Chapter 12

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(Y/n) stopped singing as she noticed Hoodie at her window. "Hoodie??!" She exclaimed and floating down to him. "Here let me help you." She pulled him out and carried him up bridal style. Hoodie was thankful he was wearing a mask or else she would she his red face. Then he noticed a hologram "Hey! What did I say?"(Y/n) said but it surprised him how she instead had a frown instead of pout. "You have to have somebody know." The figure replied with a serious tone. (Y/n) sighed and set Hoodie down. "Okay fine." She muttered. "We're going to tell you something that not even Andrew knows about." She looked at Hoodie seriously as he nodded. She sighed. "Okay so the hologram is my inner self, she just talking through my Rosario." She said. "But I thought-" "No, the one inside is Alice and she's a demon. I can summon mythical beings or spirits or etc, with my keys. However, I found a key and I knew it was a fake one but I was curious so I summoned Alice, she tricked me and now she's here so she plans on turning everyone against me and I can't do anything about not get help but I'm willing to tell you. So what ever happens to me, don't so anything, don't say anything cause I'll be fine and I'll come back. Alice plans on taking everyone souls so the only way to stop her is through me but I can't do anything right now so just stay quiet about to the others, okay?" (Y/n) exclaimed. "I thought I sealed her well but I guess I was wrong.." She looked up. "But why are you telling me all of this...?" Hoodie asked quietly. "Because you're the first one that came so I trust to keep quiet okay?" He nodded. He looked over to the hologram. "Hi..." He waved as she narrowed her eyes. "We're depending on you in the future, remember this." She said. "Okay back you go!" (Y/n) shouted as the hologram let out a 'tch' and went into the Rosario. She sighed and leaned against Hoodie's shoulder, who stiffen. "I wish I didn't have to go through all of this... I don't want my bad past to grow..." She muttered. "What do you mean..?" She sighed. "I was born only for an experiment and then had three families as this is my fourth. All of them died and now I just have this one to keep safe...But with Alice there, I know that I'll have to come back." Hoodie flinched and stared at her. "Come back..?" "You know the day I was talking about, about letting my inner self roam? I lied, I was just actually sleeping and knew what happened cause when she comes back I'll see we memories. But I can see the future and get these visions and saw Alice smirking at me while I was kicked out of the mansion. You'll soon see it for yourself but just act normal as don't let Alice know that you know." Hoodie stayed still and gathered everything in his mind. "I trust you Brian, and I expect you to not fall for Alice's trap. She has powers that can cause illusions or erase memory." "How did you know my real name?" (Y/n) turned to him with a smile. "I saw your past. Also I know how to make sure she doesn't erase any of your memories." (Y/n) went close to him and took his hand, intwining, giving it a kiss and bringing it to his forehead. "There." She gave a soft smile. Hoodie blushed madly and still could feel her lips on his hand. She held his hand and leaned on his shoulder. "The moon is really beautiful..." She said quietly. 'Not as beautiful as you...' Hoodie thought as (Y/n) smiled and yawned as she closed her eyes. Hoodie noticed (Y/n)'s silence as he looked at her. He realized that she was sleeping. He sighed to himself as he picked her up. "I can help." The hologram appeared as they teleported into (Y/n)'s room. The hologram just nodded and left without a word. Hoodie looked down at (Y/n) in his arms and tucked her in. He moved his mask and kissed her forehead and left. "Brian where were you?!" Masky asked as soon as he neared his room. "Soory, Tim.." Masky sighed. "It's okay but next time tell me okay? I was worried." Hoodie nodded.

