Chapter 16

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"Hoodie where are you taking those waffles?" Toby asked, suspicious. "To (Y/n)." Hoodie bluntly replied. He expected him to react badly like the others instead his eyes lit up. "Can I come with you!!" Hoodie hesitantly nodded as he and Toby went up to his room.

"Hehe." (Y/n) giggled as she watched Plue float around. "P-pun~" His eyes swirled as she giggled. The two carefully watched her just in case she did anything. (Y/n) then made her fingers into a circle as she blew. She giggled as bubbles floated everywhere. She then created a cloud and laid down and peek her head out of the corner. "Hello!~" She waved at them and giggled. She created a smaller cloud for Plue. The two felt themselves picked and noticed they were sitting on a cloud. They panicked as (Y/n) giggled. The door opened. Hoodie held a tray as Toby stood behind him with many waffles on his plate. (Y/n) smiled as the bubbles and clouds disappeared as she floated down. Masky and EJ panicked as they floated down as well. "Thank you Brian!!" (Y/n) said as she took the tray and set it on the table. Masky's eyes widen behind his mask. "How did you know his real name?!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) laughed and ignored him while she sipped her tea. "(Y/n)!!" Toby rushed over to her and hugged her. (Y/n) giggled and hugged back as EJ looked in shock. They pulled away. "So I heard what has happened between the two of you~" She teased as Toby blushed red. He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh yeah..." He replied. (Y/n) just laughed. "Well to be honest, you'll probably have a good chance since you already reached her." She sipped her tea. "Really?!" Toby exclaimed as he then covered his mouth and blushed. "Yes but you still have to reach me~ There's a few that has done that already~" She sang and floated the plate of cheesecake to her. "Brian! This is really good!!" She exclaimed with a smile as Hoodie looked away, blushing under his mask. "How long are you supposed to 'take care' of me?" She asked. "She didn't say..." She nodded and looked towards the two quiet boys. "Why are you two still here?" She tilted her head innocently. Masky narrowed his eyes. "So you don't do anything that'll harm us!!" (Y/n) blinked. "Okay." She shrugged as Masky almost fell. "W-what?!" "I said okay!" She exclaimed and continued eating her cheesecake."So Toby," She turned to him with a smirk as he gulped. "Tell me all the details, yeah?" She nudged him as his blush darken."W-well..Um..." "Leave the poor boy alone. Her Rosario said, surprising everyone. "Okay okay, I'll leave your boyfriend alone~" She laughed as Toby blushed. "Wait, Toby I thought you were with Alice?" EJ asked. Toby sighed. "About that...I'll be right back." He said and ran out the door. (Y/n) then grinned. "Hey, you see that?~ He's going to break up with her for you!" She laughed. "Shut up!" "How can I? I haven't seen you react like this to anyone other than me before!! Hahaha I can't believe you guys already kissed!!!!" She exclaimed but then stopped and covered her mouth. "Oops." Everything was quiet. A bright light appeared. "What did I say?!" (Y/n) yelled with a light blush on her cheeks. (Y/n) knew that she was in trouble and should be scared but instead she laughed loudly. "Hahaha what's this?!~ The Tsundere is blushing?!~ It's the end of the world!!" (Y/n) she laughed and dodged an incoming pillow. The door opened as it hit Toby. "Toby help!! Haha, she's gone mad!!" (Y/n) jumped behind Toby. (Y/n) was about to throw another pillow but stopped as soon as she noticed Toby. The two looked into each other's eyes. (Y/n) giggled. She stood up. "Oops!!" She exclaimed and bumped into Toby making him fell forwards. Their eyes widen as their lips met. (Y/n) snapped a photo. "That's going in the album!~" She exclaimed. They quickly pulled away as they blushed heavily. "S-sorry, (Y/n)..." Toby shuttered as she looked away and muttered an it's okay. (Y/n) laughed as she put an arm around Hoodie. "Hey Brian, I just remember something, did you like the cheesecake I baked?!" She exclaimed as Hoodie nodded. "It was good..." She smiled at him. "Thanks!" Hoodie blushed. The other two awkwardly stood there. "Hey what's with all the-" Jeff walked in as he stared. "Hi Jeff!!" (Y/n) waved. "Oh hi (Y/n) and (Y/n)." He said to her then the other. "Oh and also I saw Toby and Alice fight, did you guys break up?" He asked as Toby nodded. "Heh, that bi-" "Lanuguage!!" (Y/n) cut him off. Jeff rolled his eyes. "Deserved it." (Y/n), Toby, and Hoodie nodded. (Y/n) giggled. "(Y/n) only agrees because she was jealous when Toby was with Alice~~" She giggled as the two blushed. "And besides~" She nudged her other self. "You wouldn't let anyone near you or close to you, you only let Toby kiss you and make physical contact~~" She teased. "You even called him your lover~~~" (Y/n) went bright red. "S-she did?!" Toby shuttered out with a red blush. "It went something like this BEN was drunk and he started flirting with her and he was like 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' And she said. 