Chapter 2

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The sun started to set as it became darker in the forest. The crunch of the leaves underneath her feet was the only sound. (Y/n) let out a heavy sigh and shoved her hands into her pockets. 'Damn, why did I have to go through here?' The trees shadowed the forest and she groaned. "My phone's dead and I don't have a flashlight on me." She grumbled. The sight of something white caught her attention. "Huh?" She walked towards a tree with a paper attached to it. "What in the-" She heard something move around. (Y/n) chose to ignore it and shrugged her shoulders. 'I seen weirder things.' She continued walking and spotted another one. Then it clicked. "Oh~ Is this a game?~" She asked out loud. She let out a laugh and searched for more. Despite it being dark, her eyes seemed to glow and provided enough light. "Wow, how many have I got?!" (Y/n) yelled with full hands and pockets. But every time she came across another one, she would hear and feel something or someone following her. Of course her being oblivious to it and ignored it, she would run off looking for another one. She didn't pay much attention to what was written on the paper. All she was focusing on was to collect as many as she can. Of course for her love in games like this and more. "There's one!" She yelled and ran over to a tree. She reached out and grabbed it only for to fall to the ground. "Oops." She bend down and picked it up. She saw a shadow behind her but instead ignored it. She then turned around and saw a tall figure. The figure wore a tuxedo with a red neck tie, and had a face of white without any features. (Y/n) froze and stood still. But she wasn't surprised nor frightened. She gave the figure a toothy grinned and waved. "Hello!" This took the figure by surprise. (Y/n) only stared, looking up with a grin. Then black like tentacles came from behind him to attack. But she didn't flinch. The tendrils then suddenly stopped. (Y/n) giggled and reached out to one. The tall figure slightly tilted its head as if it were thinking. (Y/n) tilted her head and giggled. The tendrils retreated back as the tall figure picked her up. She laughed and hands her hands up. "What's your name mister?!!" She asked. He seemed to hesitate. "Slenderman." (Y/n) smiled. "I'm (Y/n)!! Your name sounds familiar Mr. Slendy!!" Despite lacking a face, Slenderman flinched at her name. "Y-" (Y/n) turned her head and jumped down, cutting him off. She looked back and smiled. "Thanks for the game!! It was fun!! Bye Mr. Slendy!!" She waved.

A smile was visible on her face as (Y/n) entered her home. "I'm home!!" She yelled despite living alone. She tossed her hat to the side and ran into the kitchen. 'Time to eat!' After she ate she quickly washed her plate and ran upstairs. She propped open the door and jumped into her swivel chair. She rapidly started typing. "Okay, so since I'm now an Ajin I guess, maybe I should either test it out or try something new." She said to herself. (Y/n) may seem like a child for her age because of her childish personality and height but yet she contains an ability. Her ability allows her to go online and make fictional powers her own. "I already mastered all of everyone's powers from Undertale... then I went onto FNAF but I already finished that.... and then...-" Her eyes quickly widen when she spotted her Rosario in the reflection of her screen. "Aha! I can try the anime Rosario + Vampire!!" She exclaimed. After she finished skimming through the anime, she focused on what she wanted to learn and started. She took out her laptop and ran downstairs to her training room. She then played a scene. It 3:23 am as she leaned back against the wall. Pants escaped her lip as she summoned a water bottle to her hand and gulped it down. "Finally... I'm done...." She took out a list and checked off Rosario + Vampire. Her eyes travelled down her list. "Undertale, FNAF, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Magi, Black Butler, No Game No Life, Seven Deadly Sins, Soul Eater, Tokyo Ghoul.... Oh! I can't forget HunterXHunter!! Okay.... Then check that one off and wow... I did a lot!!" She continued trailing off her list. Then she suddenly stopped at a word. "Ajin..." It rolled off her tongue like as if it were a curse word. She hesitated to decide if she would cross it off or not. "I guess... I should test it out if I am one... It's a risk but I did die... Wonder what I can survive through." She sighed and stood up. She walked out and went into the kitchen and pulled out a knife. She went into the bathroom and opened up the mirror and took out some sleeping pills. "Since Ajins and just come back and regenerate...; Hahah like RESET from Undertale; I can cut off a limb and then grown it back after I die..." She looked down at the knife she head. "But... Then I would have to go through immense pain..." She closed her eyes and sighed. She chugged as many pills as she could take but before she could stab herself, she vision went blurry. She head started to feel light as the world started to spin. She stumbled and held her head and she hissed at the pain. As she started to fall, her head came in contact with the floor as it came like a BOOM. Ringing was heard before she knew it, she passed out.

