1. Suspicions

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         Things were not looking up for my relationship with Edward. He had become even more controlling after we returned from Volterra. So much so, that he wouldn't let me see Jake or the others on the reservation, and controlled what I ate and drank. I found myself keeping more and more secrets from them, as Alice could no longer see my future.

       I found that I could control my shield. That I could protect others and objects of my choice with it, which was only one of the many secrets that I kept close to me. Another being that I didn't feel for Edward the way I had before. When I started comparing the relationships of the others to ours, the differences were staggering. Carlisle and Esme were constantly asking each others opinion, or giving gentle glances. Emmet and Rose were always attached at the hip, consistently making each other smile or laugh. Jasper and Alice wasn't like the others however, they were quite like Eddie and me. They basically were never in the same room as each other unless Alice wanted something. Jasper opted to stay in his study over going to her room.

      I often caught Jasper glancing at me in confusion because of my emotions. They probably didn't make much sense to him, after all that I had been through with this family of vampires. I was always biting my tongue in front of Jasper, I knew the ugly truth. A truth that would leave Alice alone and furious and Edward wallowing in even more fake depression. A truth that would set us both free from our own hells. Only problem was, how the fuck do I tell him that I know? Only time will tell, I guess.

      Right before I left Voltaira, Caius had approached us to talk to me privately. Edward tried to stop be, but I was adamant about talking to him. He was curious about why I stood up for Edward, while managing to slip something into my bag. I discovered the book the day after we got back, but kept it hidden and a secret from them. It told of many prophecies and wonderful history that had never been told to humans and most vampires. I read it in secret for weeks, as the volume of the book was quite large. I was reading the last section of the book tonight.

       I sat at my desk reading the old text, as I had finished tonight's homework. I finally reached the last page, there was a envelope nestled into the book with my name in elegant script. I sat it aside to finish the last of the book, closing it minutes later. I returned the book to its hiding spot, then nestled back into my desk chair, anticipation brewing. The envelope contained three letters, one from each king.

      Dear Isabella,
              My sweet niece, I worry for your safety in the near future. Do not fret however, I have sent Jane and Alec to watch over you. I feel that I must protect you at any cost. Please, be careful. If you ever need to get ahold of me for any reason, either make your way to the forest alone and call for Jane/Alec or call me on my cell.
                   With much love, Aro Vulturi

      Short and to the point, seemingly almost unlike him. Aro struck me as a man that loved to talk, maybe it was because this topic displeased him. He enclosed his phone number, so I quickly saved it under a false name. After that I moved to the next letter.

    Sweet Bella,
           I know many things about you, some even you do not know yet. With a heavy heart I write to you, I see the bonds you harbor.
        Edward is not your mate, my dear. He is, however, Alice's true mate. Their bond was a burgundy red, this means that they have accepted and consumated the mating bond. My child, his bond to you was one that I see very rarely. His bond to you was black. He thinks of you as his possession, simply because you are his singer. Your real mate is closer than you think, be safe.
           With much love, Marcus Volturi

      Marcus had also left his number, so I stored it. His letter felt rushed, like the enthusiasm he lacked in person poured onto the page in a way that filled me with urgency. Quite the opposite of Aro.

             I will not sugar coat things for you. I want you safe and away from Edward. He is no good for you. I know Aro thinks of you like a niece, and Marcus thinks of you like a granddaughter. To me you are like my child, my own daughter. This is a new relationship in the many that have come and gone from my long existence, but I will protect you to the best of my ability. You are my daughter, even though its not by blood.
      You are welcome in the palace any time you like, as you are now the Princess of the vampire world. We will keep this under wraps until after you become a vampire. Aro and Marcus agreed that you can bring the friends you can trust with our supernatural secret with you here if you'd like. They will be given the choice of keeping the secret and staying human or being turned. This is a 'only for you' thing, and to be kept a secret.
            Your loving father, Caius Volturi

     Caius had also left a number. I reread his letter, feeling a sense of familial adoration that I hardly felt for anyone at this point. Charlie hardly talked to me, or even spent time with me now. Renee was always busy with a project or running around baseball games, or traveling the world with Phil; so we didn't really speak to each other anymore. Funny that I would feel more like a daughter to a Vampire that's at least a Millennium older than me, then to my own biological parents.

     My phone buzzed, pulling me from my thoughts.

Unknown number:
       Evenin' lil bit.

       Who is this, and how did you get my number?

Unknown number:
        I'm Peter Whitlock ma'am

       Jasper's brother? Why are you contacting me?

Unknown number:
       Your suspicions of the Pixie and Eddie boy are true lil bit. Their plannin' somthin'. I can't tell what but I know that it involves you and the Major.

     So what do we do Yoda?

Unknown number:
       Really, you too? You really are made for the Major. Y'all need ta get outta Forks within the next three weeks. Make ya way down here ta Texas, and bring Em and Rosie. They don't know about anything. Don't say anything ta the head of the coven, him and his mate are both gonna just push it off and forgive em'.

       OK. I'll get them aside and tell them to get their things. The others are going on a week long hunting trip in Alaska next week, so I'll do it then. Jay, Rose and Em are staying to 'Bella-sit' so that's just perfect timing. I'll tell my other babysitter's the plan once they leave, then go over and tell them.

      We said our goodbyes then I saved his number under Bestie. This was gonna be a long week, as it was only Monday night. I got ready for bed, but sleep evaded me until early morning.

Word count: 1252

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