'No because my lover caught me.'" She giggled. Toby then turned to (Y/n) as she looked away. "We could be if you want..." He muttered as she looked at him with wide eyes. "But-!" "It's alright!! I approve!!" (Y/n) put her thumbs up. The two blushed. But then she stood up and pushed them out. "If you're going to kiss, do it in Toby's room." She bluntly said as they blushed. "Bye~" She shut the door close. "So what do you want to do?" She turned towards the four boys. She crossed her legs and floated around. "Why did you attack Alice? She came back with bruises you caused." EJ said as Hoodie and Jeff scoffed. "Yeah right." (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck. "Eh? Sorry but I really didn't do much to her." She replied. "Don't you dare lie!" EJ pointed his scalpel. "Eh? All I did was the throw her into a tree and the other one only kicked her twice." Jeff nodded. "Yeah excatly." "How would you know?"Masky asked. "Because I was there." He replied bluntly. "Ohh so that's what you meant that you found out about Alice!!" (Y/n) oohed. Jeff tched and looked away. "Yeah yeah whatever." "Why didn't you say anything?!" "Tch, your other self came in before me." "Aww so you were!~" (Y/n) smiled at him as he blushed and looked away. "So that means..." "Who exactly is Alice?" "She's a witch demon whatever that wants to take all of our souls." Jeff leaned back. Hoodie nodded. "She's mostly out to get (Y/n)." He said. (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled as she opened her mouth. "I can show you!!" She waved her hand as mist filled the room and the room turned pitch black. A screen was showed as it showed Jeff killing off his victim and running off and finding (Y/n). He was about to kill her until Alice appeared. The two watched in shock as she was thrown around and mocked as Hoodie watched in anger. (Y/n) just floated around with closed eyes. The flashback ended as it was quiet. Masky clenched his fist. "How do we know that your lying?" "Magic doesn't lie even if you try to make it, and Jeff was there also. If you want more proof you can go talk to Toby or Brian." (Y/n) shrugged. "Then what about the...." EJ stopped himself. "The video Alice showed us was fake, I found a file of her making it in her computer." BEN appeared. "What the heck, elf!" Jeff exclaimed. BEN fell to the ground. (Y/n) laughed. "So many people in here!~" Masky then turned to her. "Then what were you doing?" "Like I told you, I was getting something very important at my house!!~" (Y/n) exclaimed. "But you guys cut me off and called me a liar, meanies.." She pouted. Then she turned to BEN who held his head. "Soooo are you finally not drunk any more??" She tilted her head. BEN sent her a look. "I was??" She nodded. "Yeah!! You flirted with my other self and also kissed me!!" She yelled. BEN blushed red as the other boys felt anger. "Yeah you elf, I saw you making out with her as she tried to pull away so I decided to knock you out." Jeff said with gritted teeth. Hoodie felt jealousy pull at him. Masky and EJ felt a slight pang. (Y/n)'s eyes lit up. "It's almost Tea Time!! Do you guys want to join?!" She asked with pleading eyes. BEN, Hoodie, and Jeff agreed as the other two hesitantly nodded. (Y/n) smiled. "Okay!! I'll be back!!" She exclaimed and ran out the door. "Jane!!" She exclaimed as Jane turned around in confusion. "What are you doing here?! If the others find you they'll kill you!!" She yelled. (Y/n) smiled. "Aww, you care about me!! But anyways want to come to my Tea Party?! It's almost time!!" She exclaimed as Jane smiled. "Sure!" The (h/c) cheered as she ran to Toby's room. "Hey Toby-!" She stopped in mid-sentence as the two pulled away blushing. (Y/n) sent them a teasing smile. "Ooo~ Did I interrupt something??" She teased. "Well anyways come at the Tea Party!!" She said and shut the door closed as she ran back to Hoodie's room. "Okay time to go!!" She exclaimed, surprising everyone. "Okay but hold hands!!" She exclaimed and grabbed Hoodie's and Jeff's hand. Everyone grumbled but listened as blue mist surrounded them. They disappeared and arrived in a big house. "We're here!!" She fist pumped the air as the boys stumbled. "Oops! Forgot to mention the effects for first timers on teleportation!!" She exclaimed and ran on the balls of her feet to the dining room. "Hi!!" She waved to the there in the room. "I was starting to think you'll be late." Herself said. (Y/n) just smiled and sat next to Jane. "You're here!" She cheered as Jane just grinned. "I have to thank your other self for that." She pointed to the white haired girl. The door burst open as the boys sat down. "You're late." (Y/n) said. Jane narrowed her eyes at Jeff. "What's he doing here?" She asked as Jeff noticed her and narrowed his eyes. "What's she doing here?" (Y/n) just giggled. "I invite." She sipped her tea. She then lightly hit her teaspoon on her cup catching everyone's attention. "Please enjoy your time and stay!!" She exclaimed as everyone happily nodded their heads and ate or drank. 'I'm glad I'm not alone.' 'But who knows what will happen to the rest~~'

~End Of Chapter 16~

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