6. The Last Day

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        When we entered the kitchen, the small conversations stopped. Em and Rose were by the counter, arms wrapped around eachother. Angie was sitting at the table eating and talking with a man and woman I had never met. The couple were facing away from me, but I could easily tell it was Peter and Char.

       Even though he was sitting down, I could tell that Peter was almost as tall as jasper. He had short hair, slightly longer than the modern military cut. Peter was wearing a black pearl snap, clasic blue jeans and boots. The woman obviously had to be Char because of how she wrapped herself around Peter. Her hair was to her shulders and she was quite small, slightly bigger than Alice.

      Before anyone could say anything my phone started playing 'King For A Day' by Pierce The Vail. Caius.


     Mia principessa. How are you?

     I'm alright. We made it to texas early this morning and I was so exhausted that I crashed immediately, else I would have introduced myself properly at least to Char and called you.

     Its fine dear. I just want to know why the hell Jane and Alec are back and why they refuse to let Aro touch them? Everytime he asks they decline and say to call you.

      That is because I told them to go back and that I didn't want them to tell Aro anything without me present. I told them to make you call me and if uncle Aro has a problem with that he can face my wrath. He knows damn well that the next time I see you all, I will not be human anymore.

     Did you hear that Aro? ... Oh dear, he ran from the throne room. Heh, who knew Aro would be afraid of my daughter? Heh heh.... anyways, thats all I needed to ask. Tell Jasper we need to have a nice chat when you come to see us, yes?

     I don't have to, he heard you dork. Hahah.

     Goddbye my dear. Be safe.

      Bye father, I will.

      The line went dead and Jasper started laughing. Em and Rose were trying to hold in thier laughter but failing miserably. Char was stairing at Peter like 'WTF?' and Peter was stairing at Jasper like 'your gonna regret laughing about this'. Angie was looking around the kitchen tying to figure out what was so funny.

     Morning. Sorry I didn't get to introduce myself to you properly Char, but with the circumstances I think you'd understand. Hey, spidey, don't start.

       Peter had started glaring at me and he was about to learn not to do that. There was gonna be consequences and, from the look that came over his face, he knew exactly what I was gonna do. Char put her head down and her hand over her mouth trying to silence the fountain of giggles that was streaming from her mouth. I sat down next to Angie and started eating.

      The discussion moved over to the topic of today. Our agenda was a bit hectic. After breakfast, we would be going for a last picnic out at the lake about half a mile to the east. We planned to spend most of the day there, enjoying the sun and swimming. Then we wanted to be turned at the same time, so we were going to start that after dinner.

   With the days plans sorted, Angie and me went to get our swimsuits. When we got back downstairs Peter was standing by the door holding a basket and blankets, Em and Rose were next to him, and Jasper was reentering the house nodding his head.

     The entire day sped passed without a hitch. The lake was gorgeous. Tall cliffs over hung the deep water of the lake, creating a slight cave like structure where the water and other natural elements had wore down the rock face. The food that was packed was fabulous. Instead of the usual sandwiches and chips; there was assorted fruits, croissants, biscuits, and many other delicious snacks.

     Soon, it was time to go back to the house. I could tell Angela was slightly nervous. While the others went to set things up for us in Jasper and mines room, I soothed her fears. After a phone call with father, she was calm and ready for the change. All to soon, they were back and ushering us up stairs.

       The plan was to use a 2 shot system. One of morphine to basically put us to sleep, and then use another to numb us. The second shot was typically used on women when having a cesarean. I hated needles but did it anyways. I almost didn't feel it when Jasper bit into my skin, but could note the slight change I felt start to take place as the venom started to work.

    As the venom started to burn and fix the multitude of past injuries, I wasn't able to move or talk. The plan working perfectly as time goes on. However, I couldn't open my eyes to check on Angie or my Jay.

    I faded in and out of reality as the venom worked through my body. Red and white. Red was reality. In reality I could feel and hear; feel the venom, feel Jasper holding my hand, hear the others talking. White was the imaginary. I couldn't feel or hear anything or anyone. It was like I was alseep durring parts of it. My theory was that it happened because of the meds we had used.

     I knew the proper amount of time for a human to change was three days. I had never heard of any cases of  it taking longer. The red and white was making it hard to measure time; so when I was in the red, I focused on my surroundings. I would listen to Jay talk to the others mostly.

    I was quite alarmed when Jay had voiced his concerns about the time it was taking us to change. 5 days. That was unusual. I started to panic, when a voice spoke in my mind. It urged me to calm myself and listen to it. She explained that she was a part of me, just like the major was a part of Jasper.

     I can't wait to wake up.

Word count: 1065

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