9. Arival

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A/n: Holy shit... 3 chapters in one week! Enjoy!

      Finally after 2 hours of waiting and small chit chat, Angie and Garrett got back to the house. Garrett was finally fully healed and coherent. The second they walked through the door, he approached me.

Garrett :
      So, your the Majors mate. Thank you for earlier. Angie explained what was going on with the Cullens and quite frankly, I'm disappointed and disgusted at it. She wouldn't tell me why you helped me recover to the point of being able to hunt for myself though.

Bella :
     I'm much stronger than my mate, wheither he realizes it or not. My alter goes by the General. Angie is my Admiral, Jay is my Major, Peter is my Captin, and Char is my Lieutenant. Em is my Commander and Rose is my Officer. You are Angies mate, therefore you are my Corporal.

Garret :
    Wait... so your entire family is basically an army?!

Jay :
    I didn't know that Rose and Em were a part of this actually.

     It makes some sense as to why they had to come along.

Garett :
     Is there a bigger picture to all of this?!

Peter :
     Yes, Bella has the book of Prophecies. She will explain when we reach Volterra.

Bella :
      The ranks go as such: me (Bella), Jay, Peter, Char, Angie, Garrett, Em, and then Rose. No one will question the placement. We are already packed and a jet is waiting for us. Yes, Ang I packed your things for you. We leave in an hour.

************ Le time skip ***********

     I could feel the disgusting lust coming off the humans through out the airport as we made our way through security. One of the men working security tried to do a search on Angie, but let her pass after he caught the looks Garrett and I were giving him. We quickly made our way to the jet without being stopped and greated Jane, Alec, felix, and Heidi.

     The plane ride was spent explaining everything to Garrett and cuddling with our mates. At one point blood was passed around to everyone in flasks to hold us over till we could hunt. Angela's phone rang for the first time since we left Forks, it was her brothers. Thay asked where she was, and if she was going to be back soon. She missed her brothers but wanted them to be kept from the reality of the choice she made. She had to tell them that she got accepted into college early and wasn't able to make it back. Her parents were going to be pissed, but that comes with the territory of having a pastor as a parent. She would keep in contact with them and, maybe in their future, would be told the truth.

      Finally we landed and gathered our things. It was after dark, meaning we could freely run to the palace. It took 10 minutes to reach the front door of the castle from the airport we landed at. Before anyone opened the door, it flew open and Caius struted out to great us.

    Bella! Finally your home! I can't get Marcus out of his room. He wont speak to anyone either. Do you think that you could try to retreave him?

      Yes, I'll give it a go, the others will go with you to the throne room and we will meet you there.

     Perfect, dear. Garrett joined you? Suprising.

    Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up ass. This is my mate, Angela.

      So this is the famed Angie. Nice to finally meet you dear.

    Nice to meet you too, Caius.

    I don't know the way to Marcus's room, so Jane is going to lead me there.

    Ok, see you in the throne room. Do you want us to explain about the Cullens?

    We already know. We've had our suspicions for many years. Thats why I gave Bella the book.


      Makes sense.

       Yes, I pulled her to the side when she was here to save Edward. I slipped the book into her bag. And wished her luck, before sending her on her way.

     I parted ways with the others, letting Jane lead me deeper into the castle.  I knew the reason for Marcus locking himself away. It was the anniversary of Didyme's death. He had her ashes in his room, next to the desk on a stand.

     Durring the battle with Maria, I stole all of the powers I could sense, leaving me about 30 in total. I had gained one power in particular that allowed me to bring back someone who died. It drained me of energy, but it would be usefull in making Marcus happy again. It would drain me significantly, puting me almost in a sleep like state for several hours, but I deemed it worth it.

      Jane stopped in front of his door, tuned to me, bowed, then left to the throne room. I knew he wouldn't answer me or open the door, so I used my shield to unlock the bolt. I slowly opened the door, entered, and shut the door behind me. When I entered the room, Marcus looked up at me suprised that I was able to enter. He asked me to leave him be, and I didn't answer.

     I took in how he was sitting at his desk. There was a book open on the desk that had been long forgotten and he had turned the chair to face Didyme's urn. Ignoring his request to leave, I made my way over to him. I kissed his forhead and made my way to the urn. I could feel his curiosity, but ignored what he was doing.

     I braced myself, picked up the urn and walked to the bed on the opposite side of the room.  The king sized bed had obviously not been used in a very long time. Marcus abandoned his chair, following me. I opened the urn and poured her ashes on the bed, then sat the urn by the bed. I placed my hand into the ashes and began the energy flow.

     I felt her body start to reform as my body collapsed. Marcus caught me and placed me beside her on the bed. My job was finished. It would take about 7 minutes for Didyme's body to completely reform and another 5 for her to wake up. It would take me about 2 hours to recover completly.

     I knew how Didyme really died, at the hands of Alice Cullen many years ago. She lied to Carlisle and Esmee about her age, as she was much older than either of them. Edward was the only one who knew the truth. Bringing back Didyme would be the only way to break Carlisle and Esme out of their relationship with the 'physic duo'.

Word count: 1145

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