smiling and only showed those close to her, her emotions. Andrew also had had a hard time with others getting close to (Y/n). Still they stayed together and (Y/n) had taught Andrew more than ever. They also figured out that Andrew can't die unless (Y/n) dies but considering she's and Ajin, he's practically immortal. But he would still feel the same exact immense pain if (Y/n) died. But that's only when she died by the hands of someone else. But the (h/c) girl had kept killing herself over and over again to test herself. Andrew of course stayed by her side. The two had recently been called by the hospital saying that their father has awoken. So they quickly ran out the door. But when they arrived, it was empty. Usually the place would be packed with injured patient or busy employees but something was off. The two ignore it for now and quickly ran towards their father's room. But they didn't prepare for what lied behind the door. Red splattered everywhere painting the walls. A man stood in front of their now dead father. He held a bloody chainsaw and quickly turned towards the two. The two fought back their tears as it was replaced with anger. "You-!" "Ah, if it isn't my precious (Y/n)~" The man spoke. The girl only grit her teeth as Andrew stood in front of her with a glare. "What do you want with her?" Anger laced his voice. The man just smirk. "I'm her father, so I see no problem in visiting her~" The two glared. "You're the one who got my mother killed!!" (Y/n) shouted. "Not just you're mother, but everyone you cared about.~" The man removed his mask as (Y/n)'s eyes widen but they quickly narrowed. "You." She spat out. "Aha, it's that how you treat your biological father who created you?~"He smirked. "I thought you were dead!!" "Well guess what sweetie, I'm not so good day!~"He jumped out. (Y/n) ran after him and saw that he already escaped. "Damn." She cursed. Andrew quietly looked at his father. (Y/n) sadly sighed and walked next to Andrew. "Let's get going..." Andrew hesitantly nodded. (Y/n) grabbed a hold of his hand as they teleports away.

A tall figure sat at his desk as he looked at two blank documents. He sighed in frustration. 'If only..' He looked at the picture of a smiling little girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. An idea came to his head as he quickly stood up. 'I'll just have to go back to where we met. If I see her I can take her with me, only if she agrees to become one of us..'

~End Of Chapter 5~

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