Chapter 17

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Alice laughed as an evil glint spread through her eyes. The room was dark as a mysterious aura filled it. She laughed as she sprinkled something into the caldron making it burst, letting smoke fly up. "It's finished~" She sang as took out a glass bottle. "Tonight, we'll see how things turn out~"

"Hey, why don't we tell Slender about Alice?" BEN floated next to them as they walked through the halls. "We should before she does anything else." Toby said as they nodded. "Are you guys sure it's alright for me to come to dinner?" (Y/n) nervously asked as they all stood at the door to the dinning room. Jane put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it, you have all of us." She said. "T-that's right!" Hoodie spoke up. Jeff rolled his eyes. "Just open the damn door." He said. (Y/n) just slightly laughed at his impatience as they walked in. Everyone immediately went quiet when they noticed her. (Y/n) nervously fidgeted with her fingers and avoided their eyes as she sat next to Jane. Slenderman then came in and noticed her. He didn't say anything but she knew that he didn't let his guard down. She nervously looked down at her lap and stayed quiet as everyone ate. No one talked as the atmosphere was slowly cutting through her. It was obvious to her of how they felt, she didn't even need to look into their minds. She wished someone can break the silence but when they did, she wished she took it back. "(Y/n)? Can you help me bring the drinks from the kitchen?" Alice asked. (Y/n) gulped, not knowing what to say. "Are you sure, Alice?" Clockwork whispered into her ear. (Y/n) wished how she didn't have such abilities. "It's alright, everyone deserves a second chance." "But she'll hurt you!" Alice ignored her and walked over to (Y/n). "Come on, let's go." She smiled. (Y/n) hesitantly stood up as some sent her worried glances or threatening glares. She keep her eyes covered by her bangs as she followed after her. Once the door closed, all the happy aura around Alice disappeared into a dark and cold aura. Alice pushed her against the wall, her eyes holding mischief. "You think you can stop me?" She whispered in her ear as (Y/n) shivered. "You think I'll let you tell Slenderman?? Do you think I'm stupid?" She asked and took out her wand as the room started to turn dark. "You gave it away when Toby broke up with me~" She giggled as a crazy look showed on her face. "But who cares?~ He was just a toy like everyone else~" She giggled as (Y/n) snapped. "They're are not you're toys!!" She yelled and pushed Alice back. The door burst open as (Y/n) stood with her mouth a gape as Clockwork and Andrew pushed passed her. "Alice are you alright?!?" Clockwork exclaimed, worry lacing her voice. Alice got up from the ground and shakily stood up. "I'm fine." She weakly smiled. Andrew then glared at (Y/n). "We should have never let you live here in the first place." He spat out. (Y/n) just looked down. She didn't bother to explain for she knew that no one will listen. The ones on her side joined as they rushed to her side. "(Y/n) what happened?!" "She was going to harm Alice again that's what happened." Clockwork glared. (Y/n) looked down. "I-is that true...?" (Y/n) kept quiet. "Enough, everyone out." Slenderman walked in. Everyone obeyed. "Except for Alice and (Y/n)." He said. Once the door closed, Slenderman sent (Y/n) a disappointed look. "(Y/n), you better have a good reason for this." He said. (Y/n) opened her mouth but noticed Alice's glare and quickly shut it close. Slenderman sighed at her lack of speech. "Alright, if your not going to speak, your punishment will be to stay in the basement." He said. Her eyes widen. "W-what?!" 'No no no!! Damn it!!' Alice then sent Slenderman a pleading look. "But you can't do that!! (Y/n) didn't do anything!!" She yelled. Slenderman shook his head. "Alice, I'm afraid this is only between me and (Y/n)." He sent her a glare. "The only way she'll learn is through punishment." He finally said and left. (Y/n) stood there with wide eyes and her mouth a gape. "T-this... Can't be happing..." She sank to the ground as she burrowed her head into the palm of her hands. Alice smirked but quickly replaced it with a look of sympathy. She bend down and rubbed her back. "(Y/n)... I'm so sorry..." She quietly said. (Y/n) slightly looked up. "I didn't mean to have that happen..." Alice embraced her. (Y/n) stiffen. "(Y/n) please forgive me..." She let a few tears fall. (Y/n) was shocked. 'Should I believe her...?' "(Y/n) I'm so sorry!!" Alice cried. (Y/n) then wrapped her arms around Alice's body. "I forgive you..." She closed her eyes. Alice hugged back. "Thank you..." She whispered. (Y/n) was about to open her mouth but it was cut off by sickening giggles. "Thank you for letting me fool you twice!!" Alice laughed and stabbed her making her wince. (Y/n)'s vision started to fade as the world spun around her. 'I knew it...' She thought and laughed bitterly in her head. 