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered opened as she recalled last night's events. She stretched out her arms as she sat up. She looked at the time and noticed how early it was. She shrugged and did her morning routine and walked out. She didn't have her smile on nor her cheerfulness. She was deep in thought and didn't notice LJ. "Hi (Y/n)!!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) snapped out of her thought as she turned towards LJ. "Oh hi!" She said and continued her way. LJ watched confused. "What's wrong with her?" (Y/n) continued walking as she tripped. She closed her eyes for the impact but nothing came. She opened her eyes and noticed Jeff holding her. He quickly pulled back and looked away with a light blush. "Look, I want to say thanks for the gift..." He said. (Y/n) looked confused as her eyes widen. "Oh haha, your welcome." She said with a closed eye smile. Jeff just let out a 'tch'. "Whatever, you should be lucky I'm even saying thanks." He said and walked away. (Y/n) just giggled. 'Look! He's a Tsundere like you!!' 'I'm nothing like him.' (Y/n) just slightly laughed but then shut her mouth. She passed Hoodie's door and slide a note under it. She ran downstairs. "I'm be gone for a while Slender!!" She exclaimed as Slenderman peeked out his head from the kitchen. Before he can say a word she was out the door. She sighed to herself and teleported to her house. She went to her room and went into he closet. She pulled a lever hidden behind the clothes as it revealed a passageway down. She held out her hand as she held a fireball. She walked down and was met with tiles and keypads and scans. She sighed. "Open Up, We Don't Want To Deal With This" The two of them said as it recognized their voices and shut down and opened the door. She walked in and encountered more as she quickly passed them all. She then reached a door with a lock and she opened it up with her Rosario instead of turning it. "Welcome (Y/n)." It said as she entered.

"Has anyone seen Alice?" Toby asked as everyone shook their head. He sighed and went to (Y/n)'s room hoping to ask her. But when he was about to knock he heard crying. His eyes widen and recognized who it was. "Alice!!" He burst through the door as Alice continued crying. "What happened?!" Alice buried her head in the palms of her hands, hiding her smirk but then looked up with teary eyes. "I-it's a-all m-my f-fault!!" She cried. Toby hugged her as she clenched onto him. "Tell me everything." He said as Alice smirked.

"I'm back!!!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she burst through the door. She then noticed the gloomy atmosphere. No one was smiling and they all narrowed their eyes at her. "What's wrong?"(Y/n) asked. "Where were you?"Andrew asked sternly with his eyes shadowed. "I was at-" "Don't even try to lie to us!" Jeff pointed his knife at her. "I was just getting some stuff at my house." She replied, confused. Andrew clenched his fist. "Stop lying." He said. "But I'm not-" "Cut the crap, (Y/n)!!!" Andrew exclaimed and glared at her. "But-" "Stop making excuses!! Alice told us everything, and if you're going to do anything to her, you would have to go through me first." Toby said with a glare and held Alice close. Hoodie can only watch as his mind screamed at him. Jane only stood in the back, silent. (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "What??!" She yelled. "Yeah that's right, she told us how you would threaten her and lock her up in your 'Rosario'." Jeff exclaimed. "You all lied to us, you lied to me about your past." Andrew said disappointed. (Y/n) had her mouth agape. "What do you mean!!" Andrew's arm turned into a scythe and pointed at her. "Alice told us about your plan." "What plan??!" (Y/n) screamed. "We don't need to hear it from you." LJ said with a frown. Slenderman walked in holding a video tape. "(Y/n), I am disappointed in you." He shook his head. "I'll give you a second chance to prove yourself until then, you will permanently be out." He said and left as almost everyone glared at her.  "And don't you think about having room, you don't deserve one cause it's now Alice's." Toby glared at her and left. Everyone slowly left, some not going before leaving an insult or a glare. (Y/n) shut her mouth close as she looked down. '(Y/n)...' "Shut up!! I know it's her plan but it doesn't change the fact that it hurts!!" (Y/n) shouted as she fell to her knees. She ran outside and jumped onto the roof. She cried into her knees. "Are you happy now??!" She yelled. "Huh?! Look at your worthless daughter!! Are you happy that she's able to have to go through the same thing all over again?!! Well guess what?! I hope you die a painful death cause your daughter has to live in this miserable life forever!!" (Y/n) shouted. She let out a scream as she continued to cry. A hologram appeared in front of her. "Are you just going to let her do that to us?" She asked with a frown. (Y/n) just buried her head. "Stop it, I knew this would happen but..." "Then stop moping around!" Herself yelled. (Y/n) stayed quiet and shut her eyes. She stood up with a clenched fist as she snapped her eyes open. Her eye glowed a bright blue as her other glowed red. Her clothes started to glow as she was changed into a dress. She held a blue spear in her hand. "I guess I'll do something else for a change."

~End Of Chapter 12~

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