The birds started to sing as sun rays flood through the windows. But it wasn't much like that for everyone. Andrew grumbled under his breath as he got out of the shower. He wiped at his face and brushed his teeth. He then quickly got out and put on a shirt. He ran downstairs only to be greeted by his mother and sister. "Andrew-Onii!!" Sally exclaimed from her seat. She stood up and ran over to him, giving him a hug. "Morning Sally." He said as he kneeled down to her level and ruffled her hair. "You better hurry or else you'll be late!!" His mother held out a lunch back towards him. "Thanks Mom." He reached out. His mother pulled away and gave him a smile. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She smiled. Andrew thought for a while. His mother waited. "Oh yeah my shoes!!" He jokingly said as Sally giggled. "No silly! You have to give Mommy a hug!!!" She pointed. Andrew laughed and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "See you after school Drew and Sally!" His mother waved. "Bye Mom!" "Bye Mommy!!" The two waved as they walked out. Sally wrapped her arms around Andrew's neck as he held her on his back. "Can we go to (Y/n)-Onee's House??" Sally asked. This took Andrew by surprise as he stopped to look at her. "But-" "Please~" Sally pouted. Andrew sighed. "Fine." He gave in as Sally cheered. He tried to recall where the (h/c) girl's address was as he remember that one item he found the other day. He went into his pocket and took out a keychain. Attached to it was a tag. 'If lost, please return this to-' He read the address. "What's that?" "It's (Y/n)'s address..." He remembered seeing it fall out of (Y/n)'s backpack. He recalled being surprise for him to have such a girly key chain but ever since then, he figured out why. They turned a corner and started walking. Before they knew it, they arrived at a modern house. Sally's eyes sparkled as Andrew only stared in shock. "Wow, is that (Y/n)-Onee's home!!" Sally exclaimed as she jumped down. Andrew had his mouth a gaped and cheeked the address. 'She lives here??!!' " Come Andrew-Onii!!" Andrew snapped out of his shock and ran after Sally. The two stopped at the door as Andrew pressed the door bell. A few minutes passed as he pressed again. "She doesn't seem to be here..." Andrew trailed off. "But the door's open!!" Sally said as she went inside. "Sally wait!!" Andrew stepped inside as he look in awe. But then shook his head and picked up his sister. "You sit here while I look for (Y/n)." He said. "Okie Dokie!" She smiled and started playing with her doll. 'It's suspicious how the door was left open.' Andrew then ran upstairs and looked for her room. He stopped at a door and opened it up. He didn't expect for it to be clean. Since (Y/n) did wear such baggy clothing he didn't expect hi- er her to have such a very clean room. Also when he found out that he was a she, Andrew expected her room to be at least girly. He sighed sadly finding no sign of (Y/n). He cheeked all the rooms upstairs and ran downstairs. He checked outside in her yard, the kitchen, the dinning room, everywhere he could look! Until he stopped at a door he didn't check. He sighed to himself. He then heard a groan from inside. "(Y/n)!!" He slammed open the door. (Y/n)'s vision was still blurred as she looked up. She squinted her eyes. "Andrew what the heck-" She stood up. "Ow!" She held her head. She stumbled forward as Andrew caught her. "Woah, what happened??" He asked and sat her down. "I think I died again..." She spoke. Andrew held his breath but the quickly looked around. He noticed the open pill bottle spilled across the floor and a kitchen knife lying next to (Y/n). Andrew's bangs shadowed his eyes. "What were you thinking?" (Y/n) gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her neck. "Heh, I just wanted to see if I was actually an ajin." She replied. Andrew then looked up. "An... Ajin...?" He questioned. "Well... Have you heard of the anime 'Ajin'? Cause now... I'm one too." "Andrew-Onii, did you find (Y/n)-Onee?" Sally peeked her head. "Oh hi." (Y/n) waved. "Just wait Sally, we'll be there in a sec." Andrew said. Sally nodded and ran off. "First let's get you to the living room. We still have the before school." Andrew looked back at (Y/n) and said. (Y/n) gave home a confused look. "Is Andrew still in there? Hello!!" She waved. Andrew slapped her hand away and picked (Y/n) up over his shoulders. "Andrew!! Put me down!!" (Y/n) yelled but let him carry her. Andrew reached the living room as he set (Y/n) down into the couch. "Talk." He sternly said. (Y/n) sighed. "Okay, but first why are you at my house?!" She yelled. "Sally wanted to go and she wanted you to walk with us to school." Andrew leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "Reasonable enough..." "Now start talking." "Well... let me explain..." Andrew closed his eyes. "I'm listening."

~End of Chapter 2~

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