'This is all according to her plan...' The last thing she heard was the giggles and laughs from Alice. "Bye bye (Y/n)~" Alice sang as (Y/n) fell back unconscious. Blood oozed out from her body as Alice then stopped laughing.  'Time for the real fun!!~' A glow surrounded them both as Alice was disguised as (Y/n) and (Y/n)'s unconscious body was Alice's. The door burst open. "You bastard!!!" Andrew exclaimed and turned her arm into a scythe. Alice just laughed. 'I love playing pretend!~' She then dodged Andrew's attacks as she just giggled and laughed. "The brat deserved it!~" She sang as everyone soon came in. "You... You.... LYING SON OF A BI- FEMAL DOG!!!" Clockwork yelled and attacked as well. The ones on (Y/n)'s side were in shock. Jeff then clutched as fist. 'So... Everything was a lie after all...' No words can described how they were feeling. They felt used, betrayed, angry, sad, and disappointed. Hoodie then blinked his eyes behind his mask. 'Huh?' He saw a faded image of Alice instead of (Y/n) and (Y/n) on the floor. His eyes widen as it clicked in his head. '(Y-y/n) must of meant that something like this will happen!!!' "HOW DARE YOU HARM ALICE!!!" Andrew and Clockwork shouted. Alice just giggled as she dodged another attack. "Can't help it darling~" She said making almost everyone shake in anger. "E-everyone!!" He squeaked out. "That's not (Y/n)!!! It's Ali/!!" But he vision started to fade as he fell unconscious. "Oops~" Alice said and waved her hand hidden in her sleeve. Masky angrily glared at her. "How could you?!" He shouted in rage and prepared his weapon. Alice just smirked making him shake. Alice just covered her mouth and giggled as she waved her wand. 'You see this (Y/n)?~' Knives floated in the air and pointed at them. Their eyes widen as they jumped out of the way trying to avoid the incoming knives. Alice giggled at their pathetic attempt. 'No one will ever care for and love you as long as we're alive~' She laughed at the torture she gave them as they cried out. 'Remember,' She wrapped them up in chains and ropes as they struggled. Alice's eyes glinted and licked her lips. 'You can't escape this living hell~ No one will miss you, no one will look for you, no one will ever EVER see you as a part of their family!~~' They were starting to fall unconscious. 'Thats why you'll always stay the MONSTER you are, an unwanted, unloved monster who-' "Who is human and loves those no matter how much they'll hurt her." Alice gasped as she dropped everyone's unconscious bodies and was her original self. She then quickly turned towards the person as she hid her hands behind her back. (Y/n) glared as her red eyes glowed and her white her viscously waved around behind her. A red aura surrounded her as she prepared to strike at any moment. There was no telling that she was enraged. "Inner!! What brings you here this fine evening?" Alice nervously said as disgust was visible in her eyes. She forced a smile as (Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "I've already told you..." She started as the room grew dark, her glowing red eyes visible. Alice shivered as tried to keep her posture. "Come any near her and I'll CRUSH YOU!!" She ran forwards at an inhuman speed as Alice last minute put up a force field. She sighed in relief but to her shock, the vampire broke through it. Alice groaned with shut eyes as her back collided with the wall causing it to crack. (Y/n) dangerously walked towards her, eyes making eye contact and her hair flew behind her. Alice fell to the ground as she refused to meet her eyes. (Y/n) raised an arm. Alice waited for the white haired girl to strike but it never came. Alice hesitantly looked up as (Y/n) tched. "You're lucky she even cares about you." She said and fade away. Alice's eyes widen as she shook. She held her chest and looked down. 'W-why do I- ?' The door slammed opened causing her to slightly flinch. "Alice!! I'm glad you're alright!!" Splendorman exclaimed and rushed over to hug her. Alice was a taken back as she said nothing. Trenderman sighed. "The kitchen's now ruined." He muttered. Slenderman then walked in and went to (Y/n). He picked her up with his trendrills. "What are you going to do with her?~" Offenderman asked and licked her lips. Slenderman sighed. "She going to be punished. She'll go into the basement." He said as his poka dotted brother gasped. "But she's still a child!!" "I know but it can't be help, she's too dangerous here." Slenderman asked as he teleported out. Alice felt a slight pang. Only did she ever felt so guilty. She immediately shook it off and grimaced. 'Me? Sorry? Haha no way.' She laughed in her head as Slendorman held her close.

Unknown POV

I struggled to break free as I felt my  vision start to fade. I noticed that the others had already passed out. But a certain voice caught my attention and I was suddenly dropped to the floor. My vision was blurry but only did I make out a blonde standing in front of me as another blurry figure stood in front of her. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

~End Of Chapter 17~

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