3. Unforgiving Truth

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      Angela had made it to my house within 10 minutes, and we left for the Cullen's home. This is going to be hard. I figured that in order to explain why I brought Angela, I would bring in Jane and Alec in and call Ciaus to help. Then, I will call Peter to help explain the lies spun by the golden children. The drive to the Cullen's was quiet, she didn't ask why I needed her with me or attempt small talk. The silence wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. My tension was high and she could feel it, I vibrated with it.

When we got there, Emmett ran out at human pace and opened my door before I could. He hugged me, spinning me around in the air. I could hear Angela laugh, from the other side of the car, with Jasper and Rosalie.

     Put her down Em. you'll make her sick if you keep doing that.

     Sorry Belly-Bean!

     I just laughed and told him it was ok.

     Don't take it the wrong way, either of you... but why did you bring Angela?

      You'll find out in a minute. I need to talk to all of you and it's really not going to be pleasant. Mostly for me because I don't really know how to start, but It has to be done. I have a couple of people who will be here in like 5 minutes to help me explain some things, but I need you guys in the living room, it'll be easier.

      They looked at each other, then back to me. With a series of nods, they went inside. Rosalie sat with Emmett in the simple black chair, Jasper and Angela sat on opposite sides of the deluxe white couch. I stayed standing, pacing really, to stressed to sit. Soon the doorbell sounded telling me they were here. I said that I would get it, leaving them confused. When I rounded the corner back into the living room with my helpers, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett stiffened. They recognized the sent's of my guests.

      I know that you three (pointing at Rose, Em, and Jay) know each other. but this part of the talk is for Angie. I have special permission for this.

      What's going on Bella? What are you talking about?

     You'll understand in a few minutes, ok? I have to get someone on the phone for this part of the conversation.

      I pulled my phone out and looked for the hidden contact. It rang twice before the familiar voice answered.


     Timid as ever, are we?

     Bella! Oh it's good to hear from you. we were discussing your earlier visit just a bit ago.

      Hehe.... I'm glad to be a hot topic of conversation amongst you, but.. well I'm explaining to the others now. I need you to help me explain two things. 1. Why I have special Permission, and 2. What the fuck it's about. I have the other part of the expiation under control.

    He agreed, and I put him on speaker for Angela.

     So who are we explaining things to?

      Jasper, Rose, Emmett, and a friend of mine. Her name is Angela, I trust her with my life, so I'm calling in that favor.

      What the hell is going on Bella? How the hell do you have Caius Volturi's phone number? I honestly didn't think he had one, but that's beside the point.

      That is a good question, and I will answer it for her. She is now the Princess of the Voluri, but this is to be kept quiet for now. We will announce it after her change.

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