12. Dynamic Duo

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      Edward roared in anger, Alice vibrated with rage, Esme looked at Carlisle in shock, and Carlisle looked at Edward in acknowledgement. Caius let go of our hoods and they rested against our backs. I smirked and stepped forward. Edward, seeing our intertwined hands, let out another roar of anger. Jasper sent me a light wave of amusement, as I sent out a strong wave of calm to Jane and Alec.

      "Bella, love, their brainwashing you surely. Come here, lets go home." Edward's sweet voice was sickly. At one point in time, I would have been enthralled and listened without a second thought. I would have missed the subtlety hidden sneer and the condescending way he spoke to me, like I was no more than a small child. Jasper tightened his hold on my hand. 

      "Love? Me? Ha! do you remember leaving me in the woods behind my father's home chasing after you after you told me that I was nothing more than a game? You love me? Laughable. Your love gave me hypothermia, and left me in a catatonic state for a month. No, You love only power. You honestly thought you could keep me from the truth? From my true mate? Hate to tell you, but if you wanted that to happen... well you should of killed me when you had a chance Edward." I heard several growls echo across the room, the one that shocked me was from Carlisle.

     "You left her in the WOODS?!?" Jane and Alec screamed together. They had come to see me as their mother and took this as a personal insult. 

      Carlisle is a stoic and gentle man. Calm and collected, intelligent, bright, steadfast, and slow to anger. He prifed himself on his self contro, so to see him lose his shit... Well if I was still the subdued girl Edward used, I would have peed myself. Edward looked as if, if he could, he would be too. He looked murderous. He stalked over to Edward and, without warning nor care for his reputation as a pacifist, slammed his fist into Eddies face; throwing him across the room. Edward was up and back by Alice after a moment of fear induced hesitation; then tried to get to me again, this time through guilt.

     "Love you not honestly going to believe everything they've told you, are you! What about your mother? Your father?! Your friends back in Forks? I know you've already been changed; but with help and work on your diet, you could be safe to be around them again!" His melodious voice was desperate and wild. He was clinging to ghostly wisps of my former life.

      "My biological mother hasn't been in contact with me for almost a 2 years! My biological father worries more for his new girlfriend and her 2 shifter children, than he does about me. Friends?! Ha! You ran every potential friend off! You want me to change my diet?! I wont bow to you, or anyone else! I am the General! The Goddess of War! My mate is the Major, the God of War! If you think you or your little friends stand a chance of beating me or my mate, go to your little army. We will see who is the victor on the battlefield. I wont stop you, but I wont let you turn anymore innocent people for a pointless war." Edward growled, grabbed Alice's arm and ran from the throne room.

     There was silence for a moment. No one dared move. No one dared to breath. That is to say, until Peter opened his mouth with a 'Damn Bells.' The room broke out into chaos. There were roars of laughter and seas of cheers. Carlisle caught my eye and beckoned me over to them. Excusing myself from the dais, I made my way over to the vampiric doctor and his mate.

     "I want to apologize for the things that idiotic boy has done to you. I had no idea some of those things happened. I always thought he and Alice spent to much time together for them to only be siblings, but they were seeing other people so I let it go. I immensely regret that now." Carlisle spoke fast, more rushed than he had ever been in front of me.

     "It's no fault of yours, either of you. You were blinded the same damn way I was. Through the sweet voices and fake smiles. It is often our nature, human or no, to believe everyone capable of kindness and compassion." He inclined his head.

     "Bella, I've missed you my dear. How has everything been since you were changed? When were you changed?" Her mothering instincts always made me smile. She was the first woman to technically mother me, as my own mother was more a child than I was ever capable of.

     "It's been good, except my fifth damn near getting killed on the first day up. Me and Angela were changed at the same time, about a month ago. The change was slightly different for us as it took 5 days and Angie didn't wake until 10 minutes after me. Our change started the evening after we left forks, so roughly about the time you guys first got home." Their mouths hung open as they processed the information I just laid at their feet.

     Jasper walked over, as they tried to compose themselves. The others seemed to be celebrating along with the rest of the gaurd. Emmett and Rose were locked in quiet conversation with their heads close together. Didyme and Marcus were conversing with Aro, Caius, Anthedora, and Sulpicia; laughing occasionally. Jane and Alec were making their way out of the throne room along with everyone else, most likely for private time with their mates.

     After a few more hours of conversation, Jasper excused the both of us. Taking his hand, he led me from the throne room and to our private chambers. As we reached our destination, he spun around and claimed my lips with his own. He always tasted slightly different every time he kissed me and I figured out that it was connected to the gift we shared. When he was upset he tased like lemons and a bitter liquor. When he was happy he took on a sweet chocolate and honey taste.

**Warning!: slight lemon ahead!**

     He had been ever so gentlemanly when it came to being alone. We were taking things slowly, despite our alters getting irritated. They understood, however, that we wanted to learn more about the other before we laid together in a more intimate sense and kept their interactions mostly modest. We would let them out and, when we came back to the front, we would have to detangle our twisted limbs and try not to let the sexual positions they left us in effect us too much.

      Jasper opened the door and picked me up, winding my legs around his waist, without breaking the searinging kiss. He walked us in, closing the door with his foot, and placed me on the bed. His hands fluttered down my body in a way he had never done before, more intense. It was deliciously sinful, but it was also almost needy. As if he was desperate to touch every inch of my body to assess for injuries, and knowing him, it most likely was.

     The Major was out. I had yet to have more of a physical relationship with the Major, but knew he would respect whatever boundaries I set. Pushing on his chest lightly to get his attention, I resised the urge to let out the General; after a moment she stopped fighting to get out. He pulled back to look at me and tilted his head. His onyx eyes met mine in an explosion of vibrant color.

     "My Major. Its good to get to see you again." His eyes glinted mischievously as he smirked.

     "My beautiful Isabella. How has Jasper kept his hands to himself? Honestly woman, your sinful." His Southern accent sent shivers down my spine, causing his lopsided smirk to get wider. Two can play that game.

     "Oh trust me Major. Its difficult for the both of us. We both agreed to take it slow, but honestly its making us restless. I've almost just given up and joined him in the shower or something. But ya know... I might just say fuck it and get handsy if he doesn't soon." He grinned and kissed me again, rougher this time. He pulled lightly at the hair at the nape of my neck, earning a low groan of approval, as he made his way to the base of my throat.

     "Then allow me to let him back pet. I think you'll find he's having the same problems." With a last nip at my throat, I felt his aura shift again. He raised his head and kissed me, not bothering to detangle from me. I felt his hands roaming down my form, shivering now and again, as he pressed harder.

A/N: hehehe sorry just felt like a cliffhanger today. Should I make a steamy sceen?? Let me know in the comments!! Love y'all!

Word count: 